Anyway, I guess I'm pretty out of my mind today even though its just 9.30am! I'm pretty HAPPY today and thats cause my stinky sister is OUT OF TOWN! She went to HK just to get her PRADA bag. I'm happy because firstly, she's getting the PRADA BAG... secondly, the room is ALL MINE and thirdly.. I HAVE THE BED ALL BY MYSELF for just 1 night! Hahahah!

Here's a photo of me being snap by darling while in daze of WHAT TO EAT. Gosh.. I simply hate the haircolour.. and I'm so in need of nails therapy. AND.. its a photo of me WITHOUT make up! Pale like anything right?
Then then then.. its a photo of me with baby's new gadgets. Well.. its all his TOY! There's still I touchie(which is currently MINE now), WII and SAmsung TV! I hate his PSP though.. its like his second WIFE which can be with him wherever and whenever.. I'm freaking JEALOUS of it. She's able to go TAIWAN with him, go to CAMP with him and.. even TOILET. Gosh.. I wish I was the PSP for a moment.
But I pretty like the colour though.. we actually wanted to get the FELICIA BLUE but its pretty girly and I simply couldnt take baby blue colours and baby doesnt wanna get pink.. SO.. WHITE lor!
This phone is baby's 3rd wife. I think its like a ARMY PHONE.. where all army personnel should get this phone more than anyone else. Its using QWERTY keypads. OK.. do you know that our keyboard was name QWERTY instead of keyboards in the pass and thats because its the first 6 letter. I learn it back in POLY. Hur hur!
I was feeling bored while waiting for baby in his car. I felt like a small little girl in comparison with his Wishie. I guess NO ONE actually spotted me when I was in the driver seat. Anyway.. its my wish to drive a MPV car when I'm a MUM.. so.. we'll see to it. AND.. NO.. my licence is not to FRAME.. I do drive my daddy's car out once in a while just that I prefer being driven ard than driving people. AND.. I have lovely friends who are very sweet to drive me ard for supper in the night or dinner in the evening. I love my FRIENDS!!
Its us at Prata house having our delicious supper. WEekends are known as FATTY days with baby ard. ITs always FAST FOOD, OILY FOOD and HEATY food! Am suppose to think of a place to eat on friday. ANY SUGGESTION?
Alright... gtg back to BOOKS! Yawns!
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