I must admit that I have bought too much TOTO for this year's Hong Bao Draw. It all started on Monday when Darling and I happen to walk past the Lottery stall at bishan. We both got ourself engage into a LOTTERY meeting to decide how much to buy. We wasn't really sure at that time if the Hongbao draw had open to its market and therefore we made numerous calls to our MOTHERS to confirm the time.
The queue was pretty long for a MONDAY at 8pm. STILL.. we queue for it! We confirmed our purchased and got ourself investing $32 on 36 QUICKPICKS and 4 System 7! Dearie wanted to buy more but I told him that if its meant to be, its meant to be.
Was in yesterday for my project meeting. I suggested drawing lots to determine who does what question and that's when Adam jokingly ask me to prepare more numbers to pick for TOTO! I rolled my eyes of course.. and thats when we strike a topic on TOTO again. The conversation kinda instigated me AGAIN to buy more toto. I told darling about it and of course he wasn't really happy about buying more.. but gave in to me in the end.
Woke up today.. feeling the $10 million happiness. Took the car keys and drove out to Junction 8 to buy $10 worth of QUICKPICK again. You might think.. why QUICKPICK and not system 7 right? Well... according to my research.. its always the QUICKPICK that won the first prize... and its just 50 cents.. thats why... BANGLA always win. The queue was short.. and I got the toto tickets pretty fast. I even downloaded a program 2 days ago into my I touchie for TOTO RESULTS!! Was shopping around junction 8 with joy and.. was even much happy when I saw Mphosis on 50percent-70 percent sale. Bought a pair of SLIPPERS again.. and a pair of shorts. I was so so happy. While shopping with Mummy in NTUC, baby smsed me to INSIST that I must help his mum buy TOTO! Drag my mum out of NTUC and rushed down to the Lottery stall again. The queue was longer than I expected...-_- had to queue under the hot sun.
To summed up the number of times I visited the same shop.. was 3 TIMES!! Total investment made was.. $42! Hehe... I'm so excited about the result totally!! Be it.. that I won't win the 1st prize.. at least... I'm HAPPY!!!
STILL... I hope you guys pray that I will win some moolahs tonight! need to borrow you guys luck for awhile just for tonight!! And for those who haven't bought TOTO.. please.. make a trip down to get it.. ITS JUST $1 for 2 chances!!!! ALL THE BEST!!!
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