I've got a good friend whom I wanna award her for... QUEEN OF BLOGSHOPPING! She's like the PERSON to asked for for any blogshopping tips. She has been members of MANY mailing list. She even set an email address just for blogshopping sites so that she will be well-informed of all the new updates. And she dun add just any CHUP-PA-LANG blogshops.. she only choose those GOT TASTE ones! She's like the only fren I heard that bought 2 shoes of the SAME colour and designs( just that one has heels and one doesn't).. I find it rather hilarious yet cute when she told me the story of why she bought them! Because of her.. I was addicted to blogshopping!! Chatting with her online will always end up with website addresses being exchanged to confirm about the worthiness of it. I must really admit that because of her lovely existance.... I manage to RELIEVE STRESS during my exams!!
OK.. so I will now introduce some of the websites which I totally adore! Sigh... they should pay me for advertorial!! Just click on the pictures to enter their site.
I know that TAIWAN SPREES are like damn effing LONG to wait but then they are TOO chio Not to be bought. So if u're just like me who got addicted with some of the taiwan pieces.. here's one website that u can purchase from... I think that their website are rather professional compared to those BLOGSPOT ones...

Panda with pistols I can't seems to grab their photos.. so maybe you girls can try entering their link to check out the clothes ba. I understand that there's a model who looks pretty gothic.. but well.. the clothes are pretty chio la! I bought one dress from that site too... but.. it's not here yet after a mth. Hope it arrives asap.. b4 I start to blacklist the site. Kinda pissed that she's emailed us only ONCE to tell us that the shipment has some problems and hopes that it arrives during the weekend! IT's already the WEEKEND... but there's NO UPDATES!!
That's about it even though I have many more sites to introduce. Well.. if u girls really want me to intro more of it.. then please tag and TELL ME! I will then ask my Queen of blogshopping to give me more sites and her experiences as well!! HA!! I gtg now.. baby is hurrying me to have dinner! Bye!!
Oh... btw.. my primary six pupil had gotten her psle results. I'm very satisfied with it... 2Cs, 1B and 1A!! Woo......
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