Thursday, February 28, 2008
Next paper please....
Was surfing for the very first time. I was so surprise with the contents in there. Its like.. everything also have lar.. except SOPHIE KINSELLA books.. grr! I even manage to find that samsung tv that baby wanna get at a cheap cost.. But its just so hard to PLEASE this boy here.
I'm gonna pon sch tomorrow to meet baby up at 1 plus... *yea* Off to watch tv...
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I was so tempted to get it but the price kinda dampen my spirit.. its freaking 30 bucks cause its new release.. guess I will have to wait for it patiently but.. gosh.. seems like its not working.. I was searching in vain in ebay and yahoo auction but to no avail.. NO ONE IS SELLING IT except international sellers! FORGET IT! BACK TO BOOKS of BUSINESS STATS! :(
But well.. if any of you lovelys wanna get me present for no reason.. PLEASE.. GET ME THIS.. I swear I will give u a hugeass KISS... if u do! Hahahhaa! I'm dreaming!
Monday, February 25, 2008
He was hooked on WAJONG for the whole weekend(thanks to me) and he didnt even lemme off when I'm in sch. He called me incessently and even sms me to ask me about the number of tais and stuff. He will never lemme off even if I'm in the toilet. Reached his place and he didnt even want to open the door for me cause he was in the midst of the wajong game. His brother had to open for me on his behalf and both of us think his brother which is aka my BABY is very irritating. Hahahah!
I wasnt even allowed to play for a few mins and thats when we resort into playing wajong on different com in the same game with Issac. And to save my saliver and ensure that he doesnt see me cards... I wrote him THIS....

Went to Lk place to play mj and baby was pretty addicted to it too.. due to wajong. STILL.. he cannot really stand the boredom.. and thus he brought Wii along to entertain himself abit. We played mj till 6am in the morning.
Wajong indeed brought alot of smile on everyone's faces. Was surprise that Melissa, Anne, Kooichi, Issac, Lionel Koh, My mum and I has an account for it. It's reallya good game to pastime. Tee hee... off to my books! TEST THIS THURSDAY... but I cant focus as much as Wajong.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
A Timid Fifi
I feel very weak for the past few days. Though everyone including myself told me that NOTHING IS GONNA HAPPEN but I just couldnt ease my mind. There are so many smses that are draft because I couldnt find the right person to throw my feelings to cause no one really understands how and what I'm thinking now.
The only person I could try talking to is baby but he's really busy in camp and I wouldnt want my trouble to be his worries and I would rather hear him laugh than comforting me. I feel like a child. I tear whenever I hear baby's voice and everytime he tells me he misses me so much and end with a kiss.. my tear flow incessently.
I guess I really cant wait to see him on Friday.. I will probably give him a big hug that might suffocate him. This week seems a terror which really.. make me feel like forgetting it. I really hope next week would be full of happy changes. I wouldn't want to brood over the same issue like this week.
Thanks lisa for that wonderful tag. Seems like u're the only one who is concern. I salute you for being sucha dear! :)
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Time pass really slow today and I'm feeling rather scared. Lisa knows why and thanks to her that I've enlighten myself abit. Pray that nothing will happen really. I miss my baby so very much now but all I could do now is WAIT. There's nothing for me to surf on the web right now and Lisa has gone to watch CSI! I'm not in the mood to study and I'm totally BORED! The wind is cold and windy and all I need now is voices of hubby comforting words.
Read my fren's blog and realise that my fren is transplanting his bone narrow to his younger sister. Really pray that his sister will recover asap.
I want my baby so very much now.. can someone ring his ENCIK up to tell him I miss him so very much! OK.. I'm just deceiving myself. LET ME BE!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Random Post on CNY

First it was my dearest naughtiest god brother who came to place on Chu Yi to bai nian with us. Its an every year routine for this naughty boy to come every chu yi. He has been doing it for almost 10 years. Hehehe! This photo was taken in daddy's car on our way to my grandma's place to have our lunch and bai nian. Tee hee!

Then.. it was Ashley(the dog's name). Oh.. I really love this dog so much. She's one that boosted me to love dogs. She dun BARK and lick much. All she does is to bring joy to our family. It is so clean that u just wanna sleep on it. I dun really get to see it often so its really a big surprise for me esp. on CHU YI.

3rd surprise is definitely my cousin from China. Oh man.. so adorable right? They came back for a short trip and I really miss them so much. Hearts the second one alot.. but she's like pretty and very QUIET. But whatever it is.. I love them so much!!

4th surprise is a visit to my daddy's ex boss place. His house is amazingly big and POSH! There's still indoor movie theatre room. I was like.. OMG!

This is like what I perceive in my future lar.. Swimming pool beside the dining area with waterfall.

And just look at the bath area. ITS open air.. mind u! Hehehe! I WANT THAT HOUSE so very much. Hope toto this Friday will bring me some luck. 10 Million.. 10 million.. Baby and I got our tickets already. Mummy went to queue for us. Let's hope that it will be like the previous time when we won 250 buck. Hope it will win us MORE!
5th surprise would be my dearest baby. We had quite a number of quarrels during that period cause I dun really get to see him in the morning and evening and that's when I start to be grouchy. But he's really sweet to endure with my nonsense and make me smile whenever we meet up. He came to my place the other time and no one was home. We cook together, play card games together and watch tv together till the clock strikes 9 and we are off to somewhere else. Brought him to my relative's place and my cousin kept playing with him. He made it so important to bai nian with his parents
and he made it even compulsory to bai nian with my parents. Sat was at Lionel koh's place for steamboat and I get to see my dearest Jacyn and meet people like Xinyi and her husband and erm.. Yizhu and Andrew and.. some other people from Shang.
Stayed over at baby's place on Sat and sunday was just like any other normal days. I miss my boo boo so much!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
School was bored but I manage to tolerate till the last 15 mins when I actually went for toilet break only to find that CLASS ENDED before I got back. Class ended even earlier than what I expected (as usual). And like always, I've to wait for Mr Lee to reach. He will NEVER be early always... at times I wonder if he's the women and I'm the man. Waited for him for nicely 45 mins! HOW GREAT!
We went to VIVO to chill. I was so tempted to get clothes but Mr Lee was like the NAGGER of the day. With his nonchalent cum grandma nag, my face of $$$ became !!! Dinner was settled at our fav. DIAN XIAO ER. The queue is always freaking neh neh long but it's worth the wait.. the food is like.. HEAVENLY delicious.
REached home at about 10 plus and we started our wii game. The shooting game is really fun but a pity that the 2 player game has only 3 mission and we have completed it. Slept at about 1am and then Sunday came(how fast!)
Woke up and baby's mum want us prepared for Dim Sum at jalan Bahsar. A pity that Jalan Besah was closed when we reached and we changed to Marine Parade instead. The very last time I went there was.. like.. SO so long ago. We had dim sum cum Char Kway Teow for lunch. Shopping at Parkway Parade after that. It was 4pm when we reached home.. Oh man.. SO FAST LAR!
Played Wii again and then it was You Fu for some relaxation time before baby books in for camp. you Fu ended at 6.30pm and we are off for dinner at Macdonalds at 7.15pm. Baby drove me back home at 8.20pm and thats the end of our weekends meetup.
I just dun understand one fact that why time pass SO fast whenever baby is out. Its like.. I dun yearn for anything when he's out and time pass like a bullet train but when he's back in camp, time pass like a slow turtle. I thought its 11 plus and SEE.. its only 10.51pm!
This week better pass faster cause Lao Niang here has so many things to do. I have 5 hrs of tuition this week, school, hmws and REVISION to do. Am suppose to meet my dearest tiffie up but aint sure if I can make it.. but I DO HOPE I can! I have a very wierd headache now.. everytime I try to look sideways (eyelook), there's a pain at the side of my head and I guess its due to prolong eyes straining. Seems like health isn't really good on me.. really pray that I will be a healthy kid! Off to bed! Teeheehee!
Friday, February 15, 2008
I'm a HAPPY girl!

Ok.. so here's a photo of our glamourous nails before I proceed on further. Mel and I really heart our nails so very much that we jsut couldn't stop complimenting how much we love our nails. As usual, we walk around with our hands placed like a ZOMBIE in action. GIRLS!!!

Ok.. back to the topic. Baby and I met up at MPHOSIS cause he needed some time to get something for me and so.. we went on a separate ways and met up at Mphosis. I was abit sad when I saw him holding NOTHING on his hand. I thought he got me a bouquet of flowers or maybe a card but HE holds nothing on his hand. He told me that the thing he wanna get is out of stock and there's nothing he could get cause everything is expensive and so I thought.. ALRIGHT... a boring vday I presume. We drove ard east coast area and had bak chor mee for dinner. Wanted to have cheesecake from my fav. cheesecake cafe but they are closed for business and so we make do with the coffee club instead.

We had mudpie for dessert and some drinks. The ambience is good but the air con was way too cold for customer to SURVIVE in there. The mudpie was way freaking enormous and I didnt know it has coffee favour on it.. and baby have to finish the ice cream while I finish the oreo portion. Hehehe! We had our small conversation and leave the place as soon as we finish the mudpie. Hehehe... its yummilicious but the air con is way too COLD TO dong any further.

Check out the ring baby bought for me last few weeks for our 6 mths. Fits perfectly right especially with the medicure. I told baby about the price and he was like.. WHAT.. 30 plus for these nails.. *piak* he beats me for spending too much.. GUYS!!! Hello.. its just 30 plus.. no big deal.. very cheap already!! But well.. ah jun gonna bring mel and I to jb someday to have our tai tai session. I'm so gonna make my fingers a DIVA kind. Hehehe!
After having our dessert, we got back to the car. I was complaining how unromantic my bf can be and was nagging and nagging until.. he produce this....

I was lost for words! I really thought he was so bo xim. I really thought he really got me nothing and I thought he wasnt the ROMANTIC kind. This is like way much better than having bouquet of flowers behind the boot. Saw that blue star there? You know what happens when u press on it? Hehe.. Lionel Lee Yong Yee voice will be heard. He plan it really well.. I guess! He told me that after he bought the toy, he went back to the car and RECORD then went down to find me. I'm really touched at the moment he gave me this piggy. Well.. Its a male piggy and it symbolise him. We name it Zhu zhu!
I'm really a happy girl today! Baby.. thanks for the mega big surprise even though u took only half an hr to get ready. Thanks for routing ard east coast to find the cheessecake cafe for me. Thanks for being sucha fantastic baby. Its really a gracious thing to have u as my one n only bf. I LOVE U! Muacks!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Vday special!
valentines day should not be more special than any other day you spend with your loved one. I find it rather true but I dunno why these sentance doesnt really make much logic after seeing it SO MANY TIMES~
I didnt celebrate this year's vday with my love one cause apparently baby is in CAMP.. but his very sweet friend here by the name of kooichi just covered his ass by saying that Lao lee send him a psychic email to tell me he love me very much. VERY THOUGHTFUL kooichi!
I was out with my dearest Mel the whole evening doing our girlie shopping and yes.. MANICURE! We were in the shop for so long that we have to resort into skipping dinner.. but ITS ALL WORTH IT! Our nails are so DIVA! Hahaha! We ended up having burger king as our posh dinner! Hehehe! Nice pampering day for the both of us.
Oh FARK.. I just receive a very bad news! Gong Gong results are out.. and the cancer cells have affected his kidney. Doctor says that he may be GONE anytime. Mummy just told me to get ready.. and I feel like crying cause he doesnt know anything till now. I wanna see him but time seems like so jam up for me..
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Grandpa was diagnosed with cancer at his large intestine. He is still unaware about his illness and we don't really intend to tell him anything about it. It was a heart wrenching sight when I saw a bag being fitted onto his tummy so that his waste can be released into that bag. He was in huge pain with all the medication he took that he couldnt even celebrate CNY with us. We wanted to celebrate his birthday on Sunday but he fainted yesterday and was admitted to the hospital. Deep thoughts came rushing into my head of how gong gong used to be so adorable. He rears MONKEYs and alot of birds at home. He loves to drink ABC and always gorge us with food. His hokkien mee taste really fan-ta-bu-los and he's a soccer maniac and also a durian lover. Though we hardly talk much but his action always make us all very happy. His pronouciation of words also made a trademark in our language like CHU-GU-LATE(chocolate) and LOCTER (Doctor). I really love my dearest Gong Gong so very muchie.
The ward that my grandpa was is a Cancer patient ward. It's a habit that my relatives would make friends with the other patients and know about their illness. The youngest patient in the ward is barely 18 years old who just got his o level results. He looks so skinny and my aunt told me that he was diagnosed with blood cancer. I was lost for words. His form of medication is through injection and chemo and his hair drops alot. There's another patient aged about 40 plus who is also a blood cancer patient. His wife was telling us how he couldnt accept the fact when he heared the news. It all started with a high fever and he refused to see the doctor and then the virus got into his blood and then blood cancer.
Life is really so unpredictable. I feel so fortunate yet worrifying on my health. It makes me feel like stopping baby to smoke after seeing so many cases of CANCER! Sigh.. the patients has this very gloomy face that makes me feel so sorry for them. I really pray that everyone ard me including me will live in GOOD GOOD HEALTH. Esp.. my gong gong!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Unhappy Day!
After collecting the stuff which is not ALOT and seriously.. I didnt really help much, he reprimanded me TO STAY HOME and scolded me for the intentions to go out. LIKE.. HELLO.. whats his problem? I cant even have my plans even after doing what I'm suppose to do. I was suppose to head to bishan to get my stuff but ITS ALL CANCELLED because of him. I teared cause he shouted at me ONCE again.
Ended up.. I'm home doing my nails and doing nothing. He actually wants me to learn how to do the steamboat and help but I really couldn't be bothered any much further. I'm grounded! Then.. he shouted at me again and wants me to clean the DOOR again and vacuum the corridor. Funniest thing was.. he wants me to clean the left side of the door and each n every gap. I teared once again cause he shouted at me AGAIN!
After doing my nails, i cleared all the rubbish and he scolded me for a cotton wool that is not left by me. I did not tear but i rolled my eyes in front of him.
I'm so pissed! Not happy at all! And wtf.. my sis is not back yet. She didnt even clean a single spot in the room and she's not even home to help out a single shit! I miss my bf and I'm so not HAPPY!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Was having some really wierd thoughts last night. I wonder how I actually determine BEST FRIEND which I realise I had NONE. I'm not a very difficult person to live with but I just couldnt really find that TRUE FRIEND. I feel that the most important aspect in friends is that one shouldn't be gei gao(Stingy) with money. We cannot try to take advantages with FRIENDS to get anything we want. I think that its FRIENDS whom we can really spend money with(like shopping and etc etc) instead of anyone else.
Meili and I did once talk about the topic "friends" while in the bus the other day. We realise that people nowadays just don't treasure the word FRIENDSHIP as much as the past anymore. Best friends can even backstab each other unknowingly. So, our conclusion for the topic before I alight was.. 'THANK GOD that we are attached'.
Obviously, I still do have some good friends like the babes. But to find the only ONE is like so tough esp. when I'm attached now. Sigh.. whatever it is... GIRLS.. I still love you all and misses u all so damn much lar.
Enough of my emo entry. Its Cny today and its the first time I'm celebrating at HOME with my family and my aunt's family. DAD ordered the reunion package thing already and we are so gonna LOU HEI tonight! I swear I'm gonna Lou the HIGHEST TONIGHT! Hahaha! Alright.. i gtg do some work now! Bye bye!
Monday, February 4, 2008
2 comb and a bowl story

It happened on Saturday when baby and I wanted to head to my place to dye my hair. He told me initially that his parents has all the things needed to dye but we found out that his parents threw everything away. I was obviously disappointed and didnt wanted to dye anymore. Baby saw me feeling all sad and angry.. drove me ard at 11pm to search the comb and bowl. We couldnt find any and decided to head to my place and watch soccer instead.
Went to have his haircut while his mum went to granny's place and dad went home. We wanted to go Amk central to get the comb and bowl. His mum wanna tag along with us and so we waited for her. His dad then came with his younger brother and WE ALL head to AMK central to search for my comb and bowl, n buy the necessities and have our lunch. Baby and I search everywhere for the SET that his mum said but to no avail and we decided to get the comb only. Met up with his parents and HE DIDN'T WANT to tell his parents that we bought the comb already. His parents then search HIGH and LOW in every guardian shop and watson for the SET. Guardian assistants told his mum that NTUC Unity may have. AFter lunch and after getting all the bedsheets, his mum requested to go down to NTUC to look for the CURTAIN. She dissappeared so fast that we all thought she was at the curtain section. Baby was pissed with her dissappearence and his bro was as usual.. BLUR BLUR. His dad disappeared too but we all guess he was at the UNITY finding for the bowl and comb. Tata... we were all right.. but what surprise me was.. HIS MUM WAS ALSO THERE WITH THE DAD! So.. where did she actually go then?? Hehehe! I was really very happy.

A whole set of Hello Kitty. Oh no.. it doesn't belongs to me.. it's his mum's one. Apparently, baby and his younger brother had their sat mornign doing the household chores. They had to clean the cabinets and so.. Tata... His dad queue up for his mum! HOW SWEET right. Hm.. How his son will inherit this factor from his dad. Lol!
Oh.. and check this out! So adorable right? Ok.. he really looks so cute when he's very young but WHY DID CAT HIGH TAUGHT him to be a nerd in the end? Haha.. but he's handsome now la. These photos really made me laugh like mad when I saw it! Way too adorable!! LONG SOCKS! OH MY!!!
Baby had tuna for breakfast. He ate the WHOLE CAN ALL BY HIMSELF WITHOUT anything. I find it rather gross but he thinks its nice! Yucks! I still dun think eating tuna alone can taste so nice to whip the whole can of tuna off. This is my wierd darling who eats the WIERDEST FOOD on earth!!
The table came!! We finally have a dining table in the LEE house! And.. I must say that his dad really has good taste. It goes so well with the decor of the house. Well.. the table top shouldn't be this colour. its milky white. The delivery man delivered the white table top on Sunday. Hahaha.. See how big the table is!!
So its my turn to clear my room up AGAIN! HAving to see those guys in the lee family doing the chore hardworkingly.. I think I really suck being a girl. Baby wipe EVERY single thing he sees. He clears the WHOLE bedroom even places u dun really bother cleaning it. I didn't help much except being quiet and looking how manly he is when he's serious. WEll.. its not that I don't wanna help.. but baby has funny habits which I dun think I can make up to his standard of CLEANLINESS! SO.. he wants me to help him but keeping quiet, watching tv and occasional disturbance! Check out the whole chuck of storybooks my sis invest! I think she's crazy and well.. I really dreads sharing the same room with her for 10 years. She has thrice as many things as me and she occupies most of the space and HARDLY tidy up.
DAD got me a laptop. He bought it recently and then pass it down to me. Oh man.. this com ROCKS! The sound system and the screen are way wonderful. Really heart it loads. But sigh.. I have no place to put it on my table cause mummy wants to play maple on my table and I pass my lousy com to her. Gotta wait till sis packs her table full of rubbish!!
RESULT of clearing up a huge chuck of mess is.. A neat room and an injured finger. I think a wood has pricked on my finger. It better recovers fast before I head for my medicure tomorrow!
Before I end this post for you...
Here's a big ass for you. Hehe.. my enthu bf who can't lay still to play his final fantasy on my NDS. He brings it everywhere he goes even to the TOILET. Grr... I hate it so much!!! I have to leave pinky at his place so that he can play with it on WED when he books out! How terrible it is!!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Was playing ard facebook when I stumble onto this photo! A PHOTO of the SATC. Gosh! Just look at how long my hair is! I miss that hair! Hehehe! But I miss SATC more! Sigh... Meetup please.. girls? Hm..

Its Jane, ME, Mel and Regi!
I'm damn freaking kuku tired today. Lesson today is like way kuku boring but I manage to kuku DO IT! Talking in lesson is a KUKU thing to do and the lecturer nearly got us out of the class! I'm home now and I'm going REST! Kuku!