I didnt want to spend my day doing nothing especially in the afternoon. Rachel and I supposed to change our plans to a visitation to Andre's place but SADLY... he was too deep into his sleep that he couldnt PICK UP HIS PHONE CALLS. We had to CANCEL again!! So, I was left with no choice but to cancel the meetup session with Rachel since she had to leave at 3pm to do my errands. I had to go to the bank to make ammendments for my internet banking, check darling's Crumpler bag, check on the details of hi-fi set with IPOD DOCK, buy mummy's WANTON skin at NTUC(I HAD TO ASK ARD JUST TO GET THAT 80cent wanton SKIN and last but not least get darling his LIANG TEH for his throat. I totally look like an OBASAN carrying all the plastic bags. It was totally a disgrace sight to see me like that.. I SWEAR!! But to cheer myself up, I bought a really cute STICKER for... erm.. MYSELF!! Yeap.. I just couldnt resist the temptation to get this and if u're thinking WHY ON EARTH I GET THESE STICKERs.. I can tell u str8 in ur face.. I DUNNO.. just CUTE LO!!
Oh.. and remember in my last few post, I told you darling and I had a shopping spree?? Yeap.. these was what we bought!!
HA.. and the TAN's FAMILY have a new item in the house!
Which I TOTALLY DISAGREE in having it. It was my sister's idea of having this wine CHILLER. I initially thought that it was those smaller size wine chiller thus I thought was still NOT SO BAD. The reason that I thought was a SMALLER SIZEd one was because she told me she might want to put it in the room (FYI.. I m still sharing the room with her!). I was pissed but decided to let it go.. UNTIL THURSDAY(which was yesterday) that the chiller came. OH MY EFFING MAMA.. its a REALLY GIGANTIC BIG WINE FRIDGE that I see. I was fucking pissed at that moment cause seriously.. I don't see a point why does she need such a BIG CHILLER. It's not like she has 100 bottles to store. SIGH... and the best was our FRIDGE is currently in a bad shape and yet she invested on an EXP. chiller instead. DADDY always complained about electical bills like almost EVERY MTH... and now we have 2 FRIDGE( I dun think a chiller sounds right for that humongous fridge).. which operates 24/7! For a moment, I thought I have been into a PUB instead of my home.Since she has 5-6 bottles in the fridge currently, I decided to put my CRYSANTHEMUM TEA in that fridge so that we don't waste the electricity. Sigh... I seriously dunno what she is thinking SOMETIMES. She kept telling me that times are hard now.. must SAVE money and now.. TELL ME WHO IS SPLURGING?? Sigh.. that is just SO MY SISTER, a PERSON who knows how to nag but does the same thing as well!! Haiz.. forget it la.. if there's one day that the fridge is SPOILT... I will just treat it as a CUPBOARD for myself. Geeeheee hee!!!
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