When I received a news on tuesday about how I'm gonna celebrate my saturday when baby is doing his duty. I was estatic. Zw, Gab, Lisa, Joanna and maybe syl n jun jie will be coming to my place for some wii session and mahjong. So, the super free me, went to wash all the mahjong tiles just in case we are playing on that very day.

It wasn't easy for me to stay still in the toilet brushing every single tiles. I nearly fall asleep after half of the mj tiles are being washed. But anyway, i have done the washing and its uber clean now. I'm so gonna show my golden mahjong tiles off. Its given to me by my ex's uncle in hong kong. Not that I'm keeping it for remembrance but the gold plated really makes u feel WANG whenever u touches it. Hope it does bring me some luck later.
Then it's project session with Syl and Lisa. But being the usual Syl, we have to have our dinner first b4 proj. AND.. we settled it at some Jap restaurant at Cathay. It was his treat. Thank u so much! The food was great with the discounts and all. Headed down to Starbucks to help lisa with the proj while Syl does his stocks. I was also reading my storybook but Lisa had so much question that I halt my reading and help her in any ways I can.
And then.. it was off to meet the rest at Lavender food court. It was my first time seating on a fren's bmw so that explains why I'm so excited and stuff. AND what's more, it's a new BMW i guess. Its interior is like so cool and its exterior is like so big and excutive. I feel like some ang mo business man when we were waiting for the traffic light. Its way uber cool. However, the only disappointment is that I cant seems to see Syl's head when he is driving. I thought that the car was moving on its own.. and it scares me hell lots. Haha. But well.. thanks for the experience. Oh.. and check out the number of buttons.. SO MANY! There's no gear box and handbreak.. wow.. its all depending on the BUTTONS!
After dinner was wii session and mj at gab's place. Lose 11 bucks but well.. its alright. I had my fun.
Gab and rest will be coming later. Simply cant wait. my hands are aching from thursday's wii-ing but it will never stop me from having fun on wii later at my place. A pity that baby couldnt be out today for such fun. He has Guard duty. Urhs... always the case.
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