Mummy asked me if I wanna play mahjong today with my cousin and my aunty. Since I uber free and had no plans.. I asked my mum if its possible to drive daddy's car out to my aunty place instead of the TAXI. Mummy agreed.
Its my first time taking charge of the steering wheel with people ard who dun drive. F.Y.I I have my licence for 2 years already and everyone knows it was FRAMED up. I hardly know my road well.. and I'm still very confused with all the PIE, CTE and SLE. First stop was to pick my cousin up from NYP... it wasnt any hassle cause.. I travel there for 3 years and SSDC uses that road.
I took the CTE towards the SLE to head to tampernis. I miss the exit and ended up at some junction where I had to my decision to turn right or left and.. since everyone in the car told me LEFT.. I ENDED.. up at LOYANG and I swear if I didnt make that call to baby.. I will end up at Eluether's chalet at LOYANG. Anyway, I reached my aunt place SAFE n SOuND and the parking was easy there. HOWEVER, I felt the pinch when I had to tear close to 4 dollers of coupons.
Since the petrol was 3/4 emptied.. I drove my mum to some petrol kiosk which we THOUGHT was somewhere else.. and ended up driving 1 round ard tampernise just to find that petrol kiosk. Have to call GAB cause I couldn't find that lever to open the petrol door and I ended up calling my dad who is in Malaysia to ask where's the lever.. and guess what.. THERE's NO LEVER to OPEN that door. FUCK! Make me freaking EMBARRASSED lar.

Zw called me after that and laugh at my stupidity action. Erh... its like totally virgin for me can.. I really have no idea how to operate the DAMN CAR except driving ard. Mahjong started and I won like 10 bucks from my mum.
IT was 7pm when we all left. We got lost again on the road and this time.. it was really tough. I kept exiting and entering to the same PIE which I thought was the wrogn PIE to go cause it said. PIE(tuas) and so I thought.. was wrong cause I wanted to travel to POTONG PASIR and not back to home. I exited at eunos and thank god.. I SAW the word MACPHERSON road and I'm pretty familiarize with this place cause.. that's where my ex bf stays. Finally got my way to potong Pasir and then home. I manage to get my car into that PARKING LOT and it was a first attempt. I thought I couldn't made it.. but I was totally wrong.
I feel that I have boosted my courage really lots today. IMAGINE.. a girl whose height is 152cm horning at people, doing 5 u turns in total, lost on the road and making so many mistakes.. manage to get all asses home safe and sound. I'm really so proud of myself.
Mummy kept complimenting me that I'm a brave girl. I THOUGHT SO TOO!!!
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