The speaker that I simply adore though its a freaking POK GAI SPICA SPREAKER! I miss my Altec Lansing but sigh.. its given away to him so.. TOO BAD! Now I can shake my butt and dance like mad at home without anyone laughing at me! WOo hoo!!

I wore my newly bought cardigan out to sch today. I simply adore it too.. and it boost my confidence more when Tom told me that I look good in it! TEe hee.. obviously.. I'm happy about it and I'm so gonna thank my personal designer to choose such a nice cardigan for me. I'm indeed a happy girl on a monday evening even though lesson was as usual BORING! Oh.. and did I mention that I just got to know this girl whom I always get to see in the bus. Her name is Summer and she's really nice to locate a seller for me for my Buyer behaviour tb. God is really so nice to me!!

Oh.. Me with Iz's OKLEY sunglasses.. and saw that mirror? Its Marc Jacob's Mirror given to me by missy grace. I'm gonna go get some diamond stuts to beautify this mirror. Thanks thanks! Ok.. I know I look weird with the sunglasses.. but this is Iz's HOT FAV sunglasses.. he wears it everytime and how did it landed at my place? Hm... HAHAHAHA! OOPS!!!

YES! This photo was taken at NP! Omg.. its a freaking plane in a sch can. I know I'm swa gu.. but I was shock lar. I made Van van to take a photo of me even though its LOW CLASS but seriously.. I dun care.. I just want a photo taken. Thanks Van van for playing along with me.. HAHAHHAHA!

And so.. here's my dearest babe. Sch with her is like.. 3hrs of full concentration on CONVERSATION! We will just talk talk talk non stop.. and wait for lesson to finish! But well.. we cant really do it so often anymore since we failed MAB!! Heehhe! Van.. I know its wierd hearing this here but......
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