I'm finally home with a very happy mood and.. a very upset tummy. HAHA! I didn't expect VDAY to be helluva fun. Was telling Lisa the other time during our hourly chat that VDAY should be just like any other normal day. There's no need to buy any prezzies or so whatever.. JUST GO WITH THE FLOW. I remember telling all my friends that I will be staying home slurping MEE GORENG for dinner with my baby. I didn't expected anything.. and therefore I didnt bring any pretty clothings to his place for my stayovers.
So SATURDAY came.. and the family went out to have our brunch at Thomson. We fell asleep after the very heavy meal.. Both Ko-ed till 5pm. Cranky ideas started coming in.. and both of us decided to roam the streets of ORCHARD to get presents. I hop onto my jeans and we both took the bus to town. Dearie had been wanting to get me a new Gucci wallet.. and thus he gotten me 1 for VDAY present. I was of course a very happy girl.. but I do the pinch when he zap that card into the machine. Sigh! Saw this.. DIOR wallet which is simply so SEXY.. but sigh.. it cost 800 plus for it. Guess that will be my very 1st thing that I would get for my first paycheck. Tee hee! We roam ard town.. and I saw this belt which look really UP THERE (it meant.. FARKING NICE - thought by my dearest).. for him. He obviously love it when I told him.. I find it sexy and am willing to buy him one. Its this really sexy AX belt. So we both finally got the presents..but I'm still getting him.. his POLAR WATCH! URG!! -BROKE-
WEnt town again today.. its brunch with my relatives at Orchard Parade Hotel. Darling finally came along and seems like.. he's pretty confident today. We headed down town to shop AGAIN.. and I got $100 worth of undergarments which I think its so so EXPENSIVE.. judging that its just 3 items. Spent about $150 today - sigh - Darling finally bought his pants which I really think looks very good on him.
Anyway.. I'm really tired. No mood to blog. Photos!!!

Its dear with his present. He's happy of course.. but I guess he will be even happier if I were to get him his POLAR BEAR WATCH!! URGG.... I dunno why but I simply hate this polar bear. Its polar btw.. and.. its sorta like a ATHELETIC kinda watch where you can track so many things. I know running is like his SUPER XCORE hobby.. but urgh... i just dunno why but i simply gets pissed when POLAR BEAR is mentioned.

And here is me with.. a very white face. HAHA.. 8mp phone camera.. so BO BIAN! I look rather funny here but hack lar.. main point is that very happy smile. MY VERY FIRST GUCCI WALLET GIVEN BY my ONE AND ONLY.. HUBBY! Thank u thank u thank u... for that GuuuuuCCccccciiiii... (tickles)!! Love u!

I promise you that I will take extreme care on it k?

A very happy us after a long long day. Legs are damn effing TIRED! MASSAGE PLEASE! Oh.. well.. have I ever mention that I have got a very good boyfriend who MASSAGE for me whenever I'm stress or tired (VICE VERSA), make hot milo when I'm having CRAMPS, comes to my aid when I'm having difficulty on my project and erm.. picks me up after tuition even though he darn tired.. and now.. HE TAKES 2 DAYS OFF FOR ME! OMG.. dear.. I simply loves u to the XCORE... even though u dun buy flowers for me for VDAY! Tee hee!!
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