I woke up at 9.30am today. Mum was as usual at my desk playing maple story and I was being woken up by the swish and swash sound that came from the lappy. Its like an alarm clock to me that its still 9 plus in the morning. Its ok if there's sch but like HELLO... I'm have freaking no sch the whole of today. *pissed*
Mummy warm the leftover curry she made last night and it's still that delicious. I skipped dinner last night due to lost of appetite and yes... a strict diet. I had it in the morning instead so that I can skipped lunch n dinner? I went to pack my pathetic closet again... cause my clothes were in a horrendous mess again and since Lionel koh's bday is next week.. Its better for me to get ready a week b4 first.
Now that I'm done with the packing, I'm pretty aimless on what to do next. My eyes are shutting soon and I guess it should be beauty sleep for now. Proj assignment in the afternoon.. and yes.. MOVIE in the night. *yawns* nights pple.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
New template.
Ok.. So I have finally found some time to change the template and stuff. Its a temporary bg so just bear with it when I have found a better one.
Today will be a new start of everything. I'm really sick and tired of finding words to describe my feelings and I guess I shall just live life the way FIFI should live. I always envy Melissa with her determination to forget abt her ex. I thought I have already moved on when I realise.. just yesterday when we are having our dinner tgt with the girls that NO.. I'm still living in a state of denial. I'm still keeping the $10 note that he gave the other day and the photo of his in my wallet.. and Mel struck me hard when she says.. she actually TORE the photo right on the spot of the breakup. Woo hoo! How cool!!
Alot of pple actually tell me to just chill now and wait for the right man to come by and I guess it was the bad relationship that kinda make me thought that if a guy ever comes by now.. I will definitely treat him really nice.. This perception is definitely so wrong lar.. and I kinda regret it. I was too gullible at that time and well.. I'm happy to say that after much conversation with the lovelies.. I'm REVIVED!
I've tons of assignments and work to do.. I better get my ass on it before I fail the modules again!! Oh.. and Van.. I feel that last night's sms at 2am was really a GOOD ONE! We have got to stay that way k? I hearts u loads!!
Today will be a new start of everything. I'm really sick and tired of finding words to describe my feelings and I guess I shall just live life the way FIFI should live. I always envy Melissa with her determination to forget abt her ex. I thought I have already moved on when I realise.. just yesterday when we are having our dinner tgt with the girls that NO.. I'm still living in a state of denial. I'm still keeping the $10 note that he gave the other day and the photo of his in my wallet.. and Mel struck me hard when she says.. she actually TORE the photo right on the spot of the breakup. Woo hoo! How cool!!
Alot of pple actually tell me to just chill now and wait for the right man to come by and I guess it was the bad relationship that kinda make me thought that if a guy ever comes by now.. I will definitely treat him really nice.. This perception is definitely so wrong lar.. and I kinda regret it. I was too gullible at that time and well.. I'm happy to say that after much conversation with the lovelies.. I'm REVIVED!
I've tons of assignments and work to do.. I better get my ass on it before I fail the modules again!! Oh.. and Van.. I feel that last night's sms at 2am was really a GOOD ONE! We have got to stay that way k? I hearts u loads!!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Jj's bday!!
Met Van van to study Accounts and since JJ was with us.. we decided to get him small cuppies to celebrate his actual bday. How sweet of us right? hehehe! Guest appearance of Michelle was there too.. Oh.. Van and I sponsor the cake and Iz sponsor his drinks.

A small video clip to remember this very day. And as this was an impromtu celebration, I WAS at my worst dressed without much make up. *gee* But it is all worth it for my dearest JJ's bday!! Mummy love u!!!!

A small video clip to remember this very day. And as this was an impromtu celebration, I WAS at my worst dressed without much make up. *gee* But it is all worth it for my dearest JJ's bday!! Mummy love u!!!!
Monday, July 28, 2008
It was suppose to be a study night with Iz but a tummy ache struck on me and I had to rush home to have my medicine taken. The pain was excruciating and that reminds me of the day that I had the similar attack. The only difference would be.. I'm all alone taking care of myself without concern from someone whom I really hope would care for me.
I was tossing and turning in bed and finally, I got to sleep. I woke up hoping to see some care messages but there's only 1 msg from my sis asking if I'm still working in borders cause she needs some books on WINE. I guess I'm still living in a state of denial.
If getting loved by someone is such a tedious thing to do, I will rather not be in this world at all..
I was tossing and turning in bed and finally, I got to sleep. I woke up hoping to see some care messages but there's only 1 msg from my sis asking if I'm still working in borders cause she needs some books on WINE. I guess I'm still living in a state of denial.
If getting loved by someone is such a tedious thing to do, I will rather not be in this world at all..
Friday, July 25, 2008
Girlie days..
Its a RAINING thursday.. and VAN took bus 132 to my place for some girly entertainment. The last time for such entertainment will be when I'm in SECONDARY SCH? Tee hee.. anyway, I went to pick Van up from the bus stop and we drove down to Ave 4 to get our dinner.
And so.. Girly session started with phototaking session in my untidy room. We have hell lots of fun.. and Van loves my dressing table which I dunno why.. but I love her room more than anything.. so Princessy!!

Guess whose eyes are these.. Tee hee!!

Ok.. abit obvious right!! Well.. My eyes are like so round.. and her eyes are like. so sharp! I can totally conclude that Van can act as someone's mistress in mediacorp. Hahaha!
Here's a video of our crazy dance!! Haha! I love u my dearest VANNIE!! Hihi and Hey Hey! *huggies*
And so.. Girly session started with phototaking session in my untidy room. We have hell lots of fun.. and Van loves my dressing table which I dunno why.. but I love her room more than anything.. so Princessy!!

Guess whose eyes are these.. Tee hee!!

Ok.. abit obvious right!! Well.. My eyes are like so round.. and her eyes are like. so sharp! I can totally conclude that Van can act as someone's mistress in mediacorp. Hahaha!
Here's a video of our crazy dance!! Haha! I love u my dearest VANNIE!! Hihi and Hey Hey! *huggies*
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Van van and Fel Fel

Oh.. Me with Iz's OKLEY sunglasses.. and saw that mirror? Its Marc Jacob's Mirror given to me by missy grace. I'm gonna go get some diamond stuts to beautify this mirror. Thanks thanks! Ok.. I know I look weird with the sunglasses.. but this is Iz's HOT FAV sunglasses.. he wears it everytime and how did it landed at my place? Hm... HAHAHAHA! OOPS!!!

And so.. here's my dearest babe. Sch with her is like.. 3hrs of full concentration on CONVERSATION! We will just talk talk talk non stop.. and wait for lesson to finish! But well.. we cant really do it so often anymore since we failed MAB!! Heehhe! Van.. I know its wierd hearing this here but......
Sunday, July 20, 2008
High on Iz's drink
I was watching SATC when JJ called and he gave me a nice 5 mins to GET CHANGED. I quickly grab my usual tube dress and ZOOM.. he was already at my lobby waiting for me.
Met up with Iz and Kooichi at some void deck and IZ was doing his mixing. I'm always a fan of IZ's alcohol mixing. He's really good at it.. and he's improving. I dun mind being a guinea pig for his mix. I had only 3 cups of alcohol and I'm feeling the HEAT!! WHY?/ Ha.. because the drink is just like Iz.. VERY tricky. The drink taste like NOTHING when u drank it.. but actually.. its quite strong. Pple actually puke drinking his drink. Tee hee... we played Texas holdem and I must say its fun! I didnt know that texas holdem can be that fun! I drank 1 cup of super thick mixed and that cause my whole FACE to go all red. I even fell down la.. super TAK GLAM lar.. and nope. not because I was drunk.. but because the floor was slippery.. still DAMN UNGLAM!! I know.. kooichi and rest are LAUGHING at me.. grr!!
I dunno why but I guess having such simple life can be quite fun actually. I love talking to Kooichi and gang.. their life kinda make me realise I miss out quite alot actually. I might be working at borders to earn some extra moolahs to go thailand with Iz and rest b4 my bday.. I dun mind being the only girl even if that means I have to have a room by myself.. it should be fun. SAvE more moolahs!!!
Msn have been having lots of Display pic on weddings. Alot of my frens have started settling themself down. I'm really envious of them.. of course but.. I believe I have yet to find the mr right? For now.. I'm happy with everything!!! OH.. 2 more mths to my lovely 22nd bday.. Cant wait!!
Met up with Iz and Kooichi at some void deck and IZ was doing his mixing. I'm always a fan of IZ's alcohol mixing. He's really good at it.. and he's improving. I dun mind being a guinea pig for his mix. I had only 3 cups of alcohol and I'm feeling the HEAT!! WHY?/ Ha.. because the drink is just like Iz.. VERY tricky. The drink taste like NOTHING when u drank it.. but actually.. its quite strong. Pple actually puke drinking his drink. Tee hee... we played Texas holdem and I must say its fun! I didnt know that texas holdem can be that fun! I drank 1 cup of super thick mixed and that cause my whole FACE to go all red. I even fell down la.. super TAK GLAM lar.. and nope. not because I was drunk.. but because the floor was slippery.. still DAMN UNGLAM!! I know.. kooichi and rest are LAUGHING at me.. grr!!
I dunno why but I guess having such simple life can be quite fun actually. I love talking to Kooichi and gang.. their life kinda make me realise I miss out quite alot actually. I might be working at borders to earn some extra moolahs to go thailand with Iz and rest b4 my bday.. I dun mind being the only girl even if that means I have to have a room by myself.. it should be fun. SAvE more moolahs!!!
Msn have been having lots of Display pic on weddings. Alot of my frens have started settling themself down. I'm really envious of them.. of course but.. I believe I have yet to find the mr right? For now.. I'm happy with everything!!! OH.. 2 more mths to my lovely 22nd bday.. Cant wait!!
Shopping spree with the family..
I was at MOS last night. It was fun but well.. clubbing has always been the same esp. when u're doing the same with the cool clicks.
So I was home at 6am. Slept till 9am. I must admit I was abit EMO this morning esp. when some messages greeted me at 6 plus. BUT I told myself to be strong and nv get bothered by all the unhappy events and so.. I was UP at 9 plus.. BATHED and.. OUT with the parents at 11am.
Daddy was telling us that there's a promotion on ACER lappie and he was planning to take a look at it.. but who knows.. he bought one for my sis. Grrr! But well.. it has a free gift of a SPEAKER and I'm seriously in need of a SPEAKER and so.. I KOPE the speaker away from her.
We had our lunchie at Ah Moy Street.. and as usual.. we queue nearly an HOUR on that stupid fish soup. 1 HOUR OF STANDING AND WAITING OK!! I guess its fantastic cause of the sweat u have shed while waiting for it. Anyway, it took us 15 mins to finish up that 1 hr long waiting FISH SOUP and the best thing is.. ITS NOT CHEAP AT ALL... $10 for a bowl of normal fish soup with egg roll.
Daddy then drove down to Marina Square to do our shopping spree on BOLSTER and PILLOWS. He had some vouchers to clear and so.. we all made a trip down just to buy PILLOWS and BOLSTERS. Total damage on Pillows and 1 BOLSTER plus some pillow protecter is $200. GAWD!! I dun wanna grow old man..!
Sis with the Bolster. I made her carry it and she looks like a bolster warrior. She was super happy with the lappie purchase that daddy bought for her even till now. Hm... I'm totally JEALOUS!!
DAddy then drove down to Carrefour. We were wondering what daddy is up to now cause.. daddy hates Carrefour on SUNDAY. And like what we expected, he actually bought another acer lappie at Carrefour. Woo hoo!! Mummy and I was snatching for the lappie of course.. but I guess.. we both lost and daddy.. claims.. ITS HIS!! And yes.. The whole car was flooded with our purchase. The boot was filled with PILLOWS and Bolster and a laptop. The car seat is filled with passengers and pillows and another lappie AGAIN. BUT WE WERE ALL VERY SATISFIED!!
I was telling Kooichi the other time that he's really a very good influence. I felt a certain love for the family suddenly. The way I converse with my dad is like so way different and I must say.. he seriously love me more now. Sis and DAD were like putting their hands on my shoulder cause I guess my height make a very good arm rest!! Many would wonder why KOOICHI right? HA.. I always envy Kooichi love for his family members. How he takes photo of his grandma and that WAH SU KA LI sign, how he brings his both brothers out, how he is so proud of his brothers, how he talks to his mummy and many more.
Its great spending quality time with the family... at least.. I dun need to spend a single cent with them.. hahaha!
So I was home at 6am. Slept till 9am. I must admit I was abit EMO this morning esp. when some messages greeted me at 6 plus. BUT I told myself to be strong and nv get bothered by all the unhappy events and so.. I was UP at 9 plus.. BATHED and.. OUT with the parents at 11am.
Daddy was telling us that there's a promotion on ACER lappie and he was planning to take a look at it.. but who knows.. he bought one for my sis. Grrr! But well.. it has a free gift of a SPEAKER and I'm seriously in need of a SPEAKER and so.. I KOPE the speaker away from her.
We had our lunchie at Ah Moy Street.. and as usual.. we queue nearly an HOUR on that stupid fish soup. 1 HOUR OF STANDING AND WAITING OK!! I guess its fantastic cause of the sweat u have shed while waiting for it. Anyway, it took us 15 mins to finish up that 1 hr long waiting FISH SOUP and the best thing is.. ITS NOT CHEAP AT ALL... $10 for a bowl of normal fish soup with egg roll.
Daddy then drove down to Marina Square to do our shopping spree on BOLSTER and PILLOWS. He had some vouchers to clear and so.. we all made a trip down just to buy PILLOWS and BOLSTERS. Total damage on Pillows and 1 BOLSTER plus some pillow protecter is $200. GAWD!! I dun wanna grow old man..!

I was telling Kooichi the other time that he's really a very good influence. I felt a certain love for the family suddenly. The way I converse with my dad is like so way different and I must say.. he seriously love me more now. Sis and DAD were like putting their hands on my shoulder cause I guess my height make a very good arm rest!! Many would wonder why KOOICHI right? HA.. I always envy Kooichi love for his family members. How he takes photo of his grandma and that WAH SU KA LI sign, how he brings his both brothers out, how he is so proud of his brothers, how he talks to his mummy and many more.
Its great spending quality time with the family... at least.. I dun need to spend a single cent with them.. hahaha!
Friday, July 18, 2008
I was suppose to be having fun in SLUMBER PARTY.. but I ended up drinking Earl Grey in Starbucks-> Heineken at a pub-> Dark Knights at Cathay-> HOME AT 6am! Wooh... thats late yet fun!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Busy busy Schedules..
I know I have been MIA for many many days and there are pple who are bugging me for an UPDATE! Fine fine.. I'm back.. alive and KICKING except that my legs are still aching after an EXCESSIVE DANCING at DBL 0.

Anyway, I was all alone for Law lesson on Thursday since both of my retainees didnt CAME FOR LESSON.. and being the good girl always.. I WENT FOR LESSON STILL. Met up with Kooichi to support him for his BARACUDA performance. I was really AMAZED by the music they perform... I was practically SHAKING my ass when the music was played and I'm so so proud of my son for being one of the seniors to bring up this group. Passer-bys were all standing under the hot sun despite the hot and humid weather jus to enjoy the music and dance.

Then it was town with Cheng Liang and dearest sonny for dinner at that Jap restaurant at Cine. I'm totally in love with the sauce. Kooichi wanted to drink and so we had our ass sat at some bar near ALLEY BAR. Totally love that kinda life where u can just plonk urself at some bar and enjoy the live band plus COMPLAINING about how bad life can be with ur lovely friends. Got home and felt a little emo on the way back.. I just couldnt get used to walking that empty path alone in the night.. its like so Freaky.. and I have like NO ONE TO TALK TO.. gheesh!!!

I was really so not in the mood to head for law lesson alone again and so... I head down to Van van's place to chill since NO ONE IS HOME! It was the first MEET-THE-DOG-SESSION and well.. LAMP CHOP is indeed cute.. but he's very naughty as well and as usual.. I just dun allow dOGS to lick or jump onto me. STILL.. I love it lar! We got so bored that we started playing WII like some idiot.. and then chat ard in the room.. plus doing some girly thingy like.. dolling up our hair!! My hair looks like LAMP CHOP after curling it.. and therefore I had to resort into bundling it up! And then I went to meet sonny to crash course.. and off for CAO CAO..(RED CLIFF) movie.
Me and Rayne Rayne!!

Saturday was DBL O session with the GIRLS!!! Met up with Iz and rest over at DBL o! The party was really... HELLUVA fun! There were so many officers ard... and for a moment I thought I was in a CAMP instead of dbl 0! Everywhere I go.. were SGTS and officers. I was as usual.. GONE that night but I m still fine enuff to know what I'm doing. I really thank JJ, LK and Iz for following me wherever I go. I feel so TOUCHED!! And oh.. Mel and REgi and VAn.. THANKS!!! I'm so enthu for another party held there.. SERIOUSLY CANT WAIT.

And so.. TODAY... I went for lesson as usual.. and VAN WAS THERE FOR ME TODAY for 1 hr. Tee hee.. Kooichi came along too.. for lunchie! It was a long walk to Mechanical Engineering canteen to eat. The Western food there is really super delicious.. esp. the MAYONESE... feel like stealing some home.. HAHAH! We then proceed to Van's place to see that naughty doggie again.. and then had a great chat! Left abt 3.30.. and I k.o right after I bath!! Damn tired!!!!
After all these nonsense.. I'm still the fifi that everyone knows. I have not change a single bit... just that I'm much more mischievious in some of the things I'm doing now cause I havent tried anything like that b4 for 5 yrs! I might portray an image that pple might think I'm a slut or whore or SO WATEVER.. but.. well.. I'm still one who adores all my frens and protects every single one.. and of course that includes myself and my family members.

Regarding about RELATIONSHIP matters.. I guess I'm really very tired of playing games already. It took me a mth to forget someone whom I really love.. I didnt think I could do it.. but I did it.. so I guess I wont put myself into any trap hole anytime soon.. cause it might take me more than a mth to forget! Enuff!! Ok.. gtg!

Anyway, I was all alone for Law lesson on Thursday since both of my retainees didnt CAME FOR LESSON.. and being the good girl always.. I WENT FOR LESSON STILL. Met up with Kooichi to support him for his BARACUDA performance. I was really AMAZED by the music they perform... I was practically SHAKING my ass when the music was played and I'm so so proud of my son for being one of the seniors to bring up this group. Passer-bys were all standing under the hot sun despite the hot and humid weather jus to enjoy the music and dance.

Then it was town with Cheng Liang and dearest sonny for dinner at that Jap restaurant at Cine. I'm totally in love with the sauce. Kooichi wanted to drink and so we had our ass sat at some bar near ALLEY BAR. Totally love that kinda life where u can just plonk urself at some bar and enjoy the live band plus COMPLAINING about how bad life can be with ur lovely friends. Got home and felt a little emo on the way back.. I just couldnt get used to walking that empty path alone in the night.. its like so Freaky.. and I have like NO ONE TO TALK TO.. gheesh!!!

I was really so not in the mood to head for law lesson alone again and so... I head down to Van van's place to chill since NO ONE IS HOME! It was the first MEET-THE-DOG-SESSION and well.. LAMP CHOP is indeed cute.. but he's very naughty as well and as usual.. I just dun allow dOGS to lick or jump onto me. STILL.. I love it lar! We got so bored that we started playing WII like some idiot.. and then chat ard in the room.. plus doing some girly thingy like.. dolling up our hair!! My hair looks like LAMP CHOP after curling it.. and therefore I had to resort into bundling it up! And then I went to meet sonny to crash course.. and off for CAO CAO..(RED CLIFF) movie.

Saturday was DBL O session with the GIRLS!!! Met up with Iz and rest over at DBL o! The party was really... HELLUVA fun! There were so many officers ard... and for a moment I thought I was in a CAMP instead of dbl 0! Everywhere I go.. were SGTS and officers. I was as usual.. GONE that night but I m still fine enuff to know what I'm doing. I really thank JJ, LK and Iz for following me wherever I go. I feel so TOUCHED!! And oh.. Mel and REgi and VAn.. THANKS!!! I'm so enthu for another party held there.. SERIOUSLY CANT WAIT.

And so.. TODAY... I went for lesson as usual.. and VAN WAS THERE FOR ME TODAY for 1 hr. Tee hee.. Kooichi came along too.. for lunchie! It was a long walk to Mechanical Engineering canteen to eat. The Western food there is really super delicious.. esp. the MAYONESE... feel like stealing some home.. HAHAH! We then proceed to Van's place to see that naughty doggie again.. and then had a great chat! Left abt 3.30.. and I k.o right after I bath!! Damn tired!!!!
After all these nonsense.. I'm still the fifi that everyone knows. I have not change a single bit... just that I'm much more mischievious in some of the things I'm doing now cause I havent tried anything like that b4 for 5 yrs! I might portray an image that pple might think I'm a slut or whore or SO WATEVER.. but.. well.. I'm still one who adores all my frens and protects every single one.. and of course that includes myself and my family members.

Regarding about RELATIONSHIP matters.. I guess I'm really very tired of playing games already. It took me a mth to forget someone whom I really love.. I didnt think I could do it.. but I did it.. so I guess I wont put myself into any trap hole anytime soon.. cause it might take me more than a mth to forget! Enuff!! Ok.. gtg!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Red Cliff
So it was RED CLIFF last night with my sonnies... Its great to have this group of lovelies to watch RED CLIFF with cause I've been wanting to SUPPORT my dearest hubby in the movie. TAKAESHI!!! OH MY.. he's like my all time hot fav since young. I'm always spending money on GOLD CARD of Takaeshi.. u know those.. OU XIANG KA? Hahhaa! I'm totally obsessed with him.. and last night.. when I saw him.. I was like.. AHHHHHHH.. my dearest ZHU GE LIANG! Ok.. *slaps* enuff of nonsense!!
I reach home at abt 3am. Didnt really sleep well.. and I woke up like 10am and then have lunchie with the parents. It had been so long since we have lunchie tgt and seriously.. I felt so DAUGHTER today... talking to daddy and listening to daddy's PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE! Mummy as usual... kept asking me if there's anyone dating me for the whole damn day.. I'm really pissed! She kept asking me questions like.. WHO and WHY and HOW questions. URGzzz!!
Law later in the afternoon. I'm like really tired now... eyes feels like damn tired.. but I still have to dong till 2 plus 3am cause there's clubbing tonight!! *yawns*
I reach home at abt 3am. Didnt really sleep well.. and I woke up like 10am and then have lunchie with the parents. It had been so long since we have lunchie tgt and seriously.. I felt so DAUGHTER today... talking to daddy and listening to daddy's PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE! Mummy as usual... kept asking me if there's anyone dating me for the whole damn day.. I'm really pissed! She kept asking me questions like.. WHO and WHY and HOW questions. URGzzz!!
Law later in the afternoon. I'm like really tired now... eyes feels like damn tired.. but I still have to dong till 2 plus 3am cause there's clubbing tonight!! *yawns*
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Fairy Tale
Have been hearing Beauty and the Beast song for dunno how many times since Iz lend me his cd. I have been putting it on REPEAT mode since the day I realise that the cd have that music.
I have been a Beauty and the Beast fan since young. I always like that movie and I even caught the Disney on Ice when I'm 18 with my ex. I just love the story plot even till now. How I wish I'm in that fairy land with a happy ever after ending. Sigh!!
BEAUTY AND THE BEAST............................................
Anyway, yesterday was like a chill out session again with Mr Kooichi (bow low low). Being single is indeed good at times when u just feel like chilling with a guy or 2 guys or many many guys. NO ONE TO REPORT TO!! But.. I simply hate it when u have to walk that empty street all alone.. without anyone to complain how boring lesson was today and how happy my day was. I guess its really time for me to stand upright and be like a women. Enough of hoping and wishing and praying that the right guy will come.. cause I believe they will eventually come when the time is right. I dun wish to put in 10000 times effort and in the end get NOTHING but disappointment and anger.
RED CLIFF today with Iz and gang. Seriously cant wait to see that TAKASHI... my LAO GONG!! Hahahah! Erh... sch starting! Arhzz!!
I have been a Beauty and the Beast fan since young. I always like that movie and I even caught the Disney on Ice when I'm 18 with my ex. I just love the story plot even till now. How I wish I'm in that fairy land with a happy ever after ending. Sigh!!
BEAUTY AND THE BEAST............................................
Anyway, yesterday was like a chill out session again with Mr Kooichi (bow low low). Being single is indeed good at times when u just feel like chilling with a guy or 2 guys or many many guys. NO ONE TO REPORT TO!! But.. I simply hate it when u have to walk that empty street all alone.. without anyone to complain how boring lesson was today and how happy my day was. I guess its really time for me to stand upright and be like a women. Enough of hoping and wishing and praying that the right guy will come.. cause I believe they will eventually come when the time is right. I dun wish to put in 10000 times effort and in the end get NOTHING but disappointment and anger.
RED CLIFF today with Iz and gang. Seriously cant wait to see that TAKASHI... my LAO GONG!! Hahahah! Erh... sch starting! Arhzz!!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I have always wanted that cameraman to snap a photo of me everytime I saw him walking ard with that camera in the club. BUT.. never once he bothers about my attention for 4 yrs of my life.. TILL.. 05/07/08 when I was at MOS that he finally saw my existance.. when I was at MOS members with Lionel Koh. I was wearing a pink halter top and a faded blue jeans plus a pair of pumps. ITS like.. so NOT CLUBBING attire.. but still.. I felt so honoured having to take that photo with Lionel Koh.

Then.. I got like really high and started to slack ard members again with Mr Handsome Kooichi. The photographer came again.. and snap a photo of Mr Kooichi and ME and seriously.. I'm totally in love with this photo even though I look like an ACCESSORY on an Object. So gonna put it on my laptop wallpaper.. Tahahah!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Tummy aches greeted me early in the morning today.. and to make things worst.. Mummy woke me up as early as 8.30am to tell me that she will be heading out and I'll have to do the household chores and hang the clothes out to dry. I drag my feet up at 9.30am just to do the hanging... and as soon as I have done that, the dark clouds came. GRR!! HOW SWAY!!
So yesterday was still no so bad. Manage to get my mind off those unhappy stuff. Was chatting with Kooichi online and we randomly agree to meet! Since daddy is out of town again, naughty me just take the car out to drive. Mummy was of course worried but I just kept ensuring her that its gonna be fine cause I'm a GOOD DRIVER! HAHAHA! And so I went to pick Kooichi up and then his fren and then we all head for dinner at thompson area. Drove down to AMK Ave 4 and it did indeed bring back some good old memories which I chose to laugh it out instead of tearing while driving pass.
After chilling, we pick Iz up and chill at Liquid kitchen with JJ! Its really a day of chill out session which I seriously enjoy it. I drove back alone.. and I PARK THE CAR successfully on my OWN! I swear it was an embarrassing sight having to move in n out of the lot so many times until I super pek chek. THANK god that there wasnt any car when I'm parking or else.. I will probably just ACT that I'm waiting for someone or something. STILL.. after about 5 tries.. I MADE IT! Funniest thing was.. mummy was actually WATCHING me park from upstair and she called me and congratulate and LAUGH at me after I made it. GRRR!! Yes.. that's my super bo liao mummy!!
Its finally Wed! He's coming back! Lots of things have been happening~ just pray that things will start to go on smoothly.. PLEASE!!!!
So yesterday was still no so bad. Manage to get my mind off those unhappy stuff. Was chatting with Kooichi online and we randomly agree to meet! Since daddy is out of town again, naughty me just take the car out to drive. Mummy was of course worried but I just kept ensuring her that its gonna be fine cause I'm a GOOD DRIVER! HAHAHA! And so I went to pick Kooichi up and then his fren and then we all head for dinner at thompson area. Drove down to AMK Ave 4 and it did indeed bring back some good old memories which I chose to laugh it out instead of tearing while driving pass.
After chilling, we pick Iz up and chill at Liquid kitchen with JJ! Its really a day of chill out session which I seriously enjoy it. I drove back alone.. and I PARK THE CAR successfully on my OWN! I swear it was an embarrassing sight having to move in n out of the lot so many times until I super pek chek. THANK god that there wasnt any car when I'm parking or else.. I will probably just ACT that I'm waiting for someone or something. STILL.. after about 5 tries.. I MADE IT! Funniest thing was.. mummy was actually WATCHING me park from upstair and she called me and congratulate and LAUGH at me after I made it. GRRR!! Yes.. that's my super bo liao mummy!!
Its finally Wed! He's coming back! Lots of things have been happening~ just pray that things will start to go on smoothly.. PLEASE!!!!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Random thoughts
I totally lose track of time. My appetite was so bad that I had only 5 spoonful of rice and I felt like vomiting. I guess the only smile I made today was when my student asked me some riddles. Even my little student felt something was wrong with me today.
My bed was the only place I wanna be as it will stop me thinking about anything for a moment. I looked at those materials you have gotten me.. and I teared. I looked at myself in the mirror and I felt like slapping myself really hard to wake up from DENIAL. I hate the word MOVING ON.. but I simply just have to. Like what Dre says.. the silliest thing to do is to heal a wound and opening it again!
Feeling is a mutual thing (quoted by dearest kooichi). Yes, I feel that I'm always the one on stage clapping enthusiastically alone and you're always in a far away place not even bothering about the loudness of the clap. Its always me thinking that its POSSIBLE and you're always having ur own thoughts without having me in your picture.
I hate it when I have to start my life afresh once again on my own. I gave my love life a 0 percent LIFE. I have no more mood to step into another relationship. I'm old enough to be played by anymore people. I feel like starting a family business selling clothes. I just feel like getting out of this country.. venturing into a new society where young boys wanna have fun will be eliminated from there.
I wont be smoking, drinking (that much) and dance ard like an idiot anymore. I'm happy with all the friends I have especially SONNY who never fails to pick up my call whenever I feel like shit. FOR THAT.. I WILL CRASH COURSE ON FRIDAY!!! AND.. there's this particular someone whom I cant say out his name.. but I really wanna thank you for being there too even though that means driving from one place to another and then back to other place and back to my place. I know it was a bestie frenly kinda gesture but I totally appreciate it alot. Thanks! And Lisa.. I know I know.. you're so worried about me. I also know that you will probably slap me real hard if u see me in this condition now... Thanks for walking with me through this shit.
I will be fine.. I really will!!
My bed was the only place I wanna be as it will stop me thinking about anything for a moment. I looked at those materials you have gotten me.. and I teared. I looked at myself in the mirror and I felt like slapping myself really hard to wake up from DENIAL. I hate the word MOVING ON.. but I simply just have to. Like what Dre says.. the silliest thing to do is to heal a wound and opening it again!
Feeling is a mutual thing (quoted by dearest kooichi). Yes, I feel that I'm always the one on stage clapping enthusiastically alone and you're always in a far away place not even bothering about the loudness of the clap. Its always me thinking that its POSSIBLE and you're always having ur own thoughts without having me in your picture.
I hate it when I have to start my life afresh once again on my own. I gave my love life a 0 percent LIFE. I have no more mood to step into another relationship. I'm old enough to be played by anymore people. I feel like starting a family business selling clothes. I just feel like getting out of this country.. venturing into a new society where young boys wanna have fun will be eliminated from there.
I wont be smoking, drinking (that much) and dance ard like an idiot anymore. I'm happy with all the friends I have especially SONNY who never fails to pick up my call whenever I feel like shit. FOR THAT.. I WILL CRASH COURSE ON FRIDAY!!! AND.. there's this particular someone whom I cant say out his name.. but I really wanna thank you for being there too even though that means driving from one place to another and then back to other place and back to my place. I know it was a bestie frenly kinda gesture but I totally appreciate it alot. Thanks! And Lisa.. I know I know.. you're so worried about me. I also know that you will probably slap me real hard if u see me in this condition now... Thanks for walking with me through this shit.
I will be fine.. I really will!!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Am I that Weak?
As I woke up today, I felt like a total loser. I cried as if a young kid has lost his/her smelly bolster or their favourite toy. I couldnt control my emotional. This is even worst than the breakup.
Many have told me to give up and dun even try to think about what had happen. But I doubt I could be that strong. There are like thousand and one questions in my head but there wasnt even 1 answers to any of the question. Why is loving someone and giving them everything wholeheartedly MEANS nothing? I didnt believe that that was the treatment I'm gonna received. All the cold messages and TAKE CARE and STUDY HARD kinda messages. Do you actually know how I felt when I READ THOSE MESSAGES! I was at Dian Xiao Er last night for dinner with my parents like FINALLY. They made a very sacastic remark saying that It was so long ago since we had a dinner with me. I smiled and then deep down in my heart.. I WASNT EVEN bothering about what they say but.. I was all thinking and staring at the seat where we sat the other time.. eating the roast duck. I ordered all the food that we used to order and when my sis commented that it was delicious.. and asked me how I got to know about these food.. I just SMILE and said.. I just love eating these when I'm here... and thats when I realise.. its always you that I'm having dian xiao er with.
I thought about all the happy moments.. how we book tickets for night movie.. the geylang trips for my fav. dim sum. The cheesecake cafe.. that we roam ard the streets in east coast to find that shop. I thought about the face u gave me for 10 mths.. the face that tells me u're the BESTEST baby I ever had.. and when I saw u again.. I thought I saw that familiar face.. but it ended all wrong again. Having to wake up the next morning with messages telling me you added alot of girls in facebook was like.. !!!!! I know I had no rights to comment anything.. but I just cannot believe that within a few hrs.. you just change like another person. All your words and action doesnt telly at all.
You kept telling me to live happily without the presence of you.. I WAS actually doing that.. but now I dun think I can. I'm really very tired of living sometimes. I hate being taken granted for the things that I have done. I can just do anything for you.. u should know that my love for you was genuine then why give me such unfair treatment?
When can I actually get a guy who loves me just the same as I do!! -DEAD-
Many have told me to give up and dun even try to think about what had happen. But I doubt I could be that strong. There are like thousand and one questions in my head but there wasnt even 1 answers to any of the question. Why is loving someone and giving them everything wholeheartedly MEANS nothing? I didnt believe that that was the treatment I'm gonna received. All the cold messages and TAKE CARE and STUDY HARD kinda messages. Do you actually know how I felt when I READ THOSE MESSAGES! I was at Dian Xiao Er last night for dinner with my parents like FINALLY. They made a very sacastic remark saying that It was so long ago since we had a dinner with me. I smiled and then deep down in my heart.. I WASNT EVEN bothering about what they say but.. I was all thinking and staring at the seat where we sat the other time.. eating the roast duck. I ordered all the food that we used to order and when my sis commented that it was delicious.. and asked me how I got to know about these food.. I just SMILE and said.. I just love eating these when I'm here... and thats when I realise.. its always you that I'm having dian xiao er with.
I thought about all the happy moments.. how we book tickets for night movie.. the geylang trips for my fav. dim sum. The cheesecake cafe.. that we roam ard the streets in east coast to find that shop. I thought about the face u gave me for 10 mths.. the face that tells me u're the BESTEST baby I ever had.. and when I saw u again.. I thought I saw that familiar face.. but it ended all wrong again. Having to wake up the next morning with messages telling me you added alot of girls in facebook was like.. !!!!! I know I had no rights to comment anything.. but I just cannot believe that within a few hrs.. you just change like another person. All your words and action doesnt telly at all.
You kept telling me to live happily without the presence of you.. I WAS actually doing that.. but now I dun think I can. I'm really very tired of living sometimes. I hate being taken granted for the things that I have done. I can just do anything for you.. u should know that my love for you was genuine then why give me such unfair treatment?
When can I actually get a guy who loves me just the same as I do!! -DEAD-
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Tra lala...
I have COMPLETED my accts assignments on my own. NOPE.. I didnt copy the answers ok!! HEHEHE! I accompanied my dearest Son for his classes last night. While he was listening to his Lecturers.. I was doing my ASSIGNMENTS! I must really admit that his class have so many chiobus lar.. and the best was.. being the FIRST person to see how he buaya girls in class.
While on my way home, I received a really SURPRISING call from Mr Him. I thought he had started his journey for his walk but he got the timing all wrong and its the next day that they set off. Sonny was with me when MR Him called.. and as the bus was NOISY and sonny was with me.. I had to hung up the phone for him to have his early rest.
And so.. met up with Kervin and Gabby for shopping session in town after sch. Well.. I bought a really cute top while waiting for the both of them. I guess I must have been waited everytime in my previous life.. I'm ALWAYS PUNCTUAL even though I took a bus and he took a car. HAHA! Went down to Gabby place for awhile while Iz called to jio me for drinking session at Grapevines. The company there was good and I must admit it was a great place to CHILL definitely.
Went back to Gabby's place to slack and left at 3 plus for supper with Mich, Syl and Keegay. What a Long FRIDAY right?
OH.. and guess what. AFter reading like so many times on that BLOG about the officer's gf. I CAME TO REALISE something!! That guy that passed on happen to be my Kindergarden cum primary sch fren whose mum was my mummy's good fren back then. We used to attend each other parties when we were younger and they were both smart boys. How queer it is to know more abt him through this blog after his death. STILL.. I feel for them.
OK! So whats up SATURDAY! Gheesh.. aint that sure too. Lunch with LK? Dbl 0 with Iz and rest?? JIAHUI's bday celebration at Pan Pac? Hm.. I'm confused!! I just wish.. you were here for me to RANT!

While on my way home, I received a really SURPRISING call from Mr Him. I thought he had started his journey for his walk but he got the timing all wrong and its the next day that they set off. Sonny was with me when MR Him called.. and as the bus was NOISY and sonny was with me.. I had to hung up the phone for him to have his early rest.
And so.. met up with Kervin and Gabby for shopping session in town after sch. Well.. I bought a really cute top while waiting for the both of them. I guess I must have been waited everytime in my previous life.. I'm ALWAYS PUNCTUAL even though I took a bus and he took a car. HAHA! Went down to Gabby place for awhile while Iz called to jio me for drinking session at Grapevines. The company there was good and I must admit it was a great place to CHILL definitely.
Went back to Gabby's place to slack and left at 3 plus for supper with Mich, Syl and Keegay. What a Long FRIDAY right?
OH.. and guess what. AFter reading like so many times on that BLOG about the officer's gf. I CAME TO REALISE something!! That guy that passed on happen to be my Kindergarden cum primary sch fren whose mum was my mummy's good fren back then. We used to attend each other parties when we were younger and they were both smart boys. How queer it is to know more abt him through this blog after his death. STILL.. I feel for them.
OK! So whats up SATURDAY! Gheesh.. aint that sure too. Lunch with LK? Dbl 0 with Iz and rest?? JIAHUI's bday celebration at Pan Pac? Hm.. I'm confused!! I just wish.. you were here for me to RANT!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
A link to a sad bloggi
I bet you guys must have heard about that OCS guy who passed away during his training in Brunai. Oh god.. my dearest Meili actually send me a link to the gf's blog on how she cope her life after the death and stuff. I teared upon reading it.
Their love life is like so sweet and wonderful and like HELLO.. they are like SO YOUNG lar!! They cherish the relationship so well.. but yet they have to be parted this way. I totally FEEL for them.
Its after this post that I realise.. everyone has a story to tell on their relationship. For my relationship, I realise that its never once a good ending and I have come to a conclusion that its partly my fault in jumping into it too fast. I'm just too impatient with the outcome and therefore it always fail in the end. I guess its really a time for me to really sit down and reflect on myself what essence I should produce for a good realtionship in the next one. Its time for me to SAVE MORE MONEY and have a better future!!
Tahahha! Sch today was -_-!! I nearly leave in the midst of the lecture but I try to endure it till the end. I bought loads of cookies with Van van when the lecture was ongoing. Was munching all along till the clock strikes 5pm. I guess I will put on 10kg if this were to carry on. Single Life in sch definitely ROX.. I'm now given the LICENSE to bio handsome guys and like what Van van says.. I'm so much more CHEERFUL.. no more "MY BF CANNOT BOOK OUT THIS WEEK" is heard from my mouth! Tee hehe! I must admit. I'm really have a carefree life now.. but.. I will only enjoy it when there's frens ard. It still sucks when I'm all alone in the bus or walking home without msging anyone to report that I'm HEADING HOME! Hm...
Their love life is like so sweet and wonderful and like HELLO.. they are like SO YOUNG lar!! They cherish the relationship so well.. but yet they have to be parted this way. I totally FEEL for them.
Its after this post that I realise.. everyone has a story to tell on their relationship. For my relationship, I realise that its never once a good ending and I have come to a conclusion that its partly my fault in jumping into it too fast. I'm just too impatient with the outcome and therefore it always fail in the end. I guess its really a time for me to really sit down and reflect on myself what essence I should produce for a good realtionship in the next one. Its time for me to SAVE MORE MONEY and have a better future!!
Tahahha! Sch today was -_-!! I nearly leave in the midst of the lecture but I try to endure it till the end. I bought loads of cookies with Van van when the lecture was ongoing. Was munching all along till the clock strikes 5pm. I guess I will put on 10kg if this were to carry on. Single Life in sch definitely ROX.. I'm now given the LICENSE to bio handsome guys and like what Van van says.. I'm so much more CHEERFUL.. no more "MY BF CANNOT BOOK OUT THIS WEEK" is heard from my mouth! Tee hehe! I must admit. I'm really have a carefree life now.. but.. I will only enjoy it when there's frens ard. It still sucks when I'm all alone in the bus or walking home without msging anyone to report that I'm HEADING HOME! Hm...
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