While on my way home, I received a really SURPRISING call from Mr Him. I thought he had started his journey for his walk but he got the timing all wrong and its the next day that they set off. Sonny was with me when MR Him called.. and as the bus was NOISY and sonny was with me.. I had to hung up the phone for him to have his early rest.
And so.. met up with Kervin and Gabby for shopping session in town after sch. Well.. I bought a really cute top while waiting for the both of them. I guess I must have been waited everytime in my previous life.. I'm ALWAYS PUNCTUAL even though I took a bus and he took a car. HAHA! Went down to Gabby place for awhile while Iz called to jio me for drinking session at Grapevines. The company there was good and I must admit it was a great place to CHILL definitely.
Went back to Gabby's place to slack and left at 3 plus for supper with Mich, Syl and Keegay. What a Long FRIDAY right?
OH.. and guess what. AFter reading like so many times on that BLOG about the officer's gf. I CAME TO REALISE something!! That guy that passed on happen to be my Kindergarden cum primary sch fren whose mum was my mummy's good fren back then. We used to attend each other parties when we were younger and they were both smart boys. How queer it is to know more abt him through this blog after his death. STILL.. I feel for them.
OK! So whats up SATURDAY! Gheesh.. aint that sure too. Lunch with LK? Dbl 0 with Iz and rest?? JIAHUI's bday celebration at Pan Pac? Hm.. I'm confused!! I just wish.. you were here for me to RANT!

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