Friday, April 25, 2008
First was wakey wakey for BUSINESS STATx paper. The paper was so so lar.. then it was lunch with the lovelies. Shaye took the bus along with me n anne and we 3 go on our separate ways. I went for tuition, Anne went home and Shaye went to the GYM as usual.
I was SERIOUSLY so tired that I actually fell right dead onto my bed after tuition. I was in dreamland when everyone msg me. Woke up 40 mins later only to realise that I actually CALLED shaye to discuss about meeting up.
We went to Bugis street to get my lovely dressy. Shaye chose it and he keeps telling me how lovely that dressy is and even commented that IT WILL BE MY FAVOURITE DRESS.Its really great hanging out with this fella like TOTALLY. He gives really good comment on clothes and is definitely a good partner to SHOP.
Was suppose to head to bradell for study session but NO ONE WAS THERE.. and thus I chose to skip study session today. Met up with Jun Jie for coffee talk cock session while thinking of some plans to do. Wanted to play Mahjong so much but NO ONE WAS FREE. We went down to meet Kervin and rest instead to prawn fish.
Jun jie paid 3 hrs to prawn and guess wat... we manage to catch like.. 7 fishes together with 1 rod. Damn loser lar... but it was really fun. I was totally enjoying myself to the fullest. Its a pity that baby couldnt be here to have such moments with me.. but anyway.. I doubt he can stand mosquito bites and the heat and esp. the SMELL!
Really thank Jun Jie for the hassle to send me ard and esp. that TREAT. Oh.. and that wonderful PUMA bag. I'm so lucky to have them as baby's gang of BROs.. they totally spice up my life.. Kooichi... Iz.. JJ...LK..ROX lar!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Lost track.
Really love this group of BESTIE so muchie lar. I'm so sure its their laughter and presence that make me the HAPPIEST girl in my life. I'm so happy that I even lost track on how many more days to see my baby. I used to count during the first few days but NOT NOW.
Gonna do stats the whole of TOMORROW! I'm damn freaking tired but NOPE.. I'm not gonna let any marks to SLIP OFF just like dat. Stats.. here I come!!!
H1: Felicia is failing badly definitely.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
My 9 months!
Exam is on friday and I'm so NOT LOOKING FORWARD for it. I'm like probably 80 percent ready only? Sigh.. Probability just sux to the core yea? But well.. Shaye's laughter and Jac's bitching did make me feel less STRESSFUL. People there are really nice.. and there's this really cute guy who has this boy next door look really make me go Ooogaga! I'm NOT FLIRTING ok.. just admiring. I did make friend with him in the end.. cause he's one of shaye'e friend. I SWEAR.. he've got this OH SO SEXY voice.
Alrighty... I kinda lost count to how many days baby will take to come back. I guess it a approx. 13 days more? Back to books. Bye peeps!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
late night once again..
Its not that I like this routine or something but.. seriously.. I coulndt think of a better way to get baby outta my life for once without meeting the cliques. SAt and Sun was totally horrible. I didnt even flip a page at all.
Tuition today was terrible cause his mum was so mad at the younger brother that I bet she nearly CRIED. Now.. my tuition kid has to come to my place for tuition instead. HOW GREAT!
I got really pissed off with baby today. I feel that it was all my fault but I just couldnt bring myself to admit that it was my fault. It all started with me being ALL EMO telling him how much I miss him n GOT NO REPLIED at all till 2am in the morning. I couldnt really believe how busy a person can get while he's in taiwan. Like hello... 2AM.. isnt that so NUTS? Guess I think about him too MUCH.. that I simply couldnt resist myself to go all crazy. Ahh... WATEVER!!!
Alright.. I think I better go off to bed right now. Its monday.. like FINALLY!! 4 more days to business stats! CREDIT here i come!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
What a saturday..

Friday, April 18, 2008
Today was abit slack cause.. I was really too GONE for anymore topics of business statistics. Hnot H1 and Bo B1! Grr.. Coms law here I come! Gonna start tomorrow.. till Tuesday and then back to STATS again! Shait!
Baby called me like finally! He called while I was out with Kooichi n Issac at Liquid Kitchen. I was pretty shock to receive his call actually but still it did brighten my night. I felt totally better now as compared to yesterday n the day b4. Like what kooichi says.. i should feel lucky that I'm lionel's gf because he has friends like tHEM! Hahaha! I totally agreed that. Issac, Kooichi, Gabby, Zhiwei, Anne, Shaye, Tom and Van van, Lisa, huifang and like SO MANY MORE TO NAME LAR... oh.. Kanyi too!
How ironic it is when shaye says that I'm a freaking busy girl having to attend commitments when I'm actually missing my bf so much. Hahaha!
Gab.. u're heading to stinky Taiwan soon.. and seriously.. I dunno if I'm going to tear for u tomorrow so.. if I dun happen to be there.. I really hope that u'll be that ONLY SURVIVOR and enjoy ur stay there. Its the last chong sua and we will become SCHOOL MATES! Yippie! I can proudly tell my friends about Mr Mumbai story! Hehehe! Take good care ok?
Alrighty.. gtg now to Zzzz.. nights pple!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
2nd day
Really got to thank my wonderful friends for being there with me yesterday. Shaye and GANG really helped me alot. Anne was nice enuff to treat me coke and the incessent Bimbo-ness really make my day. I cried a few times yesterday in front of them.. cause I just couldnt hold onto my tears anymore longer. Baby finally called last night for 2 min conversation. I felt pretty energised after that conversation though.
Gonna meet Lisa and Huifang for some shopping spree and catch up session. Thanks Zhiwei for helping me to convey the msg to baby.
Might be meeting the gang to study later in the night again.. LAst 3 chapt of stats and I'm DONE! Way to GO! 19 more days to seeing baby! Simply cant wait!!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I feel rather heart broken.. NO appetite to eat, no mood to sleep, cant seems to study much and TEARS JUST KEEP FALLING. I seriously hate myself for being so weak. I I didnt even dare to part my phone too far away in case baby message me.. but till now.. NO NEWS FROM HIm.
Guess it is through this test that I realise.. that I totally cant live without him in a proximity of ANOTHER COUNTRY. The feeling just sucks. I don't really feel that shitty when he went CHONG SUA the other time.. but its this time that I feel the pain.
I miss you so much my dear.. I promise you that I will NOT quarrel with u anymore when u return. I will shower you with endless love and take care of u really well. I'm waiting for your return and I WILL SHOW YOU how well I taken care of myself by showing you the results I gotten. Love u loads!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Tears of sadness
In another 48 hrs, I will see myself in huge bucket of tears bidding farewell to my dearest baby. I wish this day will never come but sigh.. sad to say.. I GOT TO LIVE WITH IT. I thought to myself.. why am I feeling sad and weak.. like HELLO its just a freaking 3 WEEKS.. not like a year or something.. and thats when I realise.. I just can't depart..
the incessent calls to check out if I'm alright, someone to cry to when I'm feeling shitty, 3 friday-sunday stayover, lovely care n concern for 3 weeks, night activities(erm.. like MOVIE or shopping.. dun tiko), Sat-Sun breakfast, lunch and dinner with the PARENTS, our lovely Doggie and bear bear and last of all.. I just miss ur 3 weeks companionship.
His dad actually wanted to plan an oversea trip with the family this year.. but seems like its abit impossible with his brother having to start sch soon. STILL.. baby wants me to try my best to make it if that were to ever happen.
Seriously.. I miss him! OK... sis is back! PREZZIES!!!!!!!!! Bye..
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Mahjong day
Its mahjong session with my SIM friends today.. namely.. ANNE, Tom and Grace. My dad could click with them almost instantly so it was pretty HILARIOUS. The whole mj session was great with TOM losing EVERYTHING from his money box after 1.5 games. IT was really fun playing with them esp. TOM cause he's really funny.
Supper together with Shaye and his gf. Great bonding session with them.. Laugh like as if theres no tomorrow AGAIN! It was great hanging out with them.. TOTALLY!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Anyway, I guess I'm pretty out of my mind today even though its just 9.30am! I'm pretty HAPPY today and thats cause my stinky sister is OUT OF TOWN! She went to HK just to get her PRADA bag. I'm happy because firstly, she's getting the PRADA BAG... secondly, the room is ALL MINE and thirdly.. I HAVE THE BED ALL BY MYSELF for just 1 night! Hahahah!

Here's a photo of me being snap by darling while in daze of WHAT TO EAT. Gosh.. I simply hate the haircolour.. and I'm so in need of nails therapy. AND.. its a photo of me WITHOUT make up! Pale like anything right?
Then then then.. its a photo of me with baby's new gadgets. Well.. its all his TOY! There's still I touchie(which is currently MINE now), WII and SAmsung TV! I hate his PSP though.. its like his second WIFE which can be with him wherever and whenever.. I'm freaking JEALOUS of it. She's able to go TAIWAN with him, go to CAMP with him and.. even TOILET. Gosh.. I wish I was the PSP for a moment.
But I pretty like the colour though.. we actually wanted to get the FELICIA BLUE but its pretty girly and I simply couldnt take baby blue colours and baby doesnt wanna get pink.. SO.. WHITE lor!
This phone is baby's 3rd wife. I think its like a ARMY PHONE.. where all army personnel should get this phone more than anyone else. Its using QWERTY keypads. OK.. do you know that our keyboard was name QWERTY instead of keyboards in the pass and thats because its the first 6 letter. I learn it back in POLY. Hur hur!
I was feeling bored while waiting for baby in his car. I felt like a small little girl in comparison with his Wishie. I guess NO ONE actually spotted me when I was in the driver seat. Anyway.. its my wish to drive a MPV car when I'm a MUM.. so.. we'll see to it. AND.. NO.. my licence is not to FRAME.. I do drive my daddy's car out once in a while just that I prefer being driven ard than driving people. AND.. I have lovely friends who are very sweet to drive me ard for supper in the night or dinner in the evening. I love my FRIENDS!!
Its us at Prata house having our delicious supper. WEekends are known as FATTY days with baby ard. ITs always FAST FOOD, OILY FOOD and HEATY food! Am suppose to think of a place to eat on friday. ANY SUGGESTION?
Alright... gtg back to BOOKS! Yawns!
I nearly died...
Thanks for the ride home on WED night! I must tell u.. SERIOUSLY.. that I totally love ur bf's car ALOT! Do ASK ur bf to keep that car please... hahaha! Honda TYPE R is awesomely SEXY! BUT BUT BUT.... please ask him to drive cautiously! To tell u the truth.. I was praying when the thunderSTORM came within that few secs. I thought I was going to DIE but I had to stay with my cool to COMMENT that it was fun and exciting cause for the simplest reason.. I DIDN'T WANT TO GET KICK OUT OF THE CAR. But I must really admit that it was pretty exciting YET .. SCARY!
Thanks for that really wonderful trip! UR BF dun look that bad like what u claim lar.. He's OK LOR!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Huifang's bday party
I dress myself up in within 30 mins. I must admit it was the plainest make up I ever had. I couldnt care more abt it cause we were VERY LATE. Baby have to rush to AMK to do some stuff before meeting the rest. WE finally get to meet all of them at 8pm.
So here's a photo of the group of BABES! (the bday girl is the one in green)

Some photos of huifang's cutting the cake session! hahaha
The model of the day is non other than Xinyi's baby. Everyone wants to snap a photo of photo of her n with her. She's really cute. A pity that my bf dun wanna have a kid anytime soon.. gosh.. 10yrs more to come for the both of us. HOW SAD!
Baby will be flying off in 1 weeks time. Its funny how I don't really feel anything for the past few weeks.. but its this week that make me feel that I dun wanna have him leaving me for 3 WEEKENDS! Wierd dreams of him keep appearing everytime I sleep.. dreams like he not picking up my calls when we are IN SCHOOL! Hahahahha!
I know nothing of sort will ever happen cause he's the sweetest baby I ever had. He's booking out tomorrow to accompany me and he will be talking to me more ths week.. and he even said that we should not sleep on friday night to spend time tgt. ANND AnD AND... he asked me if we should have a great dinner on sat! And and and.. theres like alot lar.. I simply love him so much that really no words can explain how much is it.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Its not so bad afterall..
I dun really know what was the lecture all abt but one think I know was.. I have so many wonderful friends. First was Anne. She's those who you would take good care of despite her height cause she's abit simple minded kind. She would believe almost EVERYTHING people says.. so.. u find her rather cute yet bimbo. Hahaha! But its her smile which actually melts every guys heart. Second was Mel.. She's like a smart lovely girl whom u will feel motherly love from. A sweet demure girl that everyone claims.
Brian will be someone who u can trust on. A guy which is every girls kinda dream but OH-SO-SORRY that he's being taken. A guy with good looks and character. Secrets are well kept in his brain.. and it was rather sweet that AT LEAST.. he tells me his darkest secrets and even ask me for a drink TO PASS TIME! How nice right? Hahahha...
Shaye will be someone who I respect as like a brother. You can just talk to him about ANYTHING and he will give u the bestest CONSULTATION that anyone could give. His tuition is always a fruitful one where you can remember everything for life. With his presence, you can only hear laughters. Its really great to have sucha good friend.
Vanessa! My new friend in SIM! Shaye, Mel and Anne all told me that Van and I can make a good pair of frens. I guess its just so true. Apart from the fact that we are both categorise as Ah lian, our Topic of conversation are mostly ALIKE. We never fail to interest people with our topic of conversation. It's really great to know someone like her do exist in my sch.
Baby was really sweet to pick me up from sch today and sent the 2 girls back to their DOME. It's his first time driving to sch to fetch me up. My bf is really the sugar coated candy sweetness kind. Love him awesomely much.
Friday really pass fast with all these excited activities going on. I never felt moody or so watever shit for the 1 whole week... I love my FRIENDS!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
PSP finally
YES.. see.. so many things to do b4 heading out for some shopping and yet.. I STILL reach earlier than SHAYE! Hahahah! I guess I must have been late many times in my previous life.. its always ME who is waiting for people be it girls or guys instead of the other way round. I'm like so used to such things.
Town-ing was great with corny jokes from shaye. Met up with Huifang for a little shopping spree.. and we both get the same dress in teh same colour. I was so happy when the salesgirl told me its 40 percent off only to realise that EVERYWHERE in town is selling the same price as the discounted one. But.. well.. I'm happy with my purchase. There's like SO MANY things I wanna get recently. I guess probably 10k should only be enough to get 40 percent of what I wanna get. I guess.. its time to look for a job..
Baby was able to get out of camp today for a night. I was obviously delighted upon hearing that.. but still.. I waited for him for 10 mins. Gosh.. even my bf makes me wait. Hm.. We went to shop ard for psp and finally made our mind to get it from a particular shop where we spent 8 dollers for a terrific service. That was one where its selling the cheapest but the service is like KNS so we rather pay 8 bucks extra to get excellence services.. SPOILT BRAtS aeh! hahhaha!
Baby was as happy as a lark lar.. he was like.. so happy that he msg his fren almost immediatly for information on PSP. I was pretty pissed on the way he gets so excited that he left me all alone watching the tv. Still.. I find him rather cute having that young boy at heart.. character. He's flying to taiwan in 2 weeks time.. and he's so sweet to MAKE SURE I MUST see him off in the airport and he's gonna give me some exta cash to pamper myself whenever I miss him and he will get me stuff from taiwan and on top of that, he will try to get me a longchamp bag if he has extra money to spend. All of you must be super jealous of me already right? Tee hee! I love my bf so much..
OK.. so here's some photos of me. I think I will have my haircut real short next time.. Should I? Alright.. have a nice day peeps!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008
A study day out
It was test on a Tuesday morning which I totally don't wanna talk about it.. Lunch after that with Anne, Mel, Teng, Thomas, Shaye, Jason and Angela. Just got to know Angela and her complexion is like so so smooth and she's like so so far. She totally resembles Jolin Tsai but she kept denying it. Lunch was settled at Nhee Ann Poly cause SIM had too much STUDENTs to accommodate in that small canteen. They should have like MORE canteens built for us cause we paid like SO MUCH MONEY only to find out that we always have difficulties finding seat for lunch and yet people like secondary school and JC students paid NOTHING yet can stuck their ass on our territory for SO DAMN LONG. Its like way too kuku liao lar.
These are my friends of joy namely(from left to right).. Teng, Shaye, Angela, Thomas and Jason. I swear u can laugh until your stomach feels super aching and ur cheek muscle are super aching too. The reason that I took this photo was because they looks like some rock band with their BLACKS. They are really very nice people!
Teng was really nice to drive us to Novena. The 2 teddy bears were in the front seat. Polar bear (teng) and Panda Bear (Thomas)! I have very cute friends right? Haha! Well.. without teng, we will never have free trips to school, geylang supper and study session.
Check out how shaye's chest muscle. His chest is like.. really protruding out like a solidified breast. Whenever there's him around, you wont be afraid of getting bullied by strangers. Well.. but in order to get such muscles, you have to first have a good perseverance like heading to GYM every single day and have food like hamster food.
Here's an evidence of us trying really hard to study but guess its cause the PnM test that all of us lose concentration very easily after a few hrs. STILL.. it was pretty fruitful to me and my english improve tremendously after clicking with this group of friends cause majority of them are from JC!
We settled our dinner at Novena Chicken Rice. Well.. the food is pretty aiiigghhhttss... but the service SUCKS. I'm not discriminating anybody but china workers should actually attend some customer service lesson because we are like paying 7 percent GST and we get services like black faces and SELF SERVICES. Thank god that the chicken rice make up for the bad services we had or else.. heh heh heh.
We headed to the Hong Kong cafe nearby to have desserts. Oh my goodness.. the durian pudding is like WAY FANTASTIC. Its cheap and yummy. People who love durians should try the puddings there. I SWEAR you guys will totally love it. Its just few shops away from the famous Novena chicken rice.
Ok.. so here is some photo of the 4 hungry ghost who ate SO MUCH! Here's Anne and Shaye.
The cute Panda Bear Thomas and me. See how fair I look beside him. Hahhaha!
And to end this April fool's day outing. We had Shaye to do his FAN BAI YAN face. Gosh... look how evil is this. NO.. he did not have white contacts.. and I totally have no idea how he did it. It just amaze us and.. we couldnt stop laughing! hahahah!
Ok.. that's all for the fun! Here's some serious business! Had a chat with baby last night and we decided something. Baby thinks I should get my masters after my degree so that we can study together. I don't know why but I felt that I really should get a part time master after what he had said. I'm happy that at least my boyfriend is so encouraging and he actually wants to study with me! We discussed about us staying tgt every night and flipping through pages with coffee's ard. I got pretty excited that I slept with a picture of us studying together.
I totally love u so much baby. I'm so sorry that I made u so mad for the past few days. I don't know why but I always have that perception that our future wouldn't be what I perceived.. and I didnt really try hard over this relationship. But your words last night was really sweet and touching though you sounded furious. The way you ensure me that you can see the future made me realise how much you are serious this time round. I'm really happy to have u in my life! I heart you loads.