Saturday, May 31, 2008
Joanna left after heating up her ass at my place for 1 hr. If only she could stay longer then she could have seen how Syl have to pay 3 players for a ZHA HU, how we do our signature dance, how we sang so many irritating songs, how gab and I love and hate each other and the treat that I treated them cause I'm the winner.
I guess Mahjong could just instantly change my life. I simply love mahjong so much lar and BATHING MAHJONG's do helps.. SEE.. it makes me win. We might be playing later again at gab house this time.. but its still not confirm.
Oh.. and I had only 3 hrs of sleep for the night. I hate the bio clock of mine. It just wakes me up darn early EVERYTIME baby is booking out. I can feel super tired and all but wakes up 1 hr b4 baby books out. I HATE IT!
Might be buying psp later for mummy. I want the red one so badly but its out of stock in many places. Gheesh... SIGH.. gtg go get changed for a SUNDAY spree. BYE!!!
Friday, May 30, 2008
I'm back!!
When I received a news on tuesday about how I'm gonna celebrate my saturday when baby is doing his duty. I was estatic. Zw, Gab, Lisa, Joanna and maybe syl n jun jie will be coming to my place for some wii session and mahjong. So, the super free me, went to wash all the mahjong tiles just in case we are playing on that very day.

It wasn't easy for me to stay still in the toilet brushing every single tiles. I nearly fall asleep after half of the mj tiles are being washed. But anyway, i have done the washing and its uber clean now. I'm so gonna show my golden mahjong tiles off. Its given to me by my ex's uncle in hong kong. Not that I'm keeping it for remembrance but the gold plated really makes u feel WANG whenever u touches it. Hope it does bring me some luck later.
Then it's project session with Syl and Lisa. But being the usual Syl, we have to have our dinner first b4 proj. AND.. we settled it at some Jap restaurant at Cathay. It was his treat. Thank u so much! The food was great with the discounts and all. Headed down to Starbucks to help lisa with the proj while Syl does his stocks. I was also reading my storybook but Lisa had so much question that I halt my reading and help her in any ways I can.
And then.. it was off to meet the rest at Lavender food court. It was my first time seating on a fren's bmw so that explains why I'm so excited and stuff. AND what's more, it's a new BMW i guess. Its interior is like so cool and its exterior is like so big and excutive. I feel like some ang mo business man when we were waiting for the traffic light. Its way uber cool. However, the only disappointment is that I cant seems to see Syl's head when he is driving. I thought that the car was moving on its own.. and it scares me hell lots. Haha. But well.. thanks for the experience. Oh.. and check out the number of buttons.. SO MANY! There's no gear box and handbreak.. wow.. its all depending on the BUTTONS!
After dinner was wii session and mj at gab's place. Lose 11 bucks but well.. its alright. I had my fun.
Gab and rest will be coming later. Simply cant wait. my hands are aching from thursday's wii-ing but it will never stop me from having fun on wii later at my place. A pity that baby couldnt be out today for such fun. He has Guard duty. Urhs... always the case.
Monday, May 26, 2008
And so..
I have been feeling rather moody recently. Exam results are coming out next week and hell am I NOT feeling prepared at all. I'm having the PRE exam result syndrome again. But well.. like how I always comfort myself.. I've tried my very best already.
And So..
I felt so moody yesterday dat NOTHING make me happy and that include shaye's presence. I felt so bad declining everything he wants. This is so NOT me and I think I'm just being a spoilt brat.
And So..
Zhiwei and rest came back yesterday from their Redang trip. He called me at abt 12 plus and he was telling me how great REDANG was.. I'm JEALOUS! But well.. I'm not someone who lurves the sun so much so apart from the fun, I guess its still ok to give it a miss. Now that they are back, we can plan for our dinner TRIP for the girls.
Lisa just hung up the phone on me cause irritating Syl called her. How could she ditch me for him. I'm so sad and ANGRY lisa.. for that.. 1 MACDONALD meal.
And so..
I have nothing to do for the day. Guess I will shop for my psp online. Uber boring to the max. Weight drop back to where it suppose to be and it clearly shown how the weight increases.. LIONEL LEE YONG YEE!!!!
And so..
Sunday, May 25, 2008
And So I'm here once again.
Last week was really hell LOADZA fun. It's so fun that I couldn't even keep track of the date, time and even day.
On Wednesday, I drove down to baby's camp for the first time with my mum presence of course.. to pick him up. I wasnt really familier with YISHUn area and so he took over the wheels and drove both mummy and I to some coffee shop to have Chicky rice. Walked ard some shopping center and we headed home after that. After sending mummy off, I took over the wheels to his place and once again.. I parked perfectly into the slot. After changing, I drove down to pick Iz and Kooichi up to eluther's 22nd bday bash at Loyang. Alright.. I must admit that my driving isnt 100 percent zai yet but still I made it ALL THE WAY to Loyang.
Oh.. here's a photo of syl. He wants me to post this photo up to show how emo he gets when lisa went off with her bf. @#$#$@$%$%.. a pity that he did not be an actor for SURIA channel. Sigh...
We had Mahjong at Eluther's chalet and we won 10 bucks. It was really fun playing the guys esp. Kervin, JunJie and Zw and yes.. IZ. I can totally feel the tension playing with them.. and this is really what I call.. MAHJONG. As baby have to leave early for his soccer finals. We left at 2am to my place cause there's SCV. Mummy was really nice enough to let out her room for us to watch SOCCER cause I wanna sleep and baby wanna watch tv so the perfect place to watch.. is none other than her room.
After watching that soccer match which I totally KNOCKED OUT after driving ard to so many places, we made a trip down to the macdonald near baby's place by FOOT. Its pretty a distance but we totally enjoy the trip down at 6am in the morning.
After breakfast, we headed back to his place to Zzzz. Woke up in the afternoon to have baby's haircut and then off to AMK central to watch GUARD of honour. Was suppose to catch it at night but since we were so tired.. we rather watch it right away and then head home to Zzz. Reached home and I was totally stuck with this...
Well.. I'm currently playing this fishy game which is really addictive. Since baby isnt available to entertain me.. I shall play his PSP until no batt so that he will not get to touch his game. HOW EVIL. Anyway, that photo was taken by him cause I totally ignore him like how he used to do it on me. YES.. thats me on his bed playing his PSP. Oh.. see that doggie and bear there. The dog is already 22 yr old(belongs to baby) and that bear is given to me by gab, joanna and everyone for my bday.. they are both my best frens when baby neglects me for his computer and game.
We slept early on Thursday and woke up early on friday. His parents went Batam on Friday morning and so naughty baby trick me into believing him that we will take the BUS all the way to habourfront for some shopping. I believed him and so when we went down, I was shock that he is driving down instead. I was really a happy girl..
We walked ard Vivo from 2pm till 7pm and then rush down to SENTOSA to catch that SONG OF SEA( the musical fountain). It was both of our first time there. The show was great but a little too short. LISA.. u should head there with ur bf.. TOTALLY a couple kinda thing. I was like a small girl WOWing in baby's ear. But well.. there are too many INDIANs there... watching too.
I thought I was at little india for a moment.
Baby took a photo with a background of HOW MANY InDIANS there were. We were both really crazy on a FRIDAY night. We made a stroll down to the beach and he made me walk across this bridge. I dunno why but I have got a phobia that I will fall into the sea. Hahaha.. and naughty him kept shaking that bridge. WHAT AN ASS. But it was really sweet when he kissed me on the bridge cause I told him.. HOW LOVELY it is if someone were to kiss me on a bridge.. lalala.
We took like loadza shot there as if we were one of the indian. And baby was as if the photographer of the night cause he was like playing ard the functions of my cam and HIS new lg phone. Here are some of the photos that photographer lee took. :)
I totally have loadza fun that night. We went back to my place so that I can get my dress for next day shopping spree in town. THAT's when.. I decided to sell my NDS to get a PSP. Mummy is willing to sponsor the remaining sum so.. I'm getting a PSP.
SAt was also a day filled with couple mood. Our initial purpose was to have our breakfast at somewhere near his place but we ended up at Macpherson road to eat my favourite prawn noodle. Bought lunch for his younger brother and then headed down to town with his car at 5pm. We shop like mad on GSS.. he bought quite a number of stuff and I even bought him a AGNES B tee. I bought nothing except lingerie for myself at La Senza. Headed down to Aljunied Chup Lao to have my favourite Hokkien Mee and then down to East Coast for Cheesecake cafe.
See how spoilt am I for the weekends last week. I felt so pampered that I suddenly feel like SHIT now having to revert back to my normal life. Baby wont be coming out this coming sat which means.. he wont be going down to the chalet with him.. and now I'm dun have the mood to head down anymore.. Yawns.
Though we had loadza quarrel during the few days.. but we settled it fast and in the cutest way. I miss u totally much baby.. and I cant wait to see u on WED when u book out for a short while. I wont be staying his place this week... Yawn!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
A day on the road
Mummy asked me if I wanna play mahjong today with my cousin and my aunty. Since I uber free and had no plans.. I asked my mum if its possible to drive daddy's car out to my aunty place instead of the TAXI. Mummy agreed.
Its my first time taking charge of the steering wheel with people ard who dun drive. F.Y.I I have my licence for 2 years already and everyone knows it was FRAMED up. I hardly know my road well.. and I'm still very confused with all the PIE, CTE and SLE. First stop was to pick my cousin up from NYP... it wasnt any hassle cause.. I travel there for 3 years and SSDC uses that road.
I took the CTE towards the SLE to head to tampernis. I miss the exit and ended up at some junction where I had to my decision to turn right or left and.. since everyone in the car told me LEFT.. I ENDED.. up at LOYANG and I swear if I didnt make that call to baby.. I will end up at Eluether's chalet at LOYANG. Anyway, I reached my aunt place SAFE n SOuND and the parking was easy there. HOWEVER, I felt the pinch when I had to tear close to 4 dollers of coupons.
Since the petrol was 3/4 emptied.. I drove my mum to some petrol kiosk which we THOUGHT was somewhere else.. and ended up driving 1 round ard tampernise just to find that petrol kiosk. Have to call GAB cause I couldn't find that lever to open the petrol door and I ended up calling my dad who is in Malaysia to ask where's the lever.. and guess what.. THERE's NO LEVER to OPEN that door. FUCK! Make me freaking EMBARRASSED lar.

Zw called me after that and laugh at my stupidity action. Erh... its like totally virgin for me can.. I really have no idea how to operate the DAMN CAR except driving ard. Mahjong started and I won like 10 bucks from my mum.
IT was 7pm when we all left. We got lost again on the road and this time.. it was really tough. I kept exiting and entering to the same PIE which I thought was the wrogn PIE to go cause it said. PIE(tuas) and so I thought.. was wrong cause I wanted to travel to POTONG PASIR and not back to home. I exited at eunos and thank god.. I SAW the word MACPHERSON road and I'm pretty familiarize with this place cause.. that's where my ex bf stays. Finally got my way to potong Pasir and then home. I manage to get my car into that PARKING LOT and it was a first attempt. I thought I couldn't made it.. but I was totally wrong.
I feel that I have boosted my courage really lots today. IMAGINE.. a girl whose height is 152cm horning at people, doing 5 u turns in total, lost on the road and making so many mistakes.. manage to get all asses home safe and sound. I'm really so proud of myself.
Mummy kept complimenting me that I'm a brave girl. I THOUGHT SO TOO!!!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Vesak Day Happieness..
Woke up as early as 7am. Tummy didnt feel dat well.. but I was too tired to get bothered by it. Slept back and finally woke up at 7.45am. Baby booked out at 8 plus in the morning.. and as I was about to get my clothes READY to meet baby out, daddy wanted us to have our breakfast. To avoid anymore QUARRELS, I agreed to have breakfast first b4 meeting baby. I messaged baby a little late and he got his dad to get me BREAKFAST. Hm... he had to finish up the char Kuey on my behalf I guess.
Reached baby's place at 11am. It was at 12 that we finally get our ass ready for TOWNING session. Its like.. the number 5th time towning. The bus ride was really long but having baby sitting beside me.. didnt make anything better cause.... LOOK....

He's so addicted with his psp. He's like killing this particular monster for GOD KNOWS HOW MANY TIMEs. Shaye was saying that he will probably play his PSP when I'm on the verge of giving birth. But well.. I guess its this side of my baby that I'm totally in love with. But erm... baby.. if u're reading this.. just a note to u.. NOT TOO MUCH OF PLAYING and NEGLECTING ok?
Towning was aiighhhttss. Got NOTHING except an eyebrown trimming pamper session for myself. I seriously think that a neat eyebrown just changes how a person looks. My face totally looked more REVIVED with a shaped eyebrown and trust me.. IT TOTALLY FEELS GOOD WHEN YOUR BF SAYS: Aw... you look prettier like this after shaping.
The both of us just got a little crazy today. Baby kept insisting that its time to change my wallet(F.Y.I he bought me this wallet during last year Aug) and so he was bombarding me with thousand of questions with which brand I fancy. I named like kate spade, gucci, LV and erm.. a few of others.. and we WEnT INTO ALL THE SHOP TO check out the prices as if we are some rich couple. We were laughing out loud when we realise what we were actually doing. We went in like so many shops that my leg totally hurts now.
Though we might get nothing in the end but still I'm really a happy girl on a VESAK day. These are things that are really worth remembering for life. Its our 10 mth on this 22nd. I'm so gonna think of what to do for my beloved BABY!
MEeting lisa tomorrow.. CANT WAIT!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
A happy short weekend
I guess I will buy it next time when I'm richer.. totally not now. I seriously salute those who is willing to splurge on it.
Anyway, Friday night was MEETUP with the BF. The awesomely sweet coated baby actually plan to catch a movie so RANDOMLY. Its not always that he will get so enthu about watching movies so.. he actually BOOKED the tickets for a 9 plus show named " WHAT HAPPEN IN VEGAS " That show was really.. way facinating. Its hilarious and we were laughing all along. The story ended up quite expectedly so.. 7/10 popcorns for it. We had hans for dinner and walked ard marina. There are like so many things to SHOP ok.. my legs are getting fitter for that 1 week shopping spree. Home sweet home after that.. and that marks our friday.
Saturday was spent at his place rOTTing. It was online shopping cum incessant talking and SLEEPING till the clock strikes 7 and we are off for dinner at novena chicky rice. Home after that and KO-ed at 12am. Though it may sound boring but at least I have my bf to spend with. Wee woo weet!

And on the random note, have I ever mention to u guys.. my nails ROX but sigh.. that was b4 the operation. I had no choice but to clean it away. Aww...
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Since I'm jobless, I shall make myself even poorer. GSS is near and I totally cant wait for it to HAPPEN. Baby and I have plan to make our THURsDAY and FRIDAY free to shop till we drop. Oh, baby will be taking leave next thursday and Friday and we are so gonna plan it wisely. I really feel like heading to JB to do my nails on thursday. WE shall see man! Friday will definitely be shopping shopping and more shopping. I wanna get that zara top.
I'm so gonna dye my hair next week. Baby is like the sweetest bf I SWEAR! He said he wants to subsidise me on the hair dye and buy me stuff. YIPPIE! Oh.. and did I tell u that I wanna get a gucci hp strap. baby is looking for me now. HOW SWEET AEH!
UOB just send me a new debit card. Its a yearly subcription of 20 bucks. Sigh.. should I get it anot? Still ponding! But the privilleges are really good for cathay cinema and stuff! Urgs...

Hell loads of photos of us cause I realise that we didnt really have any nice pictures of the both of us. He really made my day by cracking jokes and making me laugh all day. He had to leave for gym and I had to leave to meet the girls for ICE CREAM at suntec.
I had my fun with the girls like totally. Suppose to head out with them to Timbre but I had to head home to rest so.. bid my farewell.. and tra lala!
I slept pretty well last night but woke up pretty reluctantly like a child knowing her doom day is here. Went to have a hot bath and read my newly bought storybook. Kinder quarrelled with my dad cause I seriously think he's a lousy DADDY. I asked him if he's sending us to the hospital and guess what this lousy dad can actually say to me..
Oh gawd.. I dun think I SHOULD even asked cause isnt that what a FATHER SHOULD DO? Its that sentence that made me think hard on being FILIAL PIETY towards him. I teared obviously.. and its not cause of the harsh manner but because I realised the position of myself in him. Lousy DADDY.
Dad drop us mummy n I off at TTSH. I was really scared at that point of time. Mummy was really sweet to cheer me up. Saw that rojak lady that we used to frequent at the operation ward. Mummy talked to her and all of them saw me TEAR. Lol. The nurses were realy nice with their comforting words. I was then pushed to the operating theatre. Everyone knew I was nervous.. even the anestatic doctor was asking me to cool my nervous down cause she couldnt find my nerve. She was really gentle and I felt no pain in all the injections. I couldnt believe the power of local anestatic at first..but was really amazed by how fast i was KNOCKED OUT. When I woke up, I'm DONE. I was in dazed and told the nurse very randomly that I DREAMT OF SHOPPING.. and she laugh. I was feeling all happy after the OP.
The operation went well.. and I'm all happy again. I asked the nurse to call for my mum like a small girl. Mummy came and for that moment.. I realise I actually love her alot. Mummy was talking to Zhiwei when I'm in the toilet. She manage to get Zhiwei to pick us up. I know everyone will laugh when anyone sees this.. but..
MY MUM THINKS ZHIWEI is handsome. Hahah! WE went for lunch tgt and my mum ask him to be her god son. Hahhaa! That's HOT! Anyway.. I really thank Mr Zhiwei for being such a great pal.. I really appreciate it. :) Check out all the sick pale face of me without make out. My hair was in a great MESS. The needle is like really a plastic tube. Damn PAIN when it was removed. BUT EVERYTHING IS FINE! I was so bubbly after the op as if a new life has develop.
Fifi is back for more action. :) I wanna take this opportunity to really thank My baby, my lovely mum, Zhiwei, Shaye, Lisa and like so many friends for the concern. Much appreciated!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Presents from baby..
Baby was so excited about telling us his wonderful trip that he blabber non stop till we reach AMK AVE 4! I made him show me everything he bought for me at 3am.. and I'm pretty happy with all the purchase. HE BOUGHT ME THE MOST STUFF ok..

He has gotten me a bag, shorts(which fits me fabulously) and a pair of shoes. Though the purchases seems aiighhhtts.. but still I LOVE it lots and.. I'm really so proud of my baby. *muacks*
He had to book in on Thursday morning and so.. we parted after celebrating his younger brother birthday at some hotel. I'm so happy that I'm PART OF THE LEE family already.. Whoo hoo!!
Exams finally ended on FRIDAY! OH MY.. I wouldnt want to comment anything much on that stinky accts.. I'm SURE gonna fail for that paper.. its like so tough! Went to town with the gang to have lunch at CRYSTAL JADE! Headed for some shopping spree after lunch and I bought a tee from F21. I was pretty shock with my weight lost acually.. i weigh a nicely 40kg now and yes.. baby was like questioning me on why I lost so much weight when he saw me on TUESDAY!
Alright.. here's a top that I so wanna get from ZARA. I think it looks perfect on me.. but the price is like 40 bucks and knowing that GREAT SPORE SALE is coming.. I guess I shall just wait patiently for it and PURCHASE it without any comtemplation. And check out my bling bling slippers which I simply adore so much! Bought it at Pazzion!
Met up with Zw after that to accompany him. He's like a really sweet friend alright. He gotten me a HELLO KITTY chocolates and a keychain. He called me when he's back and never fails to shock me with his "I'm on my way to your house" surprises. He was nice enuff to accompany me to wait for my dearest baby to come and I bought another top while shopping with him. Bought it because he was telling me.. HOW NICE IT IS! Hahaha! Met up with Sylvester for his dinner. Finally get to set my foot into that famous jap restaurant at far east. My sis was telling me how great it is.. its call nanbahteh or something lidat. The grilled food is really good.. and BOSS SYL sort of treated us for those grilled food.. which total up to a nicely 80 bucks for just a few dishes.
Finally got to see my baby. Wanted to watch Harold and kumar with the bros actually. BUT.. the tickets were sold out. I even changed into my newly bought F21 tee so that I wont feel cold with that dress I wore that day. We changed plans to Prawn Fishing instead.. till 2am in the morning. Baby seems to enjoy it but.. sigh.. I was the MAN for that day.. I had to put baits for him and even carry the prawn for JJ n rest to take out for me.. HAHHA!
Saturday was spent at HAJI LANE! Oh my god.. the clothes there are seriously.. AWESOME! I totally love the clothes there.. but the prices are abit steep. Manage to find this shop called MDSCOLLECTIONS which seriously.. I MUST TELL U... it totally ROX! The clothes are like so nice and CHEAP. Bought a Jumper suit for just 32 bucks. Great buy for the day.My overall purchases for the week.
And then.. (drum rolls).. baby finally gotten me my Longchamp bag. *muacks muacks muacks* I was seriously having a hard time choosing the colours.. and finally.. I think I love this colour more than anything. I felt so HAPPY when he present me this wonderful gift. I totally hearts my baby to Xcore! oh.. and LISA! Congrats on having a sweetheart now! I'm really happy for u yea? SO HAPPY that I didnt bear to throw away this handmade card for u for vday. HaHa! i'm still keeping it till the day u collect it. :)
Alright.. thats the end of my happy weekend. My sunday was spent with baby and his family at BODAK JONES celebrating mummy's day.
The surgery is on WEDNESDAY! I'm really scared about it.. but having so many presents and friends to cheer me up.. I guess I just cant wait to get my ass out of the surgery and meet all of them up. SATC babes.. lets go watch SATC tgt!! Woo hoo!!