I was viewing through facebook jsut now cause everyone is having a big hoo ha over facebook. I seriously suck at facebook but at least I manage to try on some application. How silly it is to ADD 10 FRIENDS to the application before viewign the result. I tried the HOW MANY CHILD YOU WILL GIVE BIRTH application.. and they said I will have 3 children. 1 girl(eldest) and 2 boys. OH MY... 3 children!! That's my wish provided it's painless to give birth and the my hubby have to provide incessent love to me during 9 mths THEN I will give birth to 3 lovely and healthy kids. Oh.. and provided I will not have WATER fats(or so watever it is called) and my hubby is willing to pay for the javanese massage and keep my body in the RIGHT SHAPE. Hahaha! Else.. i will just make do with 1 kid. Hahaha.
I realise that I have been losing touch with some of babes. MEL, REGI, the both Joanna's, Lisa, Huifang and Jane. Jane is like forever THAT BUSY.. and we kinda lose hope in meeting her already. Mel and regi is always the one planning for outing but ended up.. its either they meet up without us or Mel meet me up. Totally no FATE to meet everyone up to form the SATC. Lisa has sch at night.. Even though she's free, I would rather her head home from work to sleep, The both joanna dunno go where.. and my dearest hf.. is the only one who is pretty free but I kept dua-ing her until I pai seh liao! Hahahha!
I have just one wish.. and that's to meet them all again.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
I'm S.I.C.K
I hate having sore throat. Everything to me taste BLand cause of the PAIN it suffers after swollowing it. WOrst was.. the infection is kinda bad now that my neck starts to swell quite badly.
I'm suppose to MC myself from sch today to see the doctor but sad to say.. I've to go for lesson for today and tomorrow NO MATTER WHAT! Its pretty scary having to feel a lump on my throat. Ah.. why must bad things falls on me when there's NO ONE TO TAKE CARE OF ME! I guess I will prolly absent myself from sch on sat. I'm really TIRED!!
Monday, January 28, 2008
V'day this year..
Was discussing with baby on the phone just now on what to do on V'day and stuff! He was really sweet to ask me name 5 things on my list for him to get me for vday gift. I was stuck and felt rather bad to NAME those stuff I WANT! i'm not a materialistic girl so that explains why I dun wanna tell him. I gave him the answers in the end though!
1. Clothes
2. that Ck bag (maybe longchamp?)
3. A handmade card or stuff
4. exquisite dinner
5. facial or spa treat
Obviously.. I really want number 3 very badly more than anything else! I'm those who really adores handmade stuff but no one seems to take notice of that and seldom do such stuff for me. Baby then ask me where sells loadza HELLO KITTY stuff(hm...)! WEll.. apparently, my bf here is not that ROMANTIC as compared to lots of my fren's bfs(example: Meili's bf). So, I really treasures every little single things he says or do. Even though he says but NEVER DO.. also seems sweet cause at least he THOUGHT about it! We ended the conversation with a conclusion and .. that is... WE ARE GETTING NOTHING FOR EACH OTHER! He's trying his best to give me a surprise (that's what he claims) and he was so cute to msg me after we hung up that he hopes I wont get disappointed! WHY WOULD I? Hahaha!
I actually wouldn't mind even if he cooks Mee Goreng instant noodle with egg for me for dinner! Its just a V'day and I'm pretty old for such event I guess! I rather celebrate ANNIVERSARY cause everyday can be a vday.. and doesnt mean that I WILL LOVE my BF MORE on vday! v'day signifies nothing but anniversary signifies the hardship we been through to sustain a gd relationship!
Anyway, it's my love journal 1 year old BIRTHDAY today. Bought this book last year and started writing on 29 Jan 2007. I wrote entrys just for LIONEL LEE YONG YEE since 29 JAN! We were friends back then! And now.. we are couples! Hehehe! I LOVE U.. baby!!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
grow Grow GROW
Saturday school was WAY fantastic! I thought that law lesson would be a boring one but hahha.. the lecturer prove me wrong! He ask alot of funny questions and perks the class with alot of his experiences and btw, he's a LAWYER and infact, he's actually a very charming one! His voice is like.. so MANLY and purr-fect! Thumbs up for being sucha great lecturer. I have no reasons to skip lesson now!
Weekends pass like SO FAST that I don't really remember what I did actually! I just know that I went shopping on Friday with baby and then met him at AMK central after that and then... erm.. OH... Tabao food for the younger brother and we all had dinner tgt at his COFFEE TABLE! Slack at his bed till both of us fall asleep pretty early and.. SUNDAY CAME! (how fast.. lar!)
Celebrated his dad bday at fortune restaurant for lunch! Shop ard for Cny goodies and then TOWN with his whole family to shop for clothes.(that's when I saw Lisa and gang) Back to his home when his dad went out to get food for all of us(How sweet his dad can be sometimes...)! AFter dinner was Home sweet home! Urh... I'm starting to miss my baby already! Its not really enuff for a week. We met up for like.. 1.5 days only? Hm...
Alrighty! Gtg now! Tc!
Friday, January 25, 2008

This is my new haircut lar! Sigh.. kinda regret cutting it cause its too LAYERED already. Hoping that it will grow faster cause its simply too hard to manage such layered hair esp. when u just got up from the bed? THe whole hair looks so exploded! But the PROs about having such layered hair is.. u feel 100 times lighter and your hair dries 10 times faster than the normal hair. Whatever it is.. I want it to grow faster cause I look like a 16 yr old Chao Ah lian.
School this week was pretty Aiiiggghhhttts! Got closer towards some of them already. Went to Chinatown with Anne this week even. And see those cute sweets? Oh my.. they are really delicious! Brian and I ate like so many.. and HE REFUSE TO THROW THE WRAPPER AWAY! Damn... but he's really a nice guy lar! There's school today even! And some of those CONCERNED pals ask me if I'm coming TODAY cause they thought I will skip MOST OF THE SAT lectures! Why would I? Hahaha! Oh wells... yes.. maybe its cause I love my baby too much but $100 plus per lesson seems TOO expensive to skip and its commercial law.. so better not skip!
Met up with baby last night at his camp bus stop. OH my.. imagine the ROUTE I took to his camp. Took 61 from SIM to Bukit batok ALONE (AH chan.. I know how to go there liao.. but I still feel the pple there very wierd!!), Took the train to CCK and then 190 to his camp and then to TOWN! I nearly died on the bus! But hehehe... 2 aunties approach me to ask for ways. Heheheh! I even taught one of them how to see the train route. Hahahaha!
ANyway, baby bought his clothes like finally!! Levis Jean, A|X tees and Guess shirt! What a brand freako boyfriend I have aeh! Tee hee... ok lar.. like that also good.. NEXT TIME HE WILL HAVE TO BUY BRANDED STUFF FOR ME AS WELL! I want a DIOR bag and SUNGLASS OK? Hehe!
Alrights!! GTG NOW!!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
1. What’s your BIGGEST sin?
2. When’s your PROUDEST moment?
--> When I give birth to the young LEE's in the future!!
3. What’s your GREATEST fear?
--> To lose my loved ones
4. What’s your GREATEST love?
--> Mr Lee Yong Yee, Lionel
5. Who is your GREATEST enemy?
--> PEOPLE who dislike me for who I am.
6. Who is your GREATEST love?
--> Mr dearest sweet coated BABY!!! *muackx* Oppx!!
7. What is your WILDEST dream?
--> To Tio first prize in 4D on every WED, SAT and SUN!
>8. When is the LOWEST point in your life?
--> 5 Years ago when we parted over a Biatch.. but everything is OK NOW!
9. Who is your favourite character in star wars?
--> YODA!! That's because its the ONLY NAME I Know in star wars?
10. What’s your New Year Resolution?
--> Study really hard for my exam and.. EARN more $$$$!
11. Which COUNTRY would you like to retire in?
--> SINGAPORE lar..
12. Love, Money, Health. Which one will you give up?
--> Never will I give up anything but if I really have to choose.. I think.. MONEY LAR!!!
13. What is your BEST memory of 2007?
--> 22/07/07 When baby ask me to be his gf at 5am IN THE MORNING after we are DRUNK! Aw.. I love u!!!
14. What kind of KISS you prefer most?
--> ANy kisses also can.. AS LONG AS IF ITS FROM MY LOVE ONES!
OK! I'm done! SO 3 person have to do this survey in their blog TOO!! I will choose...
- Joanna Lye
- Joanna Khoo
Happy 6 mths ANNIVERSARY!!
How time flies aeh... we are tgt for 6 MONTHS! Hurray!! Baby got me a ring for our 6 mths gift. Really heart this ring loads.. cause its from him and its for me because I pester him to get me that! Hahahah! I just love DIAMONDS!! In these 6 mths, we been through quite alot! Happy and sad moments but seriously.. it just makes me HEART HIM MORE! Dun yearn for much but just a lovely and sweet relationship as days goes by. I'm pretty contented with what I have now. *SMILE* Its always my dream to find sucha Hubby!
Went to Chinatown with Anne today! Got ourself nothing but at least I get to see some really cheap deals lar! Had lunch there and the farking KOPITIAM machiam TOK-STER! One laksa with NO SEA-HARM(replace with Char-siew) cost $4! I was shock lar.. cause IT DOESNT TASTE NICE AT ALL and hello.. BUGIS only cost 3 bucks which taste SO NICE CAN!!! PEEPS... dun ever EAT THE FOOD ARD CHINATOWN please!!!! Hahahhaha! Took bus 54 back and check out the bus seats! I was totally AMAZED by the interior! OK.. I swa gu can.. NEVER TAKE BEFORE the nokia bus mah..! Its really a nice bus lar.. but I must admit that the seats are pretty uncomfortable cause they are mostly sideways and its not really enough for the mass number of pple taking bus 54!
Alrighty... i gtg now! Damn tired! IMAGINE... I all awake from 8.30 till NOW without a REST!! Oh man.. and I have got to do my tutorials! I NEED LOADZA REST!!!
Monday, January 21, 2008
A joyful NIGHT!

Here's a random thing that I hafta tell u guys! Had lunch at NP with Anne and Mel after school! Went to try the MEE REBUS there and it taste quite not bad! Best thing was.. it cost only $1.. I couldnt finish it cause it was quite a big plate! Whatever it is.. it did filled my tummy for the whole afternoon! *yummy*!
Friday was indeed quite pack when baby is OUT FROM CAMP. Met up with him at his place at 8 and then dinner at AMK central and then met up with his army fren for a short while and thats where I bump into LISA (So coincidence..)! Pardon me for having sucha one-the-full bf who just love to make fun of u yea? Hehe...!
Went to MOS after that for Mr Kooichi 22nd bday! He was so wasted that he nearly fell down a couple of times.
Yes.. the SWEETEST COUPLE in the world! REally hearts him lots!
I wasnt in the clubbing mood that night cause baby was there and HE DOESNT WANT TO DANCE WITH ME! But he was nice enough to bring me to Smoove (I swa gu lar.. dunno MOS that well.) and let me smell the air there abit then PROMISE ME that he will dance with me at home and shake his butt for me. Well.. I also made him promise me to dance with me on our wedding day!
He puke on the container. The sight of him vomiting was pretty hilarious cause he was like.. erm.. FUNNY LAR! And he kept shouting.. Its a happy day, Everyone in the world is happy... AND SO MANY THINGS LAR!
He even bang on the bottle of champaigne on the glass table! He nearly fall off the sofa and thank god my fit hubby was right beside him to HOLD HIM! WEll... he made alot SPEECHES which sound really SO erm... DRUNK! All in all, he's a HAPPY 22nd birthday KOOIBYE!!!
Here's a biggi kiss to everyone in my bloggi from Kooichi! Hahaha.. I dun think he will remember THESE photos cause he send us all a THANK YOU FOR COMING message which also tell us that he cannot remember anything at all! Tee hee heee!
Went back from MOS at about 2 plus cause Baby and I felt a little tired and baby couldnt drink cause he's driving! So, we left and headed home for FISHING!! I'm so proud that I caught a super RARE pinki fish! Oh man.. its rare cause it's said so over there! Fishing till the clock strikes 4am and Ko-ed right after that. Baby was playing Final fantasy on my NDS! Tahahha! The gamers couple!!
SAturday came and its time for SHOPPING! We went to suntec and got ourself NOTHING from there and then we headed down to TOWN and I bought all my dresses and tops from far east! I guess I'm pretty ready for CNY. just need a little more accessories and I'm done! Baby was nice enough to accompany me ROAM the whole far east and he got himself only a pair of jeans in the end. Met up with JJ, Iz and Amanda for dinner at the Soup restaurant!
The chicken taste damn SHIOK! Soup taste SPLENDID too! We were the last group to leave and we still take our time to finish up! Went down to TPY after that to play NUMBER BALL and then HOME SWEET HOME at 1 plus! Baby and I was SUPER tired that night! Our legs was CALLING FOR HELP when we reached home!
Sunday was RECUPERATING day for both of us! I was fishing all day and he was final fantasy-ing ALL DAY! Went to visit his granny and we have dinner at BEDOK! We send baby back to camp after that and his parents send me home WITHOUT BABY again! Hehehe! How nice!!
Monday (which is... TODAY...) was spent very wisely! I was home all day but NOPE.. I wasn't as free as bird.. in fact.. I'm very busy until bones were CRACKING! I cleaned up my room TODAY! I even change the bedsheets! Oh man...
I finally get to use the sheets dad bought for me last year! Its the first time I saw bedsheets in boxes and then I saw the price... $329.00. He bought 2 more pillow case which cost a nicely $45! Oh man.. sometimes I think that my dad is NUTS! Guess he has too much money to spent on NONSENSE stuff!
So expensive sheets of course must make nicely lar! The colour is like SO DULL lar! Cannot contrast with my room full of pink and blue (machiam PLAYGROUND)! Have to add that monkey to make the bed BRIGHTER! Tahahaha!
Whatever it is... I'm done with my part of cleaning! Its now my SIS's turn! I'm so tired!! GONE!!!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
So nice right? Well.. maybe its not nice when not worn but I swear I look so good on it! I will farking dig those eyes if anyone says its not! Hahaha.. i really like it VERY MUCH! It cost pretty DECENT for such a dress at far east but still.. the BROKE FIFI have to ask daddy to invest some money for CNY CLOTHES. Hope he got WHAT I MEANT just now when I tried hinting him!! *PRAYS*
Anyway, I went shopping with my Missy HF! Lisa was in school and so.. we have to LEAVE HER OUT! HLF without the L today! WE miss u totally though.. AND PLEASE MAKE URSELF FREE FOR THE V DAY WEEK! We'll plan something out so tell me ur studies date.
It was pouring when we got out of FAR EAST but we still insisted to WALK TO Heeren and cine with that pathetic small umbrella. It is as small as my HAND and my hand is well known for BABY HAND cause its really small! But.. when it's stretched out, IT IS ABLE TO SHELTHER 2 of us all the way to HEEREN. We were both scared of the slippery tiles and thus.. we hugged each other REAL TIGHT!! Today shopping was really GREAT though I bought just 1 TOP! STill.. it kinda boosted me to get ANOTHER TOP!
Oh.. Did I mention I had fat legs! Oh gosh! I wanna lose that fats TOTALLY! I wanna have legs like Banana and mich! Tall and slim unlike mine... SHORT And STOUT! *bang* Ok.. I'm having PRE-SCHOOL syndrome now!
Monday, January 14, 2008
My perception.. CHANGES!
My perception of things changed! How I wish I was a MALE sometimes, female tends to think and wonder alot and then get farking AFFECTED by every single little things. I wanna be a male who have that mentality of.. DON'T CARE DON't BOTHER! I really wish that would happen and then I can be a HAPPY GO LUCKY kinda person but sad to say I CAN'T but I will try! Was having a small chat with baby last night and found out that what we perceive in life seems different. We were talking about life after ORD and the talk gets a little TENSE! Baby thinks that we shouldn't meet up often so in order to stay in healthy relation in case he gets bored by meeting everyday. I got damn pissed off by it cause I feel that even though we meet up EVERYDAY doesnt mean that we WILL GET BORED BY EACH OTHER! I will definitely not get bored by his looks, character and most importantly, HIS LIFE so.. why should he? Tell me about MARRIAGE then??
Is this what's every guy's kinda view towards love? It's not that I've to be so NEEDY toward him but just that what I perceived in love is one that DON't have that mentality of getting bored by it and then ended BREAKING each others heart just because of BORED! Whatever it is, I guess I just have to live with it and enjoy everyday till ORD date reaches. I really do hope things will change in the future!
Things won't be so difficult if we exchange our mentality towards love! If I feel what he's feeling and he feels what I'm feeling.. THEN WE ARE PERFECT!
Gosh.. i guess the headache got me a little cranky today! *ciao*
Sunday, January 13, 2008
A wonderful weekend!
Whatever it is, I'm really a happy girl on a friday EVENING! Hearts my baby loads to drive to YISHUN to fulfil my tummy!
We got home and we played WII!! The fishing game ROX!! I was so hooked by it! See how serious I can get when playing game! Tahahaha! Pardon me for being so LOK KOK! YES.. that's my pyjamas when I'm at baby's place! Hush Puppy Boxer and a big big tee! Hahaha! Whatever it is.. I really wish this week to pass real fast so to PLAY the fishing game again!!! I hate SCH!!!
We made plans on Saturday to SHOP for our CNY clothes! We set a objectives for each other and that is to shop for each other for the perfect clothings for the day! Well.. baby was really MAKING ME GOING VERY CRAZY! He kept choosing very DRAMA MAMA dressy for me! *pissed* ENDED UP... we bought nothing at all but just a HOT STUFF magazine! Gonna shop for more next week and this time.. I swear I'm gonna get ALL THE STUFF ready! BTW, we manage to shop ard town and bugis street and ERMMmm.
.. SIM LIM SQUARE cause baby wants to see tv!! Grrr! Really love this baby of mine LOADS.. WHY SO? I like it so much when he plan for the weekends.. esp when we have to get clothes tgt.. He was like.. Bee...(Baby in short).. DO YOU LIKE JAP STYLE kinda clothes? ME: I'm alright with that why?? Baby: Well.. we'll head to Central and Suntec City next sat to get everything alright? Centrals sells quite alot of dresses!
I'm so lucky to have u baby! *Smuackers*
Saw this really cool car on the road! Its a guy driver! Well.. really love it so much lar!
Teehee... What a houseman Lao Gong I have here! Doing all the housework when I'm happily snapping photos and watching TV! Tahahha!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Time Management!
I even had some revision on lectures when I'm home on wednesday night! BUT.. its was just a ONE-TIME-THING! Its still the first week and so.. I guess its still ALRIGHT for me to feel this way!
School ended at 5pm everyday. I have been heading home for 3 days after sch and its really a boring thing to do even though Huang Jin Lu perks me up a little. I randomly chooses to chat with Kooichi and realise they are meeting up for dinner. I was pretty delighted and MET them(Kooichi, Iz and LK) even though I had my dinner already.
LK wanted to invest some money to get a new Mahjong table(Which I think.. its a splendid idea)! We decided to have our dinner at TPY and then roam ard the streets of TPY central. We shop ard the PASAR MALAM, Courts and all the HDB shophouses(SO FUN LAR...)! I was having loadza fun with them and without my bf in the group. I guess its always times like this that I can hear some secrets abt my bf or maybe laugh at his cute actions like running away from smelly wet markets? Hahahah!
Our main target was to SHOP FOR MAHJONG TABLE..right!!! But we lose our concentration for searching and ended up PLAYING BILLARD! Due to the fact that I actually SUCK at billiard, we changed to NUMBER BALL instead! I always like number ball.. cause its like so EXCITING! We all enjoy ourself till the clock strikes 12! Hahaha! Took a cab back and they boarded off first and the driver was asking me WHY ARE THEY SO BAD TO LEAVE A GIRL ALONE? ARE THEY MY CLASSMATES? DID THEY PAY ME THEIR SHARE OF MONEY? I was like.... ???
Slept till 11am today! Oh my.. the latest timing for the week! Gonna meet up with baby later in the night to have our BEE HOON DINNER at Yishun. Its time for some FISHING and WWF punching in the night with WII! Hahahah! Can't wait TOTALLY!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008

School started 2 days ago and I was really busy within that 2 days. I havent had my notes ready yet and I was pretty pissed off with the school GIAM SIAP-ness to print notes for us. We had to actually prepare truckloads of notes on our own. I didnt even know where to download the notes from until the second day of school. Its compulsory to get the Commercial law book which cost a nicely 39 bucks. Notes and the book will cost me $90 bucks in total! I'm not sure if I need to get any other tb still!
Its me and Anne in the bus on the first day of school! Well.. we seems all excited but after a day, we felt like heading home to sleep! Hahahaha! I'm really very prepared for school yet. Xinyi and Lisa finally get their ass to school for the first sem. I'm pretty envious with them having so many old friends in their class. I have NONE! REally NONE in my course! But thank god that Xinyi is still ard for me to be with.. my personal secretary in NYP! Gonna meet her up later to print my notes! Thanks babe for the accompany which I totally need!!!
Yes.. I'm gonna be a student-holic soon! Gonna chiong hard for this current semester and score better grades! Studies should be easier than Project I guess!! My target for this semester will be at least a credit for all subjects! No more passing grades!
I made baby really pissed last night. It was totally my fault that I played with 'fire'. I didnt expect him to get so angry in the end. I experienced loadza things last night which nearly cause my heartbeat to stop that very second. How could I underestimate my baby's anger.. but whatever it is, I finally understand that I was really stupid at times.
I'm very sorry, Dear Dear!
Everything got back to normal today, but sigh.. not really normal. My eyes were swollen and puffy. I simply hate to tear in the night! My feelings did not adjust to how it should behave and I'm still having that I'm LOSING-MY-BF feeling. I need to straighten out my feelings NOW! FELICIA.. WAKE UP!!!
I have got tons of things to do but I doubt I can do it today.
- Writting my journal
- Revision Commercial Law
- Reading up on some definations on Commercial Law
But.. I'm feeling very lethargic NOW!! I NEED MORE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Welcome School!
Weekend was pretty short and fun. Manage to meet up baby at abt 1 plus and we both sleep like a pig from 3 to 5! We had dinner with his parents and Leon leon at Bishan
Yes.. Crazy Ang Mo! Hahaha! The western food here is better than BoDak Jones and the servings are much more than Bodak Jones. I really like their Chicken Wings.. Big and Juicy! Yummy!
Hiak hiak.. Baby forgots to change his spec in camp and he had to wear his kuku specs. I can't believe it sometimes but he had 3 SPECS for different timing. 1 for his NS, 1 for his OUTING and the other one is when he's home! Hahahahah! See how adorable my baby is.
Met up with Kooichi and gang for a movie session. Dan in real life seems like a great choice and so we bought the 1.55am tickets when its only 12am! Went to play CS after much discussion. I was pretty new to this game even though its sucha LONG LONG game. I used to like it alot when I'm 14 cause of some guy I had a crush on back in secondary sch. He was a clan leader and so I had to learn a little about CS in order to be CLOSE to him. HOW SILLY!! I didnt get him in the end but I did learn a little abit about cs though. Like.. buying guns, buying shield, throwing bombs, HEAD SHOT and camping! Tee hee hee... but I still suck at it! Sat night was fab playing CS with the guys. manage to kill Lionel Koh and esp. JUN JIE! But sigh.. I dunno why but I always get too excited when I'm killing someone and when I killed it.. I will shout real loud. *HOw bimbotic*! Anyway, Dan in real life seems nice for a saturday show. Cute comedy love show. Baby thinks its alright so I guess its should be really not bad lar. Thank god that we did nt choose AvP2!
Sigh.. it will be a really Long day today for me! School at 2 till 5 and then tuition at 6 till 7.30! I guess I will probably DIE ON THE BED when I'm home! *yawns*
Friday, January 4, 2008
What a Rush!
It was still pouring when I walking to the shuttle bus. I was shivering when I boarded the bus. Look how kuku my face is with that unkempt hair! Well.. I really couldn't bother much cause I would rather not waste time on my hair and hop onto the 5.30 bus than to waste time dolling up and walk along the flooded path to the bus stop. I was listening to the radio when something struck me hard. MC KING passed away at the age of 40. I don't know why but I felt pretty sad at that very moment.
MC King blog Trust me.. this blog is really funny. The videos really make me laugh my ass off esp. the wedding of priscilla Chan. GO WATCH IT!
I didnt have my mp3 with me cause Touchie is with baby. The ride was long and thank god I manage to find a seat and enjoy my storybook which I manage to reserve it from the library. GIRLS.. please read the SHOPAHOLIC Series ok? Shopaholic and baby is the last book of the collection. But well, it you wanna borrow from the library, you got to be prepared to waste $1.50 for the reservation fees cause you can never get it from the shelves unless you're as lucky as striking 4d!
It was still early when I reached CCK. I was lost at first at CCK cause I couldnt find LOT 1 and thank god Banana came to my rescue. Walk ard LOT 1 and manage to find ARIES! Manage to buy my eyelash curler at $1.20 and I found that glue that Xiaxue introduced at $2.50. Called Lisa to know if she needs me to get it for her but she never picked up! Too bad!
It was still too early cause there's some delay in his book out time. I waited for baby in the library instead cause there's nothing much at Lot 1!
Met up with Baby and we had pastamania! Creamy Chicken for me again. Walk ard LOT 1 till 8.30pm. Baby suggested having Bean curd at some coffee shop across the street.
This shop really sells great bean curd. I like the smoothness of it. *yum yum*! Took a long ride home after this.
This was what I did for Friday. Time pass pretty fast though!
Its Saturday today and I have no idea what we gonna do tonight. Suppose to watch AvP2 but Lisa n Huifang said it sucks! I'm freaking bored at home and mum is starting her NAGGING SESSION soon! Gtg! Enjoy ur weekends!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
H.L.F Outing
Something unique for me this year was, I'm pretty crazy over fake lashes recently. Not that it look good on me but I just like spending money on these lashes. Since its HLF's outing and the girls always dress at their best whenever we meet up.. I thought I should outstand them for once yesterday by putting on those long lashes I bought on new year eve's with baby. I have not master XIAXUE's professional way of putting on fake lashes yet, but I will really try my best. Alright.. here's me with my crazy obsession.
Hahaha! Just see how cheeky can my cheeks be! I can squeeze a mantou out of my face. Gosh! I doubt I can ever lose that baby fats off my cheek but I pretty like it as long as it remains instead of adding more fats in it. Must be the fried pig oil that cause me to have so much FATS!
Met up with Huifang at 2pm to start our shopping spree. Window shopping was indeed great. Went to dodo club again to get another lashes and Huifang got herself one too! Lisa couldnt join us any earlier cause she has to WORK.. Gua gua gua! We decided to take a bus to Bugis and we have to wait like half an hr for the next bus and thus this explains the camwhore section 2!
Everyone in the bus was actually staring at us but who cares. Oh... and I sat on the seat of that old indian actor in that show GROWING UP! MR Gomendasamy.. THAT MAMASHOP owner! Hahahhaha!
Walk ard bugis and Lisa called. Met up with her and this girl CLAIMS that she's hungry! We settled HER dinner at Yoshinoya and she's really Beh Pai seh to eat alone.. BABY.. SEE... LISA CAN EAT WITHOUT US EATING BUT WHY CAN'T YOU?? HAHAHA!!! We got bored and thus we played ard with our Nokia phone cause of the front camera function!
Yes.. that's Lisa with her FOOD! Huifang and Us were waiting for AH LAO (cause she's the oldest) to finish up her food! How great AH LAO is right? Let the youngs wait for her. Hahaha!
And they claim that my eyelash are long. Whoo hoo.. I really like those lashes. Gonna buy more!
Its us again with our crazy action. I heart u both! Really!
How could we possibly leave Lisa out right? She realise how great my phone camera is and the lightings makes her look 1000 times prettier and thus she snaps herself in my phone.
Its me and my crazy ideas again (Can't blame me for that cause school is starting and Mr Boyfriend is in camp)! The messages are actually written by me so NO OFFENCE ok? I was just trying to add some fun in my blog. But peeps.. u may vote if u like! Hahahahha!
Alrighty.. gtg now! Its lunch time for me and I'm really starving.