It was sucha a drama mama day yesterday. Baby saw someone plunged down from the 7th floor opp. his block. He felt so uneasy after that that he cancelled all his workout plans. Thank goodness that I'm not at his place.. else I will probably have nightmare too. That guy wasn't dead after that 'HEROIC' jump but I guess he'll have a hurtful leg as his leg was hit by the construction elevator.
SEcond drama event took place at my workplace. As it was my second last day at work, the HR department personnel asked if I wanna lengthened my internship which I nicely declined. I just felt that its time for me to get my ass off for a full time job. They then introduced me another position which pays me only $1700 which I declined again cause the position and pay doesnt interest me at all and my sis will probably SCREAM if I were to take up the position.
I told my dad abt it and obviously, he wasnt happy abt it. He wanted me to carry on with the job till I've found the next job. I was so confused at that moment... cause apparently.. my sis and daddy is giving me tons of DIFFERENT VIEWS!
Sister: wants me to find a big company job so that I can enjoy while working and the privileges will be better. She wants me to find a job that I really like.. and find the ROUTE that I want.
DAddy: Tell me not to bother about my sis... and get on with any job even though its a small company as long as I dun laze ard at home.
MYSELF: I'm trying very hard to find a job despite all the different views. Daddy and sis had been shouting at me.. to ensure that their views are right. I totally felt so lost cause I think they dun really know what I really want. All I want is to just find a marketing job that pays fairly well.. and work for the sake of my future.
Hearing all the views just made me feel so lost.. cause I dun feel MYSELF when looking for a job at all. Everytime I look for a job, I thought of my SIS... and everytime people intro me jobs.. I Thought of her again. I thought of how she will scream at me,telling me all the wrong moves and how great it is to BE in a bank. HAHA! YES! SHe have repeated that almost everytime. I don't deny the fact that her words are right.. but at times I felt that she is telling me based on her past experiences.. thus she neglected that fact that she learned through going into different environment which I wasnt really allowed to.
I knew all along.. she wants me to work for the bank just like her. WHO DOESNT WANT TO WORK FOR THE BANK? I'm TRYING too by sending in my online application but to no avail.. so I cant just rely solely on banks banks banks?
Gheesh... I'm very tired of thinking so much seriously. I'm envious of those who are allowed to take a 6mths break after graduation cause I cant foresee that to happen to me. Everywhere talks about EXPERIENCE... EXPERIENCE... and EXPERIENCES!!
ANd what is the expected salary for a fresh grad? $2,400 very high ah? Sigh... KILL ME PLEASE!!!
Ok.. shall stop my complaints. My dad had gotten an OMNIA 2! I'm able to use it someday!! WOOTS!!!
LAst day of work today! Lets pray that time will pass faster.. and I can meet Mr Sherlock Homes SOON!! Woo hoo!!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Bring back... bring back... BRING BACK my soul to me to me...
I was already feeling lethargic after work yesterday.. but I had a wake to attend. Its my Zhor zhor(Great grandma) wake and yeap.. I had to pay my respect to her yesterday by doing the rituals and stuff. I mus admit that I'm not very close to her cause I totally had no idea who she was in fact. All I knew is that she adopted my grandma and she is living till the age of 100. She died due to old age problem such as... RESPIRATORY disfunction and she is as healthy as a bull. SHe was on the chinese paper due to her 100 yrs of age! :) DAMN SAT right!!
And so, I only got to sleep at 1am last night. I was still in dreamland when the alarm clock rang. In fact, EVERYONE in my family was still lala-ing in they lala-land. I only manage to wake up at 7.15am! GRR!!! I seriously wonder how I used to PARTY till 2 plus 3am in the past when there's work the next day. HA HA HA!!
I totally left my soul at home for today. Moodless to do anything. My boss is coming back today to check on my work.. and YEA... she's giving me MORE work and task to complete by a day I assume. Ah... shall bear with it for another 1.5 days.. and I'm all done! I seriously envious all the aunties here sometimes.. THEY are always so enthu..
GTG.. boss is here..
And so, I only got to sleep at 1am last night. I was still in dreamland when the alarm clock rang. In fact, EVERYONE in my family was still lala-ing in they lala-land. I only manage to wake up at 7.15am! GRR!!! I seriously wonder how I used to PARTY till 2 plus 3am in the past when there's work the next day. HA HA HA!!
I totally left my soul at home for today. Moodless to do anything. My boss is coming back today to check on my work.. and YEA... she's giving me MORE work and task to complete by a day I assume. Ah... shall bear with it for another 1.5 days.. and I'm all done! I seriously envious all the aunties here sometimes.. THEY are always so enthu..
GTG.. boss is here..
Saturday, December 26, 2009
BAbe... I know u have been reading my bloggie.. Hehe!! Have a fun holiday at Taiwan.. and do meet me up SOON k? Missing u very badly.
Merry Christmas and happy Boxing Day
My X'mas party was a great one.. How's urs?
It's once again christmas day. This year was abit special as we have chosen to celebrate this special festive with the bros at Joanna's Lye Restaurant called 'JollyFrog'. It was a day filled with lovely surprises and fun. We played True or dare and did our gift exchanged. Received quite a number of gifts this year especially from my lovely sonny(Kooichi) who gave us all a cup which was hand made by him and his gf with our names on it. It ended with all smiles on each and everyone faces. Super lovely celebration!! <-More photos in FB->
Stayed over at baby's place till now. We did nothing on Xmas day and boxing day. The weather was too nice to be missed... and we slept like there's no tmr. Darling had gotten himself Modern Warfare 2 for his xmas gift. The room is filled with gunshots sounds and GO GO GO!! I was even greeted with it in the morning. A little annoying but cute cause he tried his best to turn down to vol to a min. of 2 to let me have my sleep. I tried to learn how to play in order to accompany him but well.. I guessed I failed!
Work is ending in 3 days time. Gonna start looking for a job soon... 2010 is reaching soon... I have set my resolutions!! :)
It's once again christmas day. This year was abit special as we have chosen to celebrate this special festive with the bros at Joanna's Lye Restaurant called 'JollyFrog'. It was a day filled with lovely surprises and fun. We played True or dare and did our gift exchanged. Received quite a number of gifts this year especially from my lovely sonny(Kooichi) who gave us all a cup which was hand made by him and his gf with our names on it. It ended with all smiles on each and everyone faces. Super lovely celebration!! <-More photos in FB->
Stayed over at baby's place till now. We did nothing on Xmas day and boxing day. The weather was too nice to be missed... and we slept like there's no tmr. Darling had gotten himself Modern Warfare 2 for his xmas gift. The room is filled with gunshots sounds and GO GO GO!! I was even greeted with it in the morning. A little annoying but cute cause he tried his best to turn down to vol to a min. of 2 to let me have my sleep. I tried to learn how to play in order to accompany him but well.. I guessed I failed!
Work is ending in 3 days time. Gonna start looking for a job soon... 2010 is reaching soon... I have set my resolutions!! :)
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Shut off!
My mind is currently SHUT OFF now. Totally not functioning like how I want it to be. I was suppose to show my supervisor on my progress.. but she's still having a meeting. HOw great...!! gonna spend my OT time waiting for her to complete her meeting. Guess she has already forgotten about my work.
Mummy is out and no one is gonna prepare dinner for me even baby had his dinner plans without me. I wanna drive out to grab my dinner but going alone kinda bores me. I need to get xmas gift by tmr... but work is like damn TIRING for me to proceed to any other places.
I really... wanna have a short short break!
Gonna get Panasonic Lumix LX3! Ooo... super cant wait!!
Mummy is out and no one is gonna prepare dinner for me even baby had his dinner plans without me. I wanna drive out to grab my dinner but going alone kinda bores me. I need to get xmas gift by tmr... but work is like damn TIRING for me to proceed to any other places.
I really... wanna have a short short break!
Gonna get Panasonic Lumix LX3! Ooo... super cant wait!!
Monday, December 21, 2009
2 yr 4 mths anniversary
How time flies aeh? Its 2 yrs 4 mths are endurance and love with the naughty boy. I must say that I really been through alot in this relationship.. and I definitely learn ALOT during the whole process.
the past:
I'm always a very well-known sticky gf who just can't leave without the love one. Quarrels are like ALWAYS in every relationship due to such cases. I just couldnt take it when my bf wants to have a man's night with his friends. My endurance level are very low in the past.. I would get very pissed with the slightest shit and WOULD ALWAYS WANT TO WIN in every quarrel!! hahaha!! Going out with guys are the ONLY way to spite the bf off!!
But that was ALL in the past!
The current me:
I have definitely changed to a more understanding gf. There are times when I understand that he needs his freedom and fun with his BROTHERS.. and so I always let him out even though he asked me for permission(I didnt make him do that..) out of his own will. I guess he thinks that its a form of respect.. and I'm pretty happy with that. His doting skills had made me treasure him more... and understand his needs and difficulties. Jokes between the both of us have increased tremendously and I'm happy that we are laughing more than FIGHTING. We can start a quarrel and then end off in 5 mins with a big laughter! I'm starting to play apart in his family as I tried to engage conversation with his parents... this filial son... joins the parents for dinner almost EVERY week.. and I'm glad that I'm being accepted in the family! :)
I'm happy that I have tried to get him as my bf after so much drama. Seriously, I havent knew anybody that been through so much up n down like me yet. I really love what I am and have now. BABY LEE... I love love love love u so muchie!!
the past:
I'm always a very well-known sticky gf who just can't leave without the love one. Quarrels are like ALWAYS in every relationship due to such cases. I just couldnt take it when my bf wants to have a man's night with his friends. My endurance level are very low in the past.. I would get very pissed with the slightest shit and WOULD ALWAYS WANT TO WIN in every quarrel!! hahaha!! Going out with guys are the ONLY way to spite the bf off!!
But that was ALL in the past!
The current me:
I have definitely changed to a more understanding gf. There are times when I understand that he needs his freedom and fun with his BROTHERS.. and so I always let him out even though he asked me for permission(I didnt make him do that..) out of his own will. I guess he thinks that its a form of respect.. and I'm pretty happy with that. His doting skills had made me treasure him more... and understand his needs and difficulties. Jokes between the both of us have increased tremendously and I'm happy that we are laughing more than FIGHTING. We can start a quarrel and then end off in 5 mins with a big laughter! I'm starting to play apart in his family as I tried to engage conversation with his parents... this filial son... joins the parents for dinner almost EVERY week.. and I'm glad that I'm being accepted in the family! :)
I'm happy that I have tried to get him as my bf after so much drama. Seriously, I havent knew anybody that been through so much up n down like me yet. I really love what I am and have now. BABY LEE... I love love love love u so muchie!!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
I'm a laniege girl in a laneige world...
I've finally found some moolahs and time to get my laneige products. OMGness.. totally felt like a tai tai today.. Super happy!! I'm so gonna blog about all the laneige products that I've owned! WootS!!
I've always been a fan of laneige since the day a gf of mine introduced me... the very adorable and lovely and USEFUL... foundation which also looks like a HANDPHONE to me! Hehe...

This foundation had totally served me VERY well. It not only help me protect the sunrays.. but also gave off a very lovely smell when applied. My mum was asking me the other time if I have applied perfume on my face even. Isetan was having some sale the other time.. and I bought another one even when I haven't finished half of it. It took me.. almost 9 mths in order to see the base of the foundation and mind u... My face is pretty BIG! Gee!!
Another reason that I was hooked to Laneige products was also because of its lovely snowy packaging. Its too princessy to be rejected. THen.. there was this make-up guru that rave all about her Laneige product(searched for Bubz Beauty in youtube!) and I was so interested in the laneige facial foam that she's using that I bought... THIS!!

Om... HEAVENLY!! The facial foam was really fantastic!! It have this strawberry smell when u're washing ur face and on top of that... it's a MAKE UP REMOVER as well! I have bought the one with the micro beads even though they have a latest facial foam that has the same contents but no micro beads. It cost pretty reasonable too... 42 bucks if I'm not wrong and the tube is huge!!
I must admit that I'm a person that wouldnt dare to splurge on facial products UNLESS its super duper good.. so what I actually did was.. to get free samples from Laneige. Very cheapo pok right.. but WHAT TO DO... its my FACE and MONEY lei.. of course must try until SONG first what!! THe staff in Laneige are very friendly too.. they always give ALOT of samples especially when u bought something from them (must always remember to ask for it!!). SO.. when I bought my products today which cost me $180+.. they throw me a free water bank mask(small one la).

The amount of samples I have collected.. Heh heh heh... super kiasu right!! But well... I end up being their loyal customer OK!! Interested with what I have spent on TODAY??

I bought a liquid foundation which has whitening effects and its super duper CUTE!! It comes with a shimmer! THeres another one that comes with concealer...

Bought a black shimmer eyeshadow too. Well.. I know its a little dumb to buy a $25 eyeshadow.. but I had to hit the amt to get the free gift pack. :) Darling paid for it!! :)

The serum! Hehe... Totally fell in love with it after sampling! Helps to blemish your face. Super good cause it has some moisture effect. Love the scent.

The night mask!! I must tell u this WONDERFUL NIGHT MASK! IT seriously does some miracles. I totally felt my face turned SHINY on the very next morning... Totally love the smoothness of my face! The bottle is pretty huge too.. Totally worth the price!! $40 plus only.. and its their newest product! Must BUY!!!

The lovely free gift that they have given me. It comes with a big bag too! The bag abit obiang I must say.. but nvm la.. still can use!! I gave the gift set to mummy since she love the scent of it. SHE is totally loving it too I guess.
FYI.. they even have free samples for CONCEALER which I have it too!! Hahahah...
Enough of showing off my products..

HEhe... Darling's mum had gotten me a HUGEASS da bao! ITs bigger than my HAND!!
I've always been a fan of laneige since the day a gf of mine introduced me... the very adorable and lovely and USEFUL... foundation which also looks like a HANDPHONE to me! Hehe...
This foundation had totally served me VERY well. It not only help me protect the sunrays.. but also gave off a very lovely smell when applied. My mum was asking me the other time if I have applied perfume on my face even. Isetan was having some sale the other time.. and I bought another one even when I haven't finished half of it. It took me.. almost 9 mths in order to see the base of the foundation and mind u... My face is pretty BIG! Gee!!
Another reason that I was hooked to Laneige products was also because of its lovely snowy packaging. Its too princessy to be rejected. THen.. there was this make-up guru that rave all about her Laneige product(searched for Bubz Beauty in youtube!) and I was so interested in the laneige facial foam that she's using that I bought... THIS!!
Om... HEAVENLY!! The facial foam was really fantastic!! It have this strawberry smell when u're washing ur face and on top of that... it's a MAKE UP REMOVER as well! I have bought the one with the micro beads even though they have a latest facial foam that has the same contents but no micro beads. It cost pretty reasonable too... 42 bucks if I'm not wrong and the tube is huge!!
I must admit that I'm a person that wouldnt dare to splurge on facial products UNLESS its super duper good.. so what I actually did was.. to get free samples from Laneige. Very cheapo pok right.. but WHAT TO DO... its my FACE and MONEY lei.. of course must try until SONG first what!! THe staff in Laneige are very friendly too.. they always give ALOT of samples especially when u bought something from them (must always remember to ask for it!!). SO.. when I bought my products today which cost me $180+.. they throw me a free water bank mask(small one la).
The amount of samples I have collected.. Heh heh heh... super kiasu right!! But well... I end up being their loyal customer OK!! Interested with what I have spent on TODAY??
I bought a liquid foundation which has whitening effects and its super duper CUTE!! It comes with a shimmer! THeres another one that comes with concealer...
Bought a black shimmer eyeshadow too. Well.. I know its a little dumb to buy a $25 eyeshadow.. but I had to hit the amt to get the free gift pack. :) Darling paid for it!! :)
The serum! Hehe... Totally fell in love with it after sampling! Helps to blemish your face. Super good cause it has some moisture effect. Love the scent.
The night mask!! I must tell u this WONDERFUL NIGHT MASK! IT seriously does some miracles. I totally felt my face turned SHINY on the very next morning... Totally love the smoothness of my face! The bottle is pretty huge too.. Totally worth the price!! $40 plus only.. and its their newest product! Must BUY!!!
The lovely free gift that they have given me. It comes with a big bag too! The bag abit obiang I must say.. but nvm la.. still can use!! I gave the gift set to mummy since she love the scent of it. SHE is totally loving it too I guess.
FYI.. they even have free samples for CONCEALER which I have it too!! Hahahah...
Enough of showing off my products..
HEhe... Darling's mum had gotten me a HUGEASS da bao! ITs bigger than my HAND!!
Monday, December 14, 2009
2 days MC!
Buddy's wedding was great. Everyone enjoyed it as much as the groom I supposed! Everyone started table hopping to have their chit chats. I must really consider myself very lucky to be able to table hopped while darling had his. Everyone dressed well last night.. although I felt that I was attending a PROM night instead. Haha.... but well... we respect Kervin and therefore explains the dress code.
I had a teeny weeny bit too much on the wines.. and had a bad tummy ache when I was about to set off for work. It had always been lidat.. TOO MUCH WINE == stomach very very pain!! I was about to go to work when MC started to distract me a little.. and TATA... 2 days MC given by the doctor. :)
Hm.. so after attending my first WEDDING invitation, I must say that.. the wedding anxiety had gotten into me. Everyone was asking everyone when will be their turn and who's next? Obviously, I won't want the next person to be ME but neither do I want it to take darn long to happen. I'm glad that baby had ensure me that he will try harder to earn that $$$ for wedding!! *yippie* though I know he was merely saying to make me happy! Hahaha..
I kinda miss everyone now.. how I wish there will be another meet up session soon! :)
I had a teeny weeny bit too much on the wines.. and had a bad tummy ache when I was about to set off for work. It had always been lidat.. TOO MUCH WINE == stomach very very pain!! I was about to go to work when MC started to distract me a little.. and TATA... 2 days MC given by the doctor. :)
Hm.. so after attending my first WEDDING invitation, I must say that.. the wedding anxiety had gotten into me. Everyone was asking everyone when will be their turn and who's next? Obviously, I won't want the next person to be ME but neither do I want it to take darn long to happen. I'm glad that baby had ensure me that he will try harder to earn that $$$ for wedding!! *yippie* though I know he was merely saying to make me happy! Hahaha..
I kinda miss everyone now.. how I wish there will be another meet up session soon! :)
Sunday, December 6, 2009
A happy day with the Family!
As baby had to do his last minute revision for his last paper, I was home on a Sunday to be with my family. Though I really dread being home on Sunday as daddy always make it a compulsory thing to head to grandma's place for visitation.. on every sunday evening... BUT NOT TODAY!
Remember in my previous post which I said.. I hope that money will drop from sky.. for me to spent? Heh heh heh... it came true. My uncle just gave me a $150 voucher from Parkway parade. Woo hoo and on top of that.. daddy just gave me my allowance! WOOTS!! Now.. I have slightly more to spend for christmas...
Accompanied my sis to get her stuff in town. Shopping with her.. has always been for XMAS shopping for her friends. Damn tiring to squeeze my ass out of the crowd.. and snatching those last pieces away from others. I bought nothing in the end.. but I think I will buy something very soon when I'm shopping with dear on Friday.
Alright.. I gtg!
Remember in my previous post which I said.. I hope that money will drop from sky.. for me to spent? Heh heh heh... it came true. My uncle just gave me a $150 voucher from Parkway parade. Woo hoo and on top of that.. daddy just gave me my allowance! WOOTS!! Now.. I have slightly more to spend for christmas...
Accompanied my sis to get her stuff in town. Shopping with her.. has always been for XMAS shopping for her friends. Damn tiring to squeeze my ass out of the crowd.. and snatching those last pieces away from others. I bought nothing in the end.. but I think I will buy something very soon when I'm shopping with dear on Friday.
Alright.. I gtg!
Friday, December 4, 2009
My cramps was acting again this morning. I knew I have to gobble some painkillers before I pronounce DEAD on the bed. I was at baby place and obviously.. I wasnt prepared. Thank goodness that I have a super thoughtful boyfren! He went down to the econ minimart alone to get the Menstruation Painkillers for me.. and on top of that.. he had gotten my favourite oilment (the one that had a ad saying: Gang Chai wo hai PuT le yi shen).. without me telling him. I felt so loved for that moment.
Tummy feeling so much better already. The magic of painkillers!! ITs almost instant that the pain just go away for GOOD with just 2 panadols. I have so much to do for the week ahead.. WORK, Eyebrown threading, shopping, meeting up and Kervin's wedding. Money money money.... please drop from the sky!
Work has been pretty alright.. just a little tired at times! People there are getting wierder and wierder.. but I totally conclude that the working environment doesnt really suit me at all even though the work is getting easier and easier(I hope!)!
Dinner last night with lala was great. Manage to talk anything under the moon. How I wish such times can be done every now and then...
Alright.. gtg now! Super sian!
Tummy feeling so much better already. The magic of painkillers!! ITs almost instant that the pain just go away for GOOD with just 2 panadols. I have so much to do for the week ahead.. WORK, Eyebrown threading, shopping, meeting up and Kervin's wedding. Money money money.... please drop from the sky!
Work has been pretty alright.. just a little tired at times! People there are getting wierder and wierder.. but I totally conclude that the working environment doesnt really suit me at all even though the work is getting easier and easier(I hope!)!
Dinner last night with lala was great. Manage to talk anything under the moon. How I wish such times can be done every now and then...
Alright.. gtg now! Super sian!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
My last fight.. with the exams.
Today was the MOMENT of TRUTH. It was a rather special day I would say.. cause this was the first time I had to face the result in office, I have no phone to use if I happen to need any listening ear and I'm in the OFFICE! Hahaha! I wasn't feeling good at work either. My heart was pounding and the eager to head home is like so huge that I felt like faking an illness or something. I resort to using web messaging to sms my dearest to gain some consultation or care.. but he kept wanting to view my results b4 me which I obviously wouldn't let it happen.
Finally, at 5pm, my other friends who are interns viewed theirs and was happy with it. I was TEMPTED to check it out too.. and thus after I pee(just in case I LAO JIO!).. I went to view those results. The internet connection was super FAST during those moments(and I dunno why!!).. and VIOLA... 2 Dists for GM and DC and 2 Cr for SS and SM! Borrowed a phone from my fren to call baby up for the good news.. and he was so happy for me that he said.. WAH!! YOUR BEST RESULTS SO FAR!! -_-!!!
Alot of my frens made it too... and I m obviously so very happy for them! So what's next? Finish the internship, get my ass off and look for a decent job which might probably take 6 mths!! Haha...
Finally, at 5pm, my other friends who are interns viewed theirs and was happy with it. I was TEMPTED to check it out too.. and thus after I pee(just in case I LAO JIO!).. I went to view those results. The internet connection was super FAST during those moments(and I dunno why!!).. and VIOLA... 2 Dists for GM and DC and 2 Cr for SS and SM! Borrowed a phone from my fren to call baby up for the good news.. and he was so happy for me that he said.. WAH!! YOUR BEST RESULTS SO FAR!! -_-!!!
Alot of my frens made it too... and I m obviously so very happy for them! So what's next? Finish the internship, get my ass off and look for a decent job which might probably take 6 mths!! Haha...
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
the working life
Working life had totally changed me. In the past, I would always nag whenever it has been more than 3 days of not seeing baby. BUT today(which is the 3rd day), I have totally forgotten about the anxiety to meet him.. even though I wont be meeting him tmr still. All I yearn for is a good comfortable sleep on my bed. I would simply just rush home for dinner right after work. I don't even have the energy to set foot to Junction 8 or anything.. JUST HOME!!
Work has been rather ALRIGHT still. I'm still getting used to SAP and pivoting. I'm totally feeling so regretful of not learning what SAP is all about during poly days and now I'm facing a big trouble. I'm always so inqusitive at work.. and for the very first time.. I'm WILLING to learn. I'm WILLING to run around tables just to ask for help. I'm willing to use my BRAIN at last!! Hahaha!!
Results are out tmr. I'm totally too shagged to think about brooding over it. The figures in the screen does make my headache SPLITS! My tummy isnt feeling too good either.. its always so bloated and.. painful. need to sleep... before I go.. DO WISH ME LUCK!! Thanks!
Work has been rather ALRIGHT still. I'm still getting used to SAP and pivoting. I'm totally feeling so regretful of not learning what SAP is all about during poly days and now I'm facing a big trouble. I'm always so inqusitive at work.. and for the very first time.. I'm WILLING to learn. I'm WILLING to run around tables just to ask for help. I'm willing to use my BRAIN at last!! Hahaha!!
Results are out tmr. I'm totally too shagged to think about brooding over it. The figures in the screen does make my headache SPLITS! My tummy isnt feeling too good either.. its always so bloated and.. painful. need to sleep... before I go.. DO WISH ME LUCK!! Thanks!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Results are releasing on this coming Thursday! Sigh... I felt veyr pessimistic suddenly. I know I m going to flunk that stupid Communication skills thanks to my... not-hardworking-attitude! I wish I have never need to do this damn paper.. cause apparently majority of it comes from the textbook and.. I have studied almost everything from the NOTES instead! shit!
I thought I can party a little more this week.. but with the sudden pessimitic thoughts... I guess I shall just hug my bolster tight and pray to god that I really want a PASS for that module!! PLease god.. I have been a rather good girl this mth, please fulfil my wish.
I wasnt feeling well since Friday. My tummy hurts like as if there were 10000 needles poking. Vicks scent was almost everywhere in baby's room.. cause this sweet lovely of mine.. went to look for oilment for my poor tummy but could only find vicks. Sad to say.. it just wouldnt go away till.. I reached home. I applied some oilment on it... and it is slightly better now. Alright.. i gtg rest now. Work is starting on Tuesday! -_-!!!
I thought I can party a little more this week.. but with the sudden pessimitic thoughts... I guess I shall just hug my bolster tight and pray to god that I really want a PASS for that module!! PLease god.. I have been a rather good girl this mth, please fulfil my wish.
I wasnt feeling well since Friday. My tummy hurts like as if there were 10000 needles poking. Vicks scent was almost everywhere in baby's room.. cause this sweet lovely of mine.. went to look for oilment for my poor tummy but could only find vicks. Sad to say.. it just wouldnt go away till.. I reached home. I applied some oilment on it... and it is slightly better now. Alright.. i gtg rest now. Work is starting on Tuesday! -_-!!!
Friday, November 27, 2009
shopping shopping!
I was bloghopping around and realise that majority of my girlfriends are getting back the BLOGSHOPPING addiction again. I must totally admit that blogshopping addiction is hard to kill and once u start on it.. U CAN NEVER STOP IT!
I've got a good friend whom I wanna award her for... QUEEN OF BLOGSHOPPING! She's like the PERSON to asked for for any blogshopping tips. She has been members of MANY mailing list. She even set an email address just for blogshopping sites so that she will be well-informed of all the new updates. And she dun add just any CHUP-PA-LANG blogshops.. she only choose those GOT TASTE ones! She's like the only fren I heard that bought 2 shoes of the SAME colour and designs( just that one has heels and one doesn't).. I find it rather hilarious yet cute when she told me the story of why she bought them! Because of her.. I was addicted to blogshopping!! Chatting with her online will always end up with website addresses being exchanged to confirm about the worthiness of it. I must really admit that because of her lovely existance.... I manage to RELIEVE STRESS during my exams!!
OK.. so I will now introduce some of the websites which I totally adore! Sigh... they should pay me for advertorial!! Just click on the pictures to enter their site.
I know that TAIWAN SPREES are like damn effing LONG to wait but then they are TOO chio Not to be bought. So if u're just like me who got addicted with some of the taiwan pieces.. here's one website that u can purchase from... I think that their website are rather professional compared to those BLOGSPOT ones...
I've bought THIS!! Dun worry babes.. I know that it seems quite long for me... but I have checked the measurements.. JUST NICE!! Saddest part is... I have to wait like... 3 weeks for it! -_-!!! BUT BUT BUT.... at least the 10% off does TEMPT ME to splurge those moolahs!!
OK! babes who do blogshopping will NEVER not know about Bonitochico. They are like the QUeen of blogshops! They even hold a beauty pageant. I have yet to purchase from them yet.. cause apparently.. their clothes are quite expensive and WORST was... they are always on backorder before I can purchase them. So, if you really like their clothes VERY VERY much.. please join their mailing list and start clicking on the site when it updates. I remember myself together with my blogshopping queen fren ON STANDBY WHEN they launch one of their collection. HA ha ha... but we end up not liking any pieces of them. HA ha ha!!
I happened to come across this site when I was doing my blogshopping in SGFLEA. The name kinda attracted me to visit their site. It was pretty tough to remember their site actually... I managed to remember the website just because I made a purchase from them only to realise to OOS again!! Still.. I do love their clothes and the layout of the site.
Lollyrouge!! I have bought 1 dress from them b4. Quality not bad.. and the prices are RATHER reasonable. The model also very chio.. she resembles Jacelyn Tay(whatever it is spelt!)! Saw her once in some flea.. she still look that chio just abit dao! Haha! Lollyrouge clothes are getting quite abit queer for me... but their clothes are mostly grabbed fresh from oven aeh! Always OOS too(Though I dunno why too...)
Panda with pistols I can't seems to grab their photos.. so maybe you girls can try entering their link to check out the clothes ba. I understand that there's a model who looks pretty gothic.. but well.. the clothes are pretty chio la! I bought one dress from that site too... but.. it's not here yet after a mth. Hope it arrives asap.. b4 I start to blacklist the site. Kinda pissed that she's emailed us only ONCE to tell us that the shipment has some problems and hopes that it arrives during the weekend! IT's already the WEEKEND... but there's NO UPDATES!!
That's about it even though I have many more sites to introduce. Well.. if u girls really want me to intro more of it.. then please tag and TELL ME! I will then ask my Queen of blogshopping to give me more sites and her experiences as well!! HA!! I gtg now.. baby is hurrying me to have dinner! Bye!!
Oh... btw.. my primary six pupil had gotten her psle results. I'm very satisfied with it... 2Cs, 1B and 1A!! Woo......
I've got a good friend whom I wanna award her for... QUEEN OF BLOGSHOPPING! She's like the PERSON to asked for for any blogshopping tips. She has been members of MANY mailing list. She even set an email address just for blogshopping sites so that she will be well-informed of all the new updates. And she dun add just any CHUP-PA-LANG blogshops.. she only choose those GOT TASTE ones! She's like the only fren I heard that bought 2 shoes of the SAME colour and designs( just that one has heels and one doesn't).. I find it rather hilarious yet cute when she told me the story of why she bought them! Because of her.. I was addicted to blogshopping!! Chatting with her online will always end up with website addresses being exchanged to confirm about the worthiness of it. I must really admit that because of her lovely existance.... I manage to RELIEVE STRESS during my exams!!
OK.. so I will now introduce some of the websites which I totally adore! Sigh... they should pay me for advertorial!! Just click on the pictures to enter their site.
I know that TAIWAN SPREES are like damn effing LONG to wait but then they are TOO chio Not to be bought. So if u're just like me who got addicted with some of the taiwan pieces.. here's one website that u can purchase from... I think that their website are rather professional compared to those BLOGSPOT ones...

Panda with pistols I can't seems to grab their photos.. so maybe you girls can try entering their link to check out the clothes ba. I understand that there's a model who looks pretty gothic.. but well.. the clothes are pretty chio la! I bought one dress from that site too... but.. it's not here yet after a mth. Hope it arrives asap.. b4 I start to blacklist the site. Kinda pissed that she's emailed us only ONCE to tell us that the shipment has some problems and hopes that it arrives during the weekend! IT's already the WEEKEND... but there's NO UPDATES!!
That's about it even though I have many more sites to introduce. Well.. if u girls really want me to intro more of it.. then please tag and TELL ME! I will then ask my Queen of blogshopping to give me more sites and her experiences as well!! HA!! I gtg now.. baby is hurrying me to have dinner! Bye!!
Oh... btw.. my primary six pupil had gotten her psle results. I'm very satisfied with it... 2Cs, 1B and 1A!! Woo......
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
At times I think that I've pampered my bf way too much. On Tuesday, after his papers, I've decided to pick him up from the station to my place to have a good home-cooked food by my mum. Despite the major conjestion at the taxi-stand, I still made my way down to pick him up like a super doting gf!! Mummy was being really nice to him too to whip him a good wanton noodle with fruits to accomodate his appetite.
ALright alright... he have been a very good bf too when he switch on 光陰的故事 on youtube for me. The occasional small talks and hugs+kisses during his very short study breaks and the occasional care and concern about my thirst and boredom does show the affection for me too.
I really do hope that such pampering for each other will be like EVER and EVER! Work starting soon and so are results coming soon. I'm so not confident! sigh.. really need loads of praying and luck! Totally hate windy days.. now my tummy hurts like mad. needa sleep!
ALright alright... he have been a very good bf too when he switch on 光陰的故事 on youtube for me. The occasional small talks and hugs+kisses during his very short study breaks and the occasional care and concern about my thirst and boredom does show the affection for me too.
I really do hope that such pampering for each other will be like EVER and EVER! Work starting soon and so are results coming soon. I'm so not confident! sigh.. really need loads of praying and luck! Totally hate windy days.. now my tummy hurts like mad. needa sleep!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
A post I promised
since I'm have nothing much to do now.. I shall post some really lovely photos of St.Regis!
The stay was seriously the best indulgence I ever had in my whole entire life. A 6 star hotel in SINGAPORE... Wooo... when will I ever ever ever have this chance again? The first step into the hotel was greeted with alot of rich tais tais and businessman. LVs and gucci are spotted at every corner in the hotel. There's even LV luggages!! I'm very sure they are authentics! I felt a little inferior looking at them as I had only a Longchamp bag and a gucci wallet to flaunt. Ha!
Then I was brought to my room by a employer and she was explaining about the hotel functions and stuff along the way. I was pretty shock when I heard.. FREE SPA.. and free BUTLER SERVICES!! I confirmed with her again.. and she acknowledged that it is TOTALLY FREE!! *yeap.. u can expect how happy and exhilarated I am* Without any hesistation, i brought mummy down to the spa. I must admit that it was my virgin time in the spa area. I know nothing about the operations and procedures and had to have someone to explain to me about the facilities AGAIN! I was pretty taken aback when I saw people wearing nothing while enjoying the hot jacuzzi session. I wouldnt dare to FLAUNT my not very valuable assets.. and therefore I had my bikinis on. Even my mum... HAD HER BIKINIs on!! YEs... very LAO HIPPIE!
I wasnt really allow to take photos.. but well.. >.<
After a good spa session, we went back to our hotel room.. to enjoy the hot bath. I was quite surprised to see that they had such a cool shower heads for bathing. I wasnt very sure how to operate it AT FIRST... and after I realise its functions... I WAS stuck at the shower area for 45 mins!! DAMN DAMN SONG!!!
Just see how complicated that shower head were!! No joke right??
They have a bathtub too.. with a TV to enjoy while bathing. My godbrother enjoyed himself with Xiao Ding Dang while bathing! :)
SEE how the water flows!! I totally stood there while enjoying the water splashing on top of my head and.. directly onto my face. Haha... I think it was suppose to be splashing on the tummy area.. but due to my height.. it shot at my FACE!! HAHAHHA!!! BUT I SWEAR... I m so gonna have such shower head in my house next time! HAHA...
I called for the butler service to brew hot EARL GREY tea and coffee for mummy. I was again.. SHOCK to see how exquisite the tea set were. I totally felt like a PRINCESS!! On top of that, boss equipments were used to LISTEN to JAZZ musics that they played for 24hrs!! Woo.... TOTALLY IN LOVE!!

Here are the concept of the room.

A very nice welcome chocolate that taste so lovely and sinful at the same time!-_-!!!
The intimate kit for YOU-KNOW-WHAT la. I was laughing my ass off... when I saw this......
A price to pay b4 a good TIME. Mummy was telling me that its for those people who just COULDN'T wait!! HAHA!!

My din din at some restaurant. Virgin time eating this russian soup! It taste great!!
Its me with my very adorable god brother. He's really a Karate kid when he's sleeping. :)
Yeap.. My mum and god brother. I find this photo really funny. HAHAH!!!
Ok! I'm done with the uploads. Gtg rest now.. bye!
The stay was seriously the best indulgence I ever had in my whole entire life. A 6 star hotel in SINGAPORE... Wooo... when will I ever ever ever have this chance again? The first step into the hotel was greeted with alot of rich tais tais and businessman. LVs and gucci are spotted at every corner in the hotel. There's even LV luggages!! I'm very sure they are authentics! I felt a little inferior looking at them as I had only a Longchamp bag and a gucci wallet to flaunt. Ha!
Then I was brought to my room by a employer and she was explaining about the hotel functions and stuff along the way. I was pretty shock when I heard.. FREE SPA.. and free BUTLER SERVICES!! I confirmed with her again.. and she acknowledged that it is TOTALLY FREE!! *yeap.. u can expect how happy and exhilarated I am* Without any hesistation, i brought mummy down to the spa. I must admit that it was my virgin time in the spa area. I know nothing about the operations and procedures and had to have someone to explain to me about the facilities AGAIN! I was pretty taken aback when I saw people wearing nothing while enjoying the hot jacuzzi session. I wouldnt dare to FLAUNT my not very valuable assets.. and therefore I had my bikinis on. Even my mum... HAD HER BIKINIs on!! YEs... very LAO HIPPIE!
After a good spa session, we went back to our hotel room.. to enjoy the hot bath. I was quite surprised to see that they had such a cool shower heads for bathing. I wasnt very sure how to operate it AT FIRST... and after I realise its functions... I WAS stuck at the shower area for 45 mins!! DAMN DAMN SONG!!!
I called for the butler service to brew hot EARL GREY tea and coffee for mummy. I was again.. SHOCK to see how exquisite the tea set were. I totally felt like a PRINCESS!! On top of that, boss equipments were used to LISTEN to JAZZ musics that they played for 24hrs!! Woo.... TOTALLY IN LOVE!!
Here are the concept of the room.
Ok! I'm done with the uploads. Gtg rest now.. bye!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
fatigue saturday
Before I rant about my fatigue saturday.. let me just scream with joy for 2 super happy announcement..
Firstly: I have finally spend my moolahs on...

Damn happy la! I have been walking to and fro the shop thinking if I should really spend so much on a facial foam after all the rave about how effective it is in bubzbeauty.. then finally I set my mind clear that its really time for me to pamper myself abit.. and VIOLA... Moolahs flew with happiness to the cashier and here I am with my facial foam.
Secondly: I have finally found a job at Triump. NOPE.. its not a SALES assistant k.. so dun give me your bra sizes and stuff!! I will be working as a Demand analyst where I have to handle with Statistics and statistic and MORE STATISTICS! Pretty happy with the job given since its like a stone throw away from my staying address. Still, I'm pretty scared with the job scope! But well.. at least I do have some money pocketed in my pockets!!
Ok! Now back to my fatigue story! You might be wondering WHy why why on earth am I so fatigue especially when I have a hotel stay at St regis! Gee... thanks to my god brother who kicked me throughout the night. He seems to enjoy the hotel stay more than anyone of us. Despite the lack of sleep, I still had to make a trip down to SMU for the flea market. Yeap.. I had a stall again! The sales this time was pretty good... manage to earn 100 plus for everything! Though I was that busy.. my soul seems to float around as I was really tired! The flea ended at 8pm and I had to take the train back to junction 8 to get dinner for my family. As much as I wanted to hail a cab home... the queue had to OMEFFING goodness long! I was left with no chance but to... hail a bus home instead along with my barangs barangs and food! I dragged my mum down to help me carry up the food... I WAS VERY VERY TIRED!!!
I dragged myself to bath, have my dinner and to check my emails before have the luxary to lie on bed and talk to my precious baby. This boy here was so busy with the exams that he quarantine himself at home to mug! Being a supportive gf, I had to give up my weekend stay at his place to let him have his study space. Its kinda wierd to be home on a Sunday and even my grandma was SHOCK to learn that I'm home on a Sunday! Ha ha ha!
I will be blogging abt the st regis hotel once I have the time next week. Work starts on the 1st Dec! Wish me luck!
Firstly: I have finally spend my moolahs on...

Damn happy la! I have been walking to and fro the shop thinking if I should really spend so much on a facial foam after all the rave about how effective it is in bubzbeauty.. then finally I set my mind clear that its really time for me to pamper myself abit.. and VIOLA... Moolahs flew with happiness to the cashier and here I am with my facial foam.
Secondly: I have finally found a job at Triump. NOPE.. its not a SALES assistant k.. so dun give me your bra sizes and stuff!! I will be working as a Demand analyst where I have to handle with Statistics and statistic and MORE STATISTICS! Pretty happy with the job given since its like a stone throw away from my staying address. Still, I'm pretty scared with the job scope! But well.. at least I do have some money pocketed in my pockets!!
Ok! Now back to my fatigue story! You might be wondering WHy why why on earth am I so fatigue especially when I have a hotel stay at St regis! Gee... thanks to my god brother who kicked me throughout the night. He seems to enjoy the hotel stay more than anyone of us. Despite the lack of sleep, I still had to make a trip down to SMU for the flea market. Yeap.. I had a stall again! The sales this time was pretty good... manage to earn 100 plus for everything! Though I was that busy.. my soul seems to float around as I was really tired! The flea ended at 8pm and I had to take the train back to junction 8 to get dinner for my family. As much as I wanted to hail a cab home... the queue had to OMEFFING goodness long! I was left with no chance but to... hail a bus home instead along with my barangs barangs and food! I dragged my mum down to help me carry up the food... I WAS VERY VERY TIRED!!!
I dragged myself to bath, have my dinner and to check my emails before have the luxary to lie on bed and talk to my precious baby. This boy here was so busy with the exams that he quarantine himself at home to mug! Being a supportive gf, I had to give up my weekend stay at his place to let him have his study space. Its kinda wierd to be home on a Sunday and even my grandma was SHOCK to learn that I'm home on a Sunday! Ha ha ha!
I will be blogging abt the st regis hotel once I have the time next week. Work starts on the 1st Dec! Wish me luck!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Aw... Man...
I was looking back at my old blogspot.. and I finally found the photos of my cute cousin. Hehe... well.. I dunno how she looks like now cause her china mum doesnt want to bring her back. STILL.. I find her so CUTE LA!! AND seriously.. this is what I call.. CUTEST BABY I EVER SEEN!! I want I want!!

Then... I spotted THIS photo... Laugh my ass off!! HAHA... yeap.. that's Tiffi and ME! ANd NOPE... she dun have a bike license!! HAHAHA!!!!

Then... I spotted THIS photo... Laugh my ass off!! HAHA... yeap.. that's Tiffi and ME! ANd NOPE... she dun have a bike license!! HAHAHA!!!!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
When Boredom Strikes..
I'm just done with applying mask on my face. I'm currently waiting for for the clock to strike 11.30pm for Jacky's WO Chai!! I'm bored like anything now.. cause I'm not allowed to buy anymore clothes online and darling has to chiong for his studies. It kinda hurts me that he's awfully sick now with Flu and cough.. but well.. I told him.. that's EXAM life cause I'm always DOWN with such illness when exams are near.
It was suppose to be Desmond's bday today.. but I can't make it there(despite my boredom) cause baby had to mug his papers and it's not quite right for me to leave his place to party while he's mugging (though he dun really mind me going). Whatever it is, HAPPY BDAY DESMOND!! :)!!
SO.. lemme see what I have been doing today. Hm... Window Blog shopping, Blog Hopping and erm... SLEEPING? HAHAA... oh.. I accompanied baby's mum (with baby of course..) for lunch.. and erm... I brought baby out for a BREAK at 8 plus too!! I think I'm FAT this weekend again. All the food and junks I swallowed into my tummy is gaining me 2kg.. I swore I can make FUNNY FACES with my fats now! :( How how how??
I wanna start working my ass off to buy my lovely Laniege products.. cause I just realise that their toner and other facial product are GOOD too! Sigh... and buddy's wedding is in a few weeks time... Need to save for RED packet! The dress that I bought for buddy's wedding WAS OOS.. so I'm on a huge lookout for a nice white dress! I have just settled baby's shirt for the day!! Sigh... I sound as if I'm getting MARRIED instead! I guess that the reason that I'm behaving like this was because... I'm JOBLESS!!
DAddy wants to send me for a marketing talk but I nicely declined his gracious offer cause.. its a freaking 300 bucks for... a 8 hour talk. He was telling me that it is considered CHEAP liao.. but I just dun see myself enjoying such TALKS yet! HAHA!!
Sigh.. guess I better pen down now.. Wo chai is coming!!
It was suppose to be Desmond's bday today.. but I can't make it there(despite my boredom) cause baby had to mug his papers and it's not quite right for me to leave his place to party while he's mugging (though he dun really mind me going). Whatever it is, HAPPY BDAY DESMOND!! :)!!
SO.. lemme see what I have been doing today. Hm... Window Blog shopping, Blog Hopping and erm... SLEEPING? HAHAA... oh.. I accompanied baby's mum (with baby of course..) for lunch.. and erm... I brought baby out for a BREAK at 8 plus too!! I think I'm FAT this weekend again. All the food and junks I swallowed into my tummy is gaining me 2kg.. I swore I can make FUNNY FACES with my fats now! :( How how how??
I wanna start working my ass off to buy my lovely Laniege products.. cause I just realise that their toner and other facial product are GOOD too! Sigh... and buddy's wedding is in a few weeks time... Need to save for RED packet! The dress that I bought for buddy's wedding WAS OOS.. so I'm on a huge lookout for a nice white dress! I have just settled baby's shirt for the day!! Sigh... I sound as if I'm getting MARRIED instead! I guess that the reason that I'm behaving like this was because... I'm JOBLESS!!
DAddy wants to send me for a marketing talk but I nicely declined his gracious offer cause.. its a freaking 300 bucks for... a 8 hour talk. He was telling me that it is considered CHEAP liao.. but I just dun see myself enjoying such TALKS yet! HAHA!!
Sigh.. guess I better pen down now.. Wo chai is coming!!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Friday the 13!!

I had some free time today.. so I manage to make use of my adobe skill again. Those caption was thought by me.. and I swore I was laughing my ass off when I thought about those memories. I really do miss those days of lectures and breaks. We can even slack ard Grassroots CC to play OLD MAID, play pool, talk cock for hrs and FALL ASLEEP during lectures. Our bitching session was NEVER enough!! Finally met the 2 lovelies.. for dinner last night cause Ah Chan was suppose to pass us our gifts but FORGOTTEN again! My voice was totally LOST after 2 hrs of gossips and laughters! I think I'm getting old.. there isnt much cam whoring session done yesterday. All we did was.. talk talk talk... laugh laugh laugh till we dun feel like parting!
Had my interview in SIM today. I wasn't really in the mood for this interview after only 4hrs of sleep. To make things worst, the jam was super BAD today and the bus took so long to reached. I knew something won't be right today.. after all these mishap. And just like what I have expected... the interview wasn't a success and it was pretty hard! The position was for an editor of VIBES mag(sim)! Erm... I dun even know that this magazine EXISTED till today!! I was kinda blur and pissed with the pain of my blister that I told the interviewer that I don't know anything about VIBES and the magazine looks quite wordy and are of no interest.(I REGRETTED saying this of course!!)I'm just being truthful too anyway! She asked me about the events happening around the sch.. and i was totally.. speechless! I guess she was quite pissed with it.. that she told me to BE MORE AWARE of the SURROUNDINGS!! Lol!!
I totally ruined the chance but well.. I'm happy that I'm not being selected too.. cause I doubt I'm cut out for being an editor! Got home and help out a little with my dad's gathering session. I'm happy to see my dad n mum and Myself.. working hand in hand for all those duties! :) Time for.. 2012!!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The parcel has finally reached Fifi's doorstep. I'm damn damn excited only to realise.. its too BIG for me.

I dunno what got into me too.. when I fell in love with the Alibaba pants. I regret purchasing it without a second thought now. Sigh! BUT STILL... I will wear it even though its not gonna fit unless anyone of my readers wants to purchase it at S$26.50(inclusive of postage) from me. :) I'm sure it will look good on you instead of ME cause my tummy isnt BIG enough to look fit in it! :(
And so I'm finally OUT with my new haircut. I'm still not very used to the hair. Dun really feel much confident in it with any clothes I wore. *pulls hair* I look very BARE even with an extreme thick make up. -_-!!! And it will look different with different accessories on my head.
This was with NOTHING on (default!) I look like my mummy over here when she's on candid!! Lol!!
Then its me with a hairband which made me look 3 yrs younger. STILL, I refuse to put on any hairband... thanks to my bunny EARS!!

Though I didnt put anything on.. but just assume me with a flower on the side.. or a hairclip! I will look LIKE THIS!! -_-!
Sigh.. I seriously want my NONG NONG HAIR!!
Shopping today was super tiring and I bought a belt for myself and a PANTS for DARLING!! SEe how tweet m I! Go out still think of HIM!! I even went to the temple ALONE to pray for my family, him and Myself! shait.. I just realise that I had only 5 hrs of sleep last night!! Guess I better go off now to have a good beauty sleep!! Zzzz!!

I dunno what got into me too.. when I fell in love with the Alibaba pants. I regret purchasing it without a second thought now. Sigh! BUT STILL... I will wear it even though its not gonna fit unless anyone of my readers wants to purchase it at S$26.50(inclusive of postage) from me. :) I'm sure it will look good on you instead of ME cause my tummy isnt BIG enough to look fit in it! :(
And so I'm finally OUT with my new haircut. I'm still not very used to the hair. Dun really feel much confident in it with any clothes I wore. *pulls hair* I look very BARE even with an extreme thick make up. -_-!!! And it will look different with different accessories on my head.
Though I didnt put anything on.. but just assume me with a flower on the side.. or a hairclip! I will look LIKE THIS!! -_-!
Sigh.. I seriously want my NONG NONG HAIR!!
Shopping today was super tiring and I bought a belt for myself and a PANTS for DARLING!! SEe how tweet m I! Go out still think of HIM!! I even went to the temple ALONE to pray for my family, him and Myself! shait.. I just realise that I had only 5 hrs of sleep last night!! Guess I better go off now to have a good beauty sleep!! Zzzz!!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Fuss Free hair days..
Having a short hair really does have its perks. My head had never felt so light before and it takes only 5 mins to have a semi-dry hair after a good bath. On top of that, it is much easier and happier to put on hair shampoo, hair conditioner and hair treatment. Everything is so much easier and fuss free now with this Short short hair.
BUT, I still misses those long hair of mine. How I twirl them whenever I'm stress, how I use to irritate darling by poking them during our sleep, how I always look good with a dress and I still think I look better with a longer hair than the current me despite all the pros of it.
I don't think I will have the courage to cut any shorter anymore and I shall treat this period as a TREATMENT to my hair. Shall take extra care with it.. and leave it long and healthy. Darling prefer the current hairstyle of mine instead of the longer hair cause he said that he HAD ENOUGH of magic mopping a bunch of hair everytime I had my stay over the weekends and well.. he thinks that I look FRESHER and Cuter with a shorter hair.
Sigh... ENOUGH OF hair stories. Shall just let it grow grow grow.
My weekends was great.. despite just staying at his place reading about that japanese gangster women for the past 3 days. I'm glad that with my presence, darling could feel a little relax. :) OK.. gtg now! Sigh!!
BUT, I still misses those long hair of mine. How I twirl them whenever I'm stress, how I use to irritate darling by poking them during our sleep, how I always look good with a dress and I still think I look better with a longer hair than the current me despite all the pros of it.
I don't think I will have the courage to cut any shorter anymore and I shall treat this period as a TREATMENT to my hair. Shall take extra care with it.. and leave it long and healthy. Darling prefer the current hairstyle of mine instead of the longer hair cause he said that he HAD ENOUGH of magic mopping a bunch of hair everytime I had my stay over the weekends and well.. he thinks that I look FRESHER and Cuter with a shorter hair.
Sigh... ENOUGH OF hair stories. Shall just let it grow grow grow.
My weekends was great.. despite just staying at his place reading about that japanese gangster women for the past 3 days. I'm glad that with my presence, darling could feel a little relax. :) OK.. gtg now! Sigh!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
A new start of life
I've been longing for a good fresh change since past few months. Everyone around me was having their hair cut VERY SHORT despite keeping them for years. It made me wonder what gave them the courage to snip them off.. and from this courage, it sorta gave me the power to snip my off too (Plus a little support from baby of course).
I was still contemplating if I should have my hair cut off REALLY short.. like a bob head or something... and darling was cheering me up for a super short hair(VERY WIERD.. I know!!) while on my way to Shunji Matsuo. Well, I have chose that place cause of all the rave I have seen in the forums. Finally, it was my turn to have a the scary haircut.
The hairdresser was a very CHIO (very very chio) lady named Fannie. Her looks just have that FANNIE face lar.. she's tall and slim and PRETTY and erm... just chio lar!! I'm pretty happy with having her as my hairstylist.. cause I really dun feel good with asking a guy stylist for opinions as they always have the tendency to ask me KEEP that long hair of mine. This lady was very supportive despite me being irritating to keep telling her incessantly that I'm really scared of a chubby face with a ball haircut. Haha... she laughed, ensure me that my face is alright and told me 9/10 girls will always think that their face is BIG! She try to keep a length that is of my liking and make sure that my hair looks perfectly alright b4 I stepped out of the salon. YES!!! Proudly presents.... FIFI TAN QIAN LIN with her new looks!!

Though I still misses that long hair of mine... STILL... I'm pretty fine with the current me too! At least, there's no more worries of Tangled hair, Dry ends and hair drop for the next 2 mths!! I'm so gonna splurge on Hairbands and clips now!! :) Alright... gtg now to have a good rest! :) Take care!
I was still contemplating if I should have my hair cut off REALLY short.. like a bob head or something... and darling was cheering me up for a super short hair(VERY WIERD.. I know!!) while on my way to Shunji Matsuo. Well, I have chose that place cause of all the rave I have seen in the forums. Finally, it was my turn to have a the scary haircut.
The hairdresser was a very CHIO (very very chio) lady named Fannie. Her looks just have that FANNIE face lar.. she's tall and slim and PRETTY and erm... just chio lar!! I'm pretty happy with having her as my hairstylist.. cause I really dun feel good with asking a guy stylist for opinions as they always have the tendency to ask me KEEP that long hair of mine. This lady was very supportive despite me being irritating to keep telling her incessantly that I'm really scared of a chubby face with a ball haircut. Haha... she laughed, ensure me that my face is alright and told me 9/10 girls will always think that their face is BIG! She try to keep a length that is of my liking and make sure that my hair looks perfectly alright b4 I stepped out of the salon. YES!!! Proudly presents.... FIFI TAN QIAN LIN with her new looks!!
Though I still misses that long hair of mine... STILL... I'm pretty fine with the current me too! At least, there's no more worries of Tangled hair, Dry ends and hair drop for the next 2 mths!! I'm so gonna splurge on Hairbands and clips now!! :) Alright... gtg now to have a good rest! :) Take care!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Moonlight Resonance
I had been a really great fan of Moonlight Resonance (溏心風暴之家好月圓).. I remember that very day when my uncle gotten me those DVDs. I was glued on the tv with Tissue paper flooding all over the place. It was that time that I hope I had 48hrs a day with 1 hr of sleep. This drama is so addictive especially when there's Raymond Lam, Linda Chung and yes... My most favourite.... MOSES CHAN! Hahaha!! They are awesomely cool k... Oh.. not forgetting Bosco Wong too. So u can really imagine how... SAD I m when the show finally reached its final episode. I felt so lost!!
Today... I M ONCE AGAIN FACED with that same sadness again. Moonlight Resonance was on Scv Channel 55.. since the past few weeks. I will always RUSH home just to catch the episode even though I have the Dvds and watches it for the second time. I even watch it during my crucial paper on the following day. I can study 1 whole day just to watch that 45 mins of episode. And... I will end up TEARING like a mad cow, Laughing and Tearing at the same time or smile to myself for every victory in every episode.. Today marks the very last episode of the drama. I Cried like fuck AGAIN.. and also wish that the show would NEVER end. Its just so nice to watch la..
It was then that I realise I had to do some research on these actors/actresses! Haha.. I dunno if you peeps know abt this but......
RAYMOND LAM(ALI Cafe ambassador) and Linda Chung(Bioessence Ambassador) are rumoured to be together.
Raymond Lam is RICH and SMART! *My dream guy* He stays at the mountain top which means... only the RICH pple can afford houses in the MOUTAIN TOP!!
Linda Chung is born in CANADA and can't speak Chinese.
ANd.. the insert song(which is my FAVOURITE) is sang by Raymond Lam
I will CRY everytime this song plays. YES.. EVERYTIME!!!!!!

Chris Lai is CUTE! Look a little bit like Xiao Zhu and he's a Young chap who speaks ENGLISH!! My god... Why isnt he in Singapore!!
Another Young Chap. He's the youngest song in the drama and you know what's the best thing.... HE's born in England!! My goodness!! He's 26 yrs old this year.. Same as Chris!!
Last but not least..... Moses chan...
is.. 38 yrs old this year!! Sigh... Too old for my liking... BUT I will still treat him as my idol.. cause of his super seductive charm. His funny actions will NEVER fail to make me laugh.
Sigh... I wanna watch more HK drama series!!!
Today... I M ONCE AGAIN FACED with that same sadness again. Moonlight Resonance was on Scv Channel 55.. since the past few weeks. I will always RUSH home just to catch the episode even though I have the Dvds and watches it for the second time. I even watch it during my crucial paper on the following day. I can study 1 whole day just to watch that 45 mins of episode. And... I will end up TEARING like a mad cow, Laughing and Tearing at the same time or smile to myself for every victory in every episode.. Today marks the very last episode of the drama. I Cried like fuck AGAIN.. and also wish that the show would NEVER end. Its just so nice to watch la..
It was then that I realise I had to do some research on these actors/actresses! Haha.. I dunno if you peeps know abt this but......
RAYMOND LAM(ALI Cafe ambassador) and Linda Chung(Bioessence Ambassador) are rumoured to be together.
Raymond Lam is RICH and SMART! *My dream guy* He stays at the mountain top which means... only the RICH pple can afford houses in the MOUTAIN TOP!!
Linda Chung is born in CANADA and can't speak Chinese.
ANd.. the insert song(which is my FAVOURITE) is sang by Raymond Lam
I will CRY everytime this song plays. YES.. EVERYTIME!!!!!!

Chris Lai is CUTE! Look a little bit like Xiao Zhu and he's a Young chap who speaks ENGLISH!! My god... Why isnt he in Singapore!!

Last but not least..... Moses chan...
is.. 38 yrs old this year!! Sigh... Too old for my liking... BUT I will still treat him as my idol.. cause of his super seductive charm. His funny actions will NEVER fail to make me laugh.
Sigh... I wanna watch more HK drama series!!!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Bye bye Papers..
After 3 weeks of intensive mugging, I'm finally done with it. It was super tiring and tough to pass by that 3 damn weeks. I just felt that it was so different compared to the previous 2 yrs of degree life. Maybe it was due to the presence of Lionel(Yes.. My baby!!) since he's ALWAYS out of town or Chiong-suaing when I'm having exams... or maybe.. it was my last STUDY-HOOD life(I really hope I won't retake anymore mods.. PLEASE!!)! I felt that everything just COULDn't get into my head and I felt very demoralised whenever I opened those notes. I clocked more hours to study this semester but I think I did way worst than the previous semester. I should HAVE work harder!
Anyway, I was still glad that.. despite all the grumble and fights.. darling and I still meet up to study at the MACDONALD, at the library and at his ROOM! Wanna have a rough idea at how I study at his place? Hehehe... Here's 1 way... on how I did it!
PAI SEH for tat WAYANG TEE shirt!! That's my PJ btw!!
Yes!! With the Mob Tv on!! I'm caught on action by baby! HEhe!! Other than that, I will study on his bed while he uses the computer or I will just sit beside him with my legs on his LAP.. and study! Gee hee hee!!!
Sigh.. now that I'm done with studies... I'm pretty lost on WHAT I should do next b4 the results comes. I'm a little nervous but I know thats the LIMIT! Shall not brood over it anymore.. Lets just PRAY that I can do it now!! :)
Alrighty.. gtg now to blogshop! Seeya!!
Anyway, I was still glad that.. despite all the grumble and fights.. darling and I still meet up to study at the MACDONALD, at the library and at his ROOM! Wanna have a rough idea at how I study at his place? Hehehe... Here's 1 way... on how I did it!
Yes!! With the Mob Tv on!! I'm caught on action by baby! HEhe!! Other than that, I will study on his bed while he uses the computer or I will just sit beside him with my legs on his LAP.. and study! Gee hee hee!!!
Sigh.. now that I'm done with studies... I'm pretty lost on WHAT I should do next b4 the results comes. I'm a little nervous but I know thats the LIMIT! Shall not brood over it anymore.. Lets just PRAY that I can do it now!! :)
Alrighty.. gtg now to blogshop! Seeya!!
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