Thursday, October 30, 2008
18 more days! Lets count down.
Today will definitely be a happy day too... am going to have dinner at Aljunied Chup Lao.. and maybe Cheesecake for desserts. Yippie!! Seriously cant wait for the cheesecake.. it had been calling me for almost a mth!
Alrighty.. I better get started with my revision else.. i will not have enough time to study 4 chapts of Mr and 2 chapts of MaB revision!! I CANT WAIT TO SHOP... WITH U VAN VAN!!!
Oh oh.. b4 I leave!! Van came to my place yesterday to study.. but we ended up lying dead on the bed sleeping for an hr!! HAHA... how great right!! Ok.. Ciaos!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Happy Birthday!!
sigh.. this boy of mine! I seriously couldn't say much. We have been through tremendous ups and down. The breakups and patch ups. Many friends had told me GOOD HORSE WILL NEVER EAT THE GRASS IT HAD TRAMPLED ON(in chinese) but my shifu told me something different... if you think the grass behind is worth going back for... THEN GO BACK!! I'm happy now of course since I can't deny the fact that he is the one that I have always left a space for.
During the short breakup, I have learned something from this special someone.. that NOTHING in this world is forever. You can't actually ASK for FOREVER-ness! I must admit that I felt fucked up when he said that to me.. but after much thoughts.. I think its pretty true. LOOK at the number of breakups.. around u.. they might appear super compatible but they still end up in separate ways. Therefore.. I wouldn't dare to ask for more.. simplicity is all I yearn for now!
I had an emo talk with Kervin last night.. and it was through the talk that made me realise what I'm gonna do! Since HE is the one I always wanted to be with.. I shall treat him with all the best that I can give and I will never hope for anything in return. I should do things for him because I'm happy doing it for him instead of HOPING to make him love me more and such and if ONE DAY..(SUAY SUAY... Ta Ga Lai Si) shit were to happen again.. I should not be too sad cause I should NEVER REGRET in everything I do-quoted by someone again...
YEs.. every path I make in my life is a lesson learnt. From breakups to failing exam to KENNA FLASHED BY that idiot.. to making new lovely frens.. to EVERYTHING.
Oh shit.. I'm suppose to write something HAPPY since its a happy bday post.. So well.. baby! I know u're feeling super lousy over at that side. You always sounded so tired everytime u call me.. buddenz u never fail to ask abt my safety over at my side. The way you excitedly telling me that u've got ur tan, the way you wanted me to study real hard in order to go shopping after ur return and the way you tell me how much u miss me when its duperly cold never fails to put a smile on my face. The number of emails sent to me which each unique care and concern did brighten my day. On top of that.. u kept wanting to pay for my expenses so that I dun need to work so hard.. and then wanted me to stay over ur place everyday because of my safety.. really made me felt lucky once again.
Will these events end in the next future? I don't know.. but all I know is...
I'm a happy girl indeed!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Photos Photos!
Friday was dinner with Kervin at Greenwood Fish Market and Bistro. Don't ask me why was he so nice that day to treat me... I dunno but all I know was the dinner was great and it was super expensive. Really appreciate it loads Mr Kervin.. and like what I had promised u... A good post on this very expensive meal.

That is not ALL... the main course is not HERE yet okie!!! Talking about the Main course... HA HA HA!! Peeps... DUN DROOL!! I had Foie Gras!!!!! *I'm FLYING* I wanted to help save Kervin's money initially but this ever so thoughtful MAN... did something really... *&%£^%$£%^!!
Me(point at the starter meal of FOIE GRAS which cost $18): KERVIN.. I think I want the Foie Gras lar.. cause I have got the craving for it. ( EYES OPEN BIG BIG) EH... WAIT.. they got the Foie Gras with 2 king prawn for the main... BUT.. WAH.... cannot lar.. $40 for it.. super not worth it!
Kervin: (silence) What is Foie Gras??
Me: GOOSE LIVER!! Very nice!! Lets just try the Starter one will do! OK.. I shall make do with the $19 one!!
Waiter came....
Me: HELLO!! We shall have our orders taken for now!
Kervin: We want.. the oyster... The Lobster Bisque and the Foei Gras with the king prawn...
Me: -INTERRUPT- NO... KERVIN.. I dun want that expensive one.. I want the starters will do!! You got it wrong!! KERVIN!!! KERVIN!!!
Kervin: -IGNORE ME- That shall be it... Thanks! I shall order mine later... (cause he haven't decide on any!!)
Me: Wei... Why u order the expensive one?? I'm damn shy now lei!!
Kervin: Nvm lar!! Lets just try that one lor!!
Hahaha!! ANd so... I tasted that really super HEAVENLY delicious PATHEtIC piece of Foie Gras that made me melted for 4 times b4 I finished the whole piece.

Total damaged : $131.60
To mark this very day that I tried such delicious food... I insisted on keeping the receipt. I totally appreciate that really delicious meal bro.. Thanks for the treat! Mahjong therapy after that till 7.30am! Haha!

Friends who know me well.. will definitely know that I'm a fan of Hello Kitty. SEE... what Kervin got for from Korea!! HELLO KITTY slippers!! He gotten me some other funny stuff too... like.. HELLO KITTY WATCH... HELLO KITTY SOCKS and a study charm. Hahaa! I guess I wont wear the socks and watch anytime soon! HAHA! But I treasure it loads!!

Ok! Apart from Kervin Kervin and Kervin... which I guess blog readers would probably start having weird thoughts now.. *BANG* Dun anyhow think ah!! I still got go out with Kooichi and Lionel Koh for DINNER at sushi Teh. Dinner that day was great too.. Three of us left the restaurant with big tummys and complaints that WE ARE GETTING FAT!! Shopping at River Island witht he guys after that... Sigh.. they took 1 hr to get 2 tops! Yawns... how fickle minded can the guys be at times esp when one is an Officer and the other.. a recruit from tekong.
I'm a happy gurl..everyday.. except when I'm stuck at home studying! Yawns!!! I want my FREEDOM BACK!!!!

Thanks for the meal once again.. MR KERVIN GOH!!! It will be my TURN to treat u soon!! Wait a min... I did treat u after the dinner.. Island creamary!! Haha!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Just some random things to release stress.. Yes... presenting Baby LEE! OK.. back to books!
Friday, October 17, 2008
New hair to release some stress..
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I'm going bonkers
Daddy was being retrenched in his company. He's home like 24/7 EVERYDAY! He's doing his business now.. and he has no intention of working for others. He seems more WU ENG now.. to buy groceries, watch TV, call me and ask me WHAT I WANT FOR BREAKFAST,LUNCH and DINNER, attend seminars and well... to keep the house too. Its great that at least I see him more often but it also adds alot of stress to me that if I'm gonna fail any mods again.. I doubt I would want to continue to add more financial stress for daddy. Its not that he's in any financial difficulty now.. but just that.. as a 22 yr old daughter.. I shouldn't be taking anymore money from him. This retrenchment had been pretty harsh on him.. since he is one who is ALWAYS chionging for work. I can dun see him for a mth due to overseas trips and he even heads to the office on Sundays or off days. Sigh.. no more krisflyer points to look forward to!! HAha.. I'm just kidding!
Whatever it is, life is still the same for me.. except the fact that... I'm seriously turning into.. a bookworm soon. I seriously wanna have some fun.. like.. FLY MY KITE.. and heading to the beach.. and.. SHop till I drop.. and.. Hm... *slaps* DO ANYTHING AFTER MY PAPERS!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Isaac's Fabulous 22nd Bday
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Sweet Sweet Love from Wallaby!!
Having to see their love ones taking care of each other... made me feel so jealous. SO.. after having a good hot bath.. I turn on the lappy.. and started emailing baby to tell him how much I miss him and wanting him so badly. I started thinking about those days when he kept asking me if I'm alright.. and looking for me ard in the club even though our status at that time was UNATTACHED!! I miss him..
Today, after I woke up from my lalaland, I turned on the lappy and I was so happy to see that MSN POP UP.. (its OFFLINE again.. :( ) from MR ...... concern msg.. but well.. I felt pretty PISSED too that I'm 1 hrs LATE to catch him on msn!!

and then when I login into my hotmail.. I SAW THIS...!! I was really happy because.. WELL.. I always need love and concern during hangover.. and this made me really much better!
I'm a happy girl!! OK.. off to meet the rest for Lunchie!!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
A game of catching..

SEE... this is a proof of how we play catching/peek-a-boo/hide and seek online. Whenever I'm online, he's not... and when I'm not.. he's IN! Thank god MSN invented offline msging if not.. hur hur.. I seriously dunno what will happen.
The expression when I first saw the msg is...
SHIT!! I'm 12 mins away from seeing him online. If I hadnt pee, slack, shit, eat and maybe dance ard.. I will probably end my studies 12 mins earlier and I will get to see him to tell him... I'm missing him. Now.. I have to stare at the MSN stop again.. to wait for the bus to come online!!
Ah... *pissed* the bus on the wheels go round n round... round n round... round n round... Haha!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I'm just being so... RANDOM!

And So.. I have told you guys about Syl. catching Mr Ele right? Yes.. Here's a picture of the Original parents of Mr Ele cause Mr Ele wad caught by Syl for Lisa! But Miss FIFI.. KOPE it away! Ha ha ha!
This is Mr Ele standing tootz-ly on my mj table(which was transformed into a study table). It gave me quite abit of motivation. But well.. syl rang me up and exchange Mr Ele to another identical one. He spent $50 just to catch another one which happened to have a SLIT on his trunk. I know Syl wasnt that bad to exchange a faulty one with me.. so its alright.. I will perform an operation once I'm free. He wanted to change with me cause he 'BELIEVED' that Lisa was the rightful owner of Mr Ele 1! Hahha.. how cute! Anyway, be it Old or new.. I still treasure Mr elvester alot!! Yes.. I shall name my elephant Mr EL-VESTER!! I talk, hug, kissed and study with him whenever I need someone! He's like so huggable and GONG TOOTS lar! So cute!!! And.. I LOVE THE ELEPHANT.. not SYL!! So please.. read carefully!!!!
Well.. just let me cam whore abit over here. Yes.. thats me!! The fatty cheeky girl! *slaps* I feel so chubby!!
It's had been 3 weeks since you left this island. 5 weeks more to welcome Mr Ah neh back to this sunny island!! The conversation we have now are getting shorter and lesser. We can't sms since there's no reception over that side, you don't call me much since you think it was a hassle to run about finding the phone. You don't go online most of the time since there are many people snatching for it. Even if you do, I'm always not LUCKY to see you online. It was only the 4th day that you called and I couldn't even recognised that voice of yours for I have forgotten how it even sound like.
The only way we are communicating now is to msn offline/email. How wierd can this be and how long can it takes? I'm trying hard to occupy myself but at times, I still need to know that there's someone who is thinking of me too.
Ah... Shiat.. whatever!
I really hope you're doing fine there. I miss u really much!
Taken during my 21st bday!!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Its blogging TIME..
Head down to Bugis junction after that and we ended up at the ARCADE!! We were all enjoying ourselves like some small kid.. throwing balls and stuff! Syl caught a big elephant( I think its DUMBO) from the machine.. and its so cute that I kope it from Lisa! HAHAHA! Now its at my place! The group dispersed.. and it left with just the 3 of us.. Syl, Lisa and ME.. oh yes.. and Mr Elephant! We headed down for some Yogurt feast! Met up with ZW and Gab once again..
Lisa left.. and Syl wants to go to Loyang Dua Pek Gong.. to pray.. and so.. WE ALL WENT THERE! It was my first time day! I felt so peaceful over there. It was somehow fun to walk around the temple.. praying to all the gods! It was my first time heading to the temple in the night with my friends.. so well.. that explains why I'm so excited about it! Had supper with Syl and tata.. I'm HOME with Mr Elephant!
Sigh.. life has been rather boring recently! I think I'm getting FAT! Having to indulge yourself with snacks and lunch and DINNER.. and being a bed POTATO (I dun even slack on the COUCH).. watching isnt helping me to lose down any kilos at all! Sigh.. and since I couldnt do much with my fats now.. I shall just keep doing MASK.. and protect my face before it goes CUI with my weight!
How can my life be improved when.. my dearest isnt with me, 4 tuition assigments a week, tons of work to do and I have just 24hrs a day!
Well.. its the no. 3 day of not hearing from you. I'm wondering if everything is alright over at your side. I am starting to miss you just like how I did the previous time but I just kept telling myself.. TIME will be even more miserable with me thinking too much about u!
xoxo.. I miss you awesomely muchie!