Anyway, I was all alone for Law lesson on Thursday since both of my retainees didnt CAME FOR LESSON.. and being the good girl always.. I WENT FOR LESSON STILL. Met up with Kooichi to support him for his BARACUDA performance. I was really AMAZED by the music they perform... I was practically SHAKING my ass when the music was played and I'm so so proud of my son for being one of the seniors to bring up this group. Passer-bys were all standing under the hot sun despite the hot and humid weather jus to enjoy the music and dance.

Then it was town with Cheng Liang and dearest sonny for dinner at that Jap restaurant at Cine. I'm totally in love with the sauce. Kooichi wanted to drink and so we had our ass sat at some bar near ALLEY BAR. Totally love that kinda life where u can just plonk urself at some bar and enjoy the live band plus COMPLAINING about how bad life can be with ur lovely friends. Got home and felt a little emo on the way back.. I just couldnt get used to walking that empty path alone in the night.. its like so Freaky.. and I have like NO ONE TO TALK TO.. gheesh!!!

I was really so not in the mood to head for law lesson alone again and so... I head down to Van van's place to chill since NO ONE IS HOME! It was the first MEET-THE-DOG-SESSION and well.. LAMP CHOP is indeed cute.. but he's very naughty as well and as usual.. I just dun allow dOGS to lick or jump onto me. STILL.. I love it lar! We got so bored that we started playing WII like some idiot.. and then chat ard in the room.. plus doing some girly thingy like.. dolling up our hair!! My hair looks like LAMP CHOP after curling it.. and therefore I had to resort into bundling it up! And then I went to meet sonny to crash course.. and off for CAO CAO..(RED CLIFF) movie.

Saturday was DBL O session with the GIRLS!!! Met up with Iz and rest over at DBL o! The party was really... HELLUVA fun! There were so many officers ard... and for a moment I thought I was in a CAMP instead of dbl 0! Everywhere I go.. were SGTS and officers. I was as usual.. GONE that night but I m still fine enuff to know what I'm doing. I really thank JJ, LK and Iz for following me wherever I go. I feel so TOUCHED!! And oh.. Mel and REgi and VAn.. THANKS!!! I'm so enthu for another party held there.. SERIOUSLY CANT WAIT.

And so.. TODAY... I went for lesson as usual.. and VAN WAS THERE FOR ME TODAY for 1 hr. Tee hee.. Kooichi came along too.. for lunchie! It was a long walk to Mechanical Engineering canteen to eat. The Western food there is really super delicious.. esp. the MAYONESE... feel like stealing some home.. HAHAH! We then proceed to Van's place to see that naughty doggie again.. and then had a great chat! Left abt 3.30.. and I k.o right after I bath!! Damn tired!!!!
After all these nonsense.. I'm still the fifi that everyone knows. I have not change a single bit... just that I'm much more mischievious in some of the things I'm doing now cause I havent tried anything like that b4 for 5 yrs! I might portray an image that pple might think I'm a slut or whore or SO WATEVER.. but.. well.. I'm still one who adores all my frens and protects every single one.. and of course that includes myself and my family members.

Regarding about RELATIONSHIP matters.. I guess I'm really very tired of playing games already. It took me a mth to forget someone whom I really love.. I didnt think I could do it.. but I did it.. so I guess I wont put myself into any trap hole anytime soon.. cause it might take me more than a mth to forget! Enuff!! Ok.. gtg!
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