I finally have the time to blog about my life. I'm seriously getting very emotionless and lazy to blog frequently.. so pardon me for that. I WILL TRY MY VERY BEST STILL K!!
It had been a rather MAHJONG week for me. I even pon schools to play sometimes and yeap.. I'm sorta ADDICTED to it but after losing like close to 50 bucks.. I think its time to CURB back my expensive hobby. I was glad that my dearest boy is starting to pick this Mahjong hobby up too.. as he secretly plays VIWAWA to train his skills and even wanted to buy Mahjong cards to play one on one with me. My bf is seriously.. THAT CUTE whenever he wants to learn SOMETHING.

Bf and Jj trying to throw the clappers AS FAR as possible to get the right distance.
Ooo... we also worked together with Jun Jie at some citibank event at ACJC. It was seriously an eye-opening event FOR ME cause it was my first time working with my bf. He was suppose to work in the same booth as me but was called over to be an empire for the badminton competition instead. Seeing him running around with a walking talkie and working so seriously DOES makes me go Ooohhh-gaga over him. Thank god for the spare time given during work that we took the badminton rackets to play some games. I have been trying my EFFORT to jio my bf for a game or two but to no avail everytime cause he thinks that I should train up more before wasting money to book a court to pick up shuttlecocks(WEll.. he was in school team once in Cat high). Upon seeing him smack those shots, I'm surprise to say I'm a little PROUD of him. Its way TOO sexy!!
And of course, he was instigated to book a court for a badminton game SOON right after that short game. We went home after the clock strikes 4 to get ourself washed up for SMU FLEA MARKET. It was my first time walking ard the flea and well... I spent almost 30 bucks right after a round. Flea market is damn good ok.. I manage to get a diamond plated PRINCESS necklace at 4 bucks instead of 12 ok!! SEe my bargaining power HOW ZAI!! Went over to acid bar to drink with the gang and I was seriously tired by the time I reached home. Goodness!!

It was a fatty fat day for the family. My legs were CALLING for help after the badminton game and we had to walk ard bugis area to search for that CHICKEN RICE stall. Thank goodness that it wasnt a wasted trip.. I secretly took a photo of the signboard since it right behind the parents... Hehe.. yeaps... thats the bf's PARENTS!! The chicken was kampung chicken and it taste helluva GOOD! You guys should go try it!! Since we had such a big feast for lunch, it was time to shop ard bugis to get the brothers some clothes. It was only at 6pm that I finally get to have some REST! JJ called and jio us for crab session at Melben. I was still very full at that point of time and SLEEP was what I really yearn for actually but since it was a promise to him that we will EAT it on SUNDAY, we had to fulfil it!

This was we had on Sunday night. With just this 3 dishes and it cost us 1 hr plus of queueing + waiting and a $90! Damn EX right? I think so too!!
Due to all the fats I've collected through the weekend, I had to start my swimming regime with the bf before I hit the 45kg MARK! We went to Safra for our swimming therapy( ended up we went TANNING instead) and head for our chicken rice for dinner after that. JJ called again to jio us for mj on TUESDAY!!
I dunno what got into my bf to AGREE to cook for the PRINCESS on Tuesday Morning. I told JJ abt it and he doesnt believe it either. WELL... who would ever belive that Lionel Lee YOng YEe vaccums and cleans the house sparklng clean everytime. NOBODY!!
It was rather hilarious to see him trying to flip the egg like a professional and got the pan on FIRE(like a pro but he accidently DID IT!). The first egg was failure and that made him fry the second on despite the fact that HE DOESNT WANT TO EAT IT!
It was then that he promise me... he will cook spegatthi the NEXT TIME!!! Yippie!!!Guess this is the best anniversary I ever had. hehe... wanna know what we did on our anniversary? WE HAD PRATAS in the night.... without an exchange of gifts cause I was too busy for the day with sch and proj. STILL.. I had a unforgettable evening! I LOVE U BABY!!!