We were slacking ard town doing nothing but just walking aimlessly till we settle down for a CUP of TEA to La Liang.. and dinner at LJS after that. Headed down to CrystalBelle after that to sing song.
It was just the four of us namely, Kervin, Yifang, Rachel and KeeGay.. Syl join us after that. Went down to jurong after that to have a good meal of supper and HOME SWEET HOME! It was a fun night.. but plans of SAVING just gone down to the drain after apending close to $50! Still.. it was all worthwhile. Gonna thank my dearest BUDDY for picking me up from school.. and and and... dun worry.. I still FRIEND you even though ur Suan Siao NESS is pretty EVIL! teee hee... Just kidding lar!
Sigh.. I seriously need a haircut badly.. Gosh! WHAT HAIRSTYLE TO CUT! AND AND AND... I need to do my EXCEL!! Urghhh!
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