sigh.. this boy of mine! I seriously couldn't say much. We have been through tremendous ups and down. The breakups and patch ups. Many friends had told me GOOD HORSE WILL NEVER EAT THE GRASS IT HAD TRAMPLED ON(in chinese) but my shifu told me something different... if you think the grass behind is worth going back for... THEN GO BACK!! I'm happy now of course since I can't deny the fact that he is the one that I have always left a space for.
During the short breakup, I have learned something from this special someone.. that NOTHING in this world is forever. You can't actually ASK for FOREVER-ness! I must admit that I felt fucked up when he said that to me.. but after much thoughts.. I think its pretty true. LOOK at the number of breakups.. around u.. they might appear super compatible but they still end up in separate ways. Therefore.. I wouldn't dare to ask for more.. simplicity is all I yearn for now!
I had an emo talk with Kervin last night.. and it was through the talk that made me realise what I'm gonna do! Since HE is the one I always wanted to be with.. I shall treat him with all the best that I can give and I will never hope for anything in return. I should do things for him because I'm happy doing it for him instead of HOPING to make him love me more and such and if ONE DAY..(SUAY SUAY... Ta Ga Lai Si) shit were to happen again.. I should not be too sad cause I should NEVER REGRET in everything I do-quoted by someone again...
YEs.. every path I make in my life is a lesson learnt. From breakups to failing exam to KENNA FLASHED BY that idiot.. to making new lovely frens.. to EVERYTHING.
Oh shit.. I'm suppose to write something HAPPY since its a happy bday post.. So well.. baby! I know u're feeling super lousy over at that side. You always sounded so tired everytime u call me.. buddenz u never fail to ask abt my safety over at my side. The way you excitedly telling me that u've got ur tan, the way you wanted me to study real hard in order to go shopping after ur return and the way you tell me how much u miss me when its duperly cold never fails to put a smile on my face. The number of emails sent to me which each unique care and concern did brighten my day. On top of that.. u kept wanting to pay for my expenses so that I dun need to work so hard.. and then wanted me to stay over ur place everyday because of my safety.. really made me felt lucky once again.
Will these events end in the next future? I don't know.. but all I know is...
I'm a happy girl indeed!
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