Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Swimming Day
Got back to his place and finally get our ass to rest. I was really tired after a whole day of walking ard temples and baby got really tired after a whole day of guard duty. WE zonk out at abt 11 plus and woke up early for MAC breakfast for the next day.
After having yet another sinful meal, we finally decided to set foot to Yishun Safra for our swim. The journey was far with us walking from the central to Safra. The sun was good and we swam all the way from 1.30pm till 4pm! Our tan was really RED HOT TAN after a good 3 hrs of swimming. I even ended up playing the slide with baby! HEHE! The swimming area was really big with a swimming slide and a bubble pool. Manage to have a good relaxation time after a really busy proj week.
After our swim, we went to explore ard Safra and found out that PARTY WORLD there cost 10 bucks per pax only!! WOO HOO... dear kinda shocked me when he promise me that we will head there to sing someday! WAH... STUNNING! We went to the pasar malam nearby to have some munch. Bought our Ramly, fries, xiang chang and sweet corn to ease our hunger! Got his father to buy us dinner since its too early for dinner.
Monday ended really very meaningfully. I always wanted to spend quality times with my dearest and this is really WHAT I CALL QUALITY! Though its just the both of us, but we can still feel the fun and happiness in it.
Spend the whole tuesday nuaing with HK drama again. Had KFC for dinner and met up with his boss to talk cock. Headed home after that.. and printed my proj. NOW.. I can finally rest with a peaceful mind b4 I head for the next run of EXAMS!!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Project madness cum a little sweetness
AMCA was done with both Min li and me.. struggling for editing and REDO-ing till the wee hours of 4.30am (I slept earlier abit - at 4am!). Well.. it was a 4 man show supposedly but sadly only both of us bothered abt the outcome. We have to wake up at 8am still JUST TO head to sch early to print the project while the other 2 DISAPPEARED again. Some stuff cock up in the midst of it and both of us was panicking and asking for help from others... THANK GOD!!!! REALLY THANK GOD... things were solved!! HALEHLUYA!! WEll, now that its OVER.. I feel so much lighter! Had lunch with Adam, Jason, Angie, Shaye and Tom at NP! I swear I felt so happy and light even though I dead tired. Upon reaching home, I SLEPT throughout the whole afternoon.
After din din.. I rushed for the budget proj for Marcom and am finally done with it after 2 days of searching for info and pestering daddy to give me more info on advertising cost. I'm home the whole damn day today.. doing nothing but sleeping and projecting. DAMN MISERABLE!
Apart from all these miserable stuff, I'm thankful too that darling was a sweety gem. He have been listening and comforting me for the past few weeks. Last week, he even bought me my fav. EARL GREY tea to help me relax my stress. ON TOP OF THAT, he will still prepared it for me without any complaints. Damn sweet right!! I'm not done yet...
To reward him for being so understanding, I spared some time to sun tan with him. Its great to know that I have such a lovely bf when I most needed someone to be there! Darling camp mates were pretty nice too!! Though we dunno each other well, they still crack jokes with me via baby. THEY EVEN GO TO THE EXTEND OF PRANK CALLING ME... haha.. damn naughty but it did brighten my gloomy days! And and and... his boss even gave me a MASK to try! Damn sweet right!! I'm a HAPpY girl once again.. but will be even happier if projects were OVER!
Monday, March 23, 2009
proj proj and more proj
Gonna meet darling later to slack over at his place. Shall holiday myself at his place for a few days. I really can't stand the state my room is now. Quarrelled with sis over a towel last night cause she thinks I'm being selfish to just dump her towel on her table when she dump it on my chair. Well, I just feel that my sister ought to learn what cleanliness is before she talks to me about selfish-ness. I'm not being selfish at all, I'm just teaching her that if she dun put her towel in a proper place, the whole room will be in a mess and if i continue to be nice to place the towel at a proper place, she will take advantage of my kindness. AND I really hate it when she said that things will be different if it were to be my bf. FYI.. my bf hangs the towel and spanks my butt if I dun hang it at proper places.
There are many other issues when living in the same room with ur siblings. Issues like.. LIGHT.. FAN.. NOISE.. etc.. I seriously need a room all by myself... very soon!!!!!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
a good busy Thursday
About Friday, I'm all awake doing my proj again at 9am. Sigh..
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I have a good surprise..

ANyway, have I told u guys b4 that Darling's camp friends are totally so COOL!! Thought I dunno them personally but I was laughing my ass off whenever I'm talking to darling because of them.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Something to brighten my gloomy Tuesday
What KPO-ness can cause..
Sigh.. Monday is gonna be over soon. Proj's are yet to be done and Oh wells.. I'm still blogging!! -So tired!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
What a sunday..
I'm getting better now.. with a slight drousy feeling and a mild sore throat. AND.. I know I should be sleeping at home right now.. but NOPE.. I'm in sch chionging for project. Sigh... I'm really tired.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
My long long HAIR..
Yes... a photo of my CornFlakes.. Hehe!! damn nice right!! GO GET IT NOW!! QUICK!!
Its my everyday breakfast but sad to say.. i'm finishing it soon!
And anyway, look what my silly bf gotten me while shopping!! Damn cool right? Its sorta like a couple gift cause he's keeping the JIU WAN and therefore, without the jiu wan.. I CAN'T GAME!! Lol! Quite silly I know.. but I like it!! I didn't want to buy it at first but he insisted that I should cause its cute! Haha.. and I swear I had a hard time choosing which winning tiles to buy cause there's Shi SAN Yao, Da Si Xi and more! Reason I chose THe Qing Yi Se is because.. I want darling to LEARN the basics of MJ!!
Anyway, I just had my haircut. Well.. I had a pretty long hair length before snipping it off. I used to find it a hassle to maintain those dry ends..but after snipping it off to a REALLY SHORTER length, I sortof misses it now. I can't twirl it whenever I'm stress anymore.. and I can't create a moustache effect to cheer darling up anymore! Grr.... but well.. Its OVER!!
Gonna head to town later to get my MAC lipsticks.. Hello kitty HERE I COME! HAHA! DArling is gonna bring his camera again.. Snap snap snap...
Alright.. I gtg now to dunk myself into the truckloads of Projects! Beh beh!
Monday, March 9, 2009
I love my silly bf
Believe it anot but I stayed 3 nights at the silly bf's place. Met up with him on FRIDAY, and this silly bf of mine actually brought me out to search for THE LUCKY CHARM cereal-consist of marshmellow and cereals. We went to RAFFLES but couldn't even SEE any the cereal on the shelves. I was pretty disheartened but baby dragged me to TOWN to look for it. We went to almost every CORNER of it.. under the blazing scorching hot sun.. till.. we finally found it at... TANGLIN MALL!! Damn.. freaking far LAR!!
Well.. at least I manage to find it! :)
We slack at home watching HK drama again till SAT came and I was being force out of BED again to head to sch. I was THIS close to skip that lesson but silly bf rock me upside down just to get ready for BREAKFAST and sch. Result for AMCA proj was released and we got a CREDIT for it. Proj meeting after that. Silly bf that made a suggestion to watch WATCHED-MAN.. telling me silly things like it had 4.5 stars for its review. With all the "positive" comments, how could I actually NOT WATCH THAT SHOW. Therefore, I had to sacrifice my movie for that very WONDERFUL movie. We both gave a super ??? face plus erm.. SUPER WASTE MONEY face plus maybe.. A SUPER BACKSIDE PAIN face... the show is seriously.. the most BORING SHOW I EVER WATCHED! Baby felt really guilty that he kept giving me those.. HA HA HA face. Very very silly indeed!
Sunday was once again.. a DRAMA plus PATAPON-ing day. Silly bf actually save PATAPON into my psp. Aw man.. we were patapata pon, pon pon patapon and CHIKA CHIKAPON all the way!
Now that its monday, Its back to the normal routine! I miss my bf..
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Karaoka Madness
We were slacking ard town doing nothing but just walking aimlessly till we settle down for a CUP of TEA to La Liang.. and dinner at LJS after that. Headed down to CrystalBelle after that to sing song.
It was just the four of us namely, Kervin, Yifang, Rachel and KeeGay.. Syl join us after that. Went down to jurong after that to have a good meal of supper and HOME SWEET HOME! It was a fun night.. but plans of SAVING just gone down to the drain after apending close to $50! Still.. it was all worthwhile. Gonna thank my dearest BUDDY for picking me up from school.. and and and... dun worry.. I still FRIEND you even though ur Suan Siao NESS is pretty EVIL! teee hee... Just kidding lar!
Sigh.. I seriously need a haircut badly.. Gosh! WHAT HAIRSTYLE TO CUT! AND AND AND... I need to do my EXCEL!! Urghhh!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Boring Tuesday
It had been pretty long since I had the chance to play MJ with the usual clicks. Its pretty fun but I don't quite like how BUDDY TREATS ME during the game actually.. HURTFUL!! Tee hee! But well.. its a game afterall and I still love u just as much and hope that you have a speedy recovery..
So what am I going to do for the rest of the day? I guess I will prolly do some revision after my bath. Hm.. maybe catch some HK series or even TAIWAN.. if I'm seriously ROTTING to the max. I miss my darling....
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Sleepless night AGAIN
Sigh.. and I just receive a news.. My dearest BUDDY got injured!! Oh no.. an injured thumb this time.. the news seriously shock me!! Please take care!!
Alright.. I gtg now.. to rest!
Rain rain.. GO AWAY!!
Woke up early the next day to continue our HK drama marathon. I always feel at home whenever I'm at his place. Breakfast is served without any worries. I'm always the one waking up really late at his place. Without fail, I will gain like 2kgs on every weekend! Made up our mind to head to town to do some window shopping.. and since darling got a new camera, he tends to snap some INCREDIBLE shots. Our wINdow SHOPPING didn't go into a very good success. We spent close to 200 on things again. AND... this is the first time.. we are paying our air tickets using the SAM machine. HOW COOL! It was pouring the whole day. We did not bring any umbrellas along.. and had to resort to running from one building to another. We got ourself drenched of course.. but it was all worth it! Since the weather was so COLD.. and it was pouring like cats and dogs outside paragon... we decided to chill at a Coffee club. Don't have much to talk abt now.. so let the following pictures tells it all.. *yawn*