Ok.. so here's a photo of our glamourous nails before I proceed on further. Mel and I really heart our nails so very much that we jsut couldn't stop complimenting how much we love our nails. As usual, we walk around with our hands placed like a ZOMBIE in action. GIRLS!!!

Ok.. back to the topic. Baby and I met up at MPHOSIS cause he needed some time to get something for me and so.. we went on a separate ways and met up at Mphosis. I was abit sad when I saw him holding NOTHING on his hand. I thought he got me a bouquet of flowers or maybe a card but HE holds nothing on his hand. He told me that the thing he wanna get is out of stock and there's nothing he could get cause everything is expensive and so I thought.. ALRIGHT... a boring vday I presume. We drove ard east coast area and had bak chor mee for dinner. Wanted to have cheesecake from my fav. cheesecake cafe but they are closed for business and so we make do with the coffee club instead.

We had mudpie for dessert and some drinks. The ambience is good but the air con was way too cold for customer to SURVIVE in there. The mudpie was way freaking enormous and I didnt know it has coffee favour on it.. and baby have to finish the ice cream while I finish the oreo portion. Hehehe! We had our small conversation and leave the place as soon as we finish the mudpie. Hehehe... its yummilicious but the air con is way too COLD TO dong any further.

Check out the ring baby bought for me last few weeks for our 6 mths. Fits perfectly right especially with the medicure. I told baby about the price and he was like.. WHAT.. 30 plus for these nails.. *piak* he beats me for spending too much.. GUYS!!! Hello.. its just 30 plus.. no big deal.. very cheap already!! But well.. ah jun gonna bring mel and I to jb someday to have our tai tai session. I'm so gonna make my fingers a DIVA kind. Hehehe!
After having our dessert, we got back to the car. I was complaining how unromantic my bf can be and was nagging and nagging until.. he produce this....

I was lost for words! I really thought he was so bo xim. I really thought he really got me nothing and I thought he wasnt the ROMANTIC kind. This is like way much better than having bouquet of flowers behind the boot. Saw that blue star there? You know what happens when u press on it? Hehe.. Lionel Lee Yong Yee voice will be heard. He plan it really well.. I guess! He told me that after he bought the toy, he went back to the car and RECORD then went down to find me. I'm really touched at the moment he gave me this piggy. Well.. Its a male piggy and it symbolise him. We name it Zhu zhu!
I'm really a happy girl today! Baby.. thanks for the mega big surprise even though u took only half an hr to get ready. Thanks for routing ard east coast to find the cheessecake cafe for me. Thanks for being sucha fantastic baby. Its really a gracious thing to have u as my one n only bf. I LOVE U! Muacks!
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