The stay was seriously the best indulgence I ever had in my whole entire life. A 6 star hotel in SINGAPORE... Wooo... when will I ever ever ever have this chance again? The first step into the hotel was greeted with alot of rich tais tais and businessman. LVs and gucci are spotted at every corner in the hotel. There's even LV luggages!! I'm very sure they are authentics! I felt a little inferior looking at them as I had only a Longchamp bag and a gucci wallet to flaunt. Ha!
Then I was brought to my room by a employer and she was explaining about the hotel functions and stuff along the way. I was pretty shock when I heard.. FREE SPA.. and free BUTLER SERVICES!! I confirmed with her again.. and she acknowledged that it is TOTALLY FREE!! *yeap.. u can expect how happy and exhilarated I am* Without any hesistation, i brought mummy down to the spa. I must admit that it was my virgin time in the spa area. I know nothing about the operations and procedures and had to have someone to explain to me about the facilities AGAIN! I was pretty taken aback when I saw people wearing nothing while enjoying the hot jacuzzi session. I wouldnt dare to FLAUNT my not very valuable assets.. and therefore I had my bikinis on. Even my mum... HAD HER BIKINIs on!! YEs... very LAO HIPPIE!
After a good spa session, we went back to our hotel room.. to enjoy the hot bath. I was quite surprised to see that they had such a cool shower heads for bathing. I wasnt very sure how to operate it AT FIRST... and after I realise its functions... I WAS stuck at the shower area for 45 mins!! DAMN DAMN SONG!!!
I called for the butler service to brew hot EARL GREY tea and coffee for mummy. I was again.. SHOCK to see how exquisite the tea set were. I totally felt like a PRINCESS!! On top of that, boss equipments were used to LISTEN to JAZZ musics that they played for 24hrs!! Woo.... TOTALLY IN LOVE!!
Here are the concept of the room.
Ok! I'm done with the uploads. Gtg rest now.. bye!
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