Lesson finally ended and Gerald drove us back to my place to start the Mj session. It was pretty fun.. and my mum seems to blend in well with them esp. GERALD! Though it was ME who was being JIO-ED.. but mummy seems like the one playing THE whole entire game. Aw...
Kervin - MY buddy, drop by my place to have some GIRLY gossiping session. He's like the first GUY FRIEND apart from my BFS to have the privilledge to rot in my room.. SO YOU GOT TO FEEL HONOURED K? We joke ard till the MJ game ends. My mum was the biggest winner. Tee hee!
Dearest buddy was really so lovely to drive me to baby's place after that. But before we hopped onto his car, we saw a really lovely rainbow above us. Oh man.. what a lovely sight seen with... my BoyF.... WAIT.. SALAH person.. with my BUDDY! Headed down to AMK central with baby after that to collect our peddal and Dongle for our Guitar hero 3 (another impromtu thingy). I was pointing the sky to darling.. and that was when we realised.. there's 2 rainbow side by side. OH my..!! So lovely!! Darling was trying to be funny when he asked me...
WHERE'S THE POT OF GOLD?? - Cause in all the cartoons, there's always a pot of gold where the rainbow ends. - -_-!!!
We played guitar hero after that.. and hell did we create a DIN out of it. The whole house was filled with Thump thump thump.. noises. BUT.. everyone in the family didn't blamed us cause they understand that we have been waiting really long for this very moment to collect our drumset.
So Thursday finally came.. darling greeted me with COCO Crunch in the morning.. and coach potato after that for 2 hrs with our hk drama series. Bugis after that to buy baby's POLAR watch... he's a happy man now.
Then a funny thing happened. Darling was telling me something very "serious" that we were so into the conversation and got into the train that just arrived. We didn't realised anything was wrong until... it was annouced "LAVENDER"! DArling and I both gave each other a weird look and screamed at the same time.. OH OH!! WE BOARD ON THE WRONG TRAIN.. TOOTX! We got out of the train and then went to the opposite to take the train back to City hall and that's when we saw this..OMG!! SINCE WHEN THIS PLACE WAS NAMED!! We thought we have gotten to another DIMENSION or something.. and I swear we both look like a tourist checking the destination. This just proof that it have been a long time since we last took a train. HAHA! SUA GU!!!!
We shopped ard town. Wanted to get something from ANna sui very badly only to find out that they are no longer in production. URGHH!! Was walking ard when I came across DIOR products. I was being lead to buying a blusher from them.. Aw.. but well.. its so worth it cause I simply love the colour loads and the casing looks pretty cool. -I'm a happygirl-
WEnt to far east to shop ard after that and to settle our meal. I couldn't afford to buy anything from there cause I have to save for my THAILAND trip. We were so engrossed with our thai trip that we ended up EATING THAI FOOD but I must really comment that the thai food that we had was pretty tasty however, its pretty turned-off to see baby cockroach running ard. Eee!! Hehe.. alright.. gtg!I've a chubby face!!