Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sleepy Day..
I woke up at 10am today.. and still feel very sleepy at 12pm and so I slept till 3! I couldnt believe it either. I tried to study and do some project during that 2 hrs.. but well.. its not that constructive. I nearly doze off on my table!
I've been addicted to YOUKU.com with all the movies! Manage to watch Love Guru and MEET DAVE during my break times. I didnt know its that addictive when *HE* tell me he watches many movies there... now I know why!
And so.. someone is flying on a jet plane.. to somewhere tomorrow! Really hope HE will manage to survive there and enjoy his 1.5 days of fun. Hope to hear that u're safe and sound upon returning to the lion city!
Alright.. I shall get back on my work! Hp has been damn quiet for the past few days... wondering if its spoilt or something.. why isnt it vibrating?? Hm..
OK.. b4 I leave..
got it from Jacyn's blog.. oh my... FI is like.. OMG!! A pity that I was too busy to catch it on tv.. shait!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Web cam Craze

Anyway... I LOVE WEB CAM!!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Another trip to the airport..
But well.. the fetching part was even funnier... His parents got the wrong timing and we went there like 2 hrs earlier. I swear I felt like 10 yrs waiting for his arrival at that time.
This time.. its 2 mths to Wallaby. I must admit I felt a little stronger due to that short little breakup we had. I have been accompanying him for the past few days.. and this boy here had gotten me a Agnes B bag to prove his apologese and love and SO WHATEVER lar.. he even gave me some money to spend when he's away. Things we do together for the past few days includes playing WORD SEARCH for hrs and having crab noodles with his army frens and Mdm at AMK.
His flight to Wallaby was at Terminal 3. Nothing special about there actually.. I dun even feel that its an airport. We had dinner over at the food court and its really expensive. I followed him around and saw his army friends who are pretty friendly. His WO who saw me in Taiwan still REMEMBERS MY FACE and even had a small chat with me. His Mdm is like really friendly.. and she's like a mummy who jokes around.
Seriously.. I do feel a little sad now that he's away. But well.. I have made promises to myself that I will study hard during this 2 mths and NO WAY am I gonna brood over him like how I was the other time. This silly boy even saved some HK drama series and Gossip girls into my lappy so that I will be entertained when he's away.
Thanks for everything!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Major TLC
Thursday is drawing nearer and nearer.. I'm worried for the outcome and PLEASE.. I really hope nothing serious will happen to him!!
I'm starting to like giving tuitions nowadays especially this primary 5 girl. I always feel that she is just like me when I'm at her age.. LAZY yet smart. Tuition hmws are always not done and I will always push all my hmw and spelling to my tutor for her to teach and ended up.. 2 hrs on SCH HMW and SPELLING! she scolded me more than 10 times over this and finally.. she complained to my mum which obviously.. HAVE NO EFFECT lar! But well.. I scored quite well for my exam in the end due to the fact that she didnt give up.. but the price to pay for that will be INCREASED TUITION FEE for the next yr! HAHAHA!! I really do hope to see a major difference in all her result..
OK... off I go for some online retail therapy.. sicko girl needs to have a break!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Bday surprise
I told daddy to hurry up.. with his parking.. and RUSH up! Daddy was telling me.. MUST BE A FLOWER DELIVERY LAR.. and I just give a excited SMILE!! The lift reaches the 6th level.. and the man happen to be somebody else and not Gibson.. I saw a BIG bouquet of Sunflowers which I instantly know who its from. I swear it is an embarrassing sight when I have to collect the flowers in front of daddy who said.. SEE... I TOLD U!!
Apart from the flowers.. which really made me so HAPPY... I still receive some very shocking wishes. Like.. Arthur who REMEMBERS my bday for he claims that he felt someone nagging at him to buy presents.. and then something struck his mind to wish me. HOW NICE! And.. Andre who smses me on behalf of everyone.. who isnt in Spore. Syl... who very nicely MSN me! I'm a very happy girl!
Happy Birthday to me!!
Jega Jega!!!
Sunday came.. and My dad and sis insisted to have a bday dinner with me. Daddy decided to bring me to East Ocean for dinner and since I was craving for Shark fin.. He ordered the shark fin set for me. Hehehe! I didnt manage to take any photos.. My hp is SPOILED!! I need money!!
As it was Mooncake Festival. He decided to buy lanterns for the night to celebrate this occassion. It was fun having to walk ard with those 50 cents lanterns. Alot of pple were playing with fire ard the pond.. We left with only a few candles.. so we decided to make ours too. Very lame I know.. but we were just trying to act young.. and plus the fact that he likes to play with FIRE everytime.. so I shall just let him play. It was a long walk and by the time we reached my condo, its 12am!! He gave me a big wish.. and then.. heads home. Loadza pple wish me too.. I was surprise to see like 6 msges when I woke up.. xueting, Xinyi, Edwin, Kanyi, Mel, Jun Jie, Iz, Jia Li, Tiffany, Zan Wen, My sis, My mum, My Dad and yes.. you. Thanks for all the wishes k? Totally hearts it lots!!!
So how am I celebrating my exact bday? Hm... no plans! Back to books and tuition!! Yawns!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Guitar Hero Aerosmith
So many things had happened during the weekends which I seriously don't wanna talk about it. Went town on Saturday with HIM and we both decided to splurge on Guitar Hero Aerosmith which cost us a nicely $155. It was pouring when we decided to had home by bus... and we ran under the heavy rain just to get to the bus stop. It was stupid with me trying to shelter HIM and ME and yes.. the humongous box of guitar hero.
Reached his place at about 10 plus and I couldnt wait to ROCK the house with the guitar. And being the usual ME... who always have a heart of a young baby girl.. I just stood there impatiently watching HIM fixed the guitar and reading the manual.. YAWN... typical engineering BOY!
We played till 2am and we could see stars on the tv while playing.. We were too tired to carry on but well.. I manage to create my BAND.. named FIFIMISTICA!! Its currently earning money to buy a better electric guitar!! I'm totally loving it!!
I was telling Van van on Monday about it cause she is playing it on her bf's ps3 too but hers more ZAI.. still got Mic and drum set... which I AM GOING TO GET HIM THAT TOO WITH of course.. HIS MONEY since he is going to Wallaby for 2 mths. I'm so gonna rock the house down... Hahhaa.. and start singing.. WHY DOES THE SUN GOES SHINING.. right van?? HAHAHHAHA! Legend of Rock Band 2 better come out ASAP... and please... GOD.. CHEAP PRICE TOO... I dun mind paying $300 on it.. but not anything more than that!! Alrighty.... gtg now!
Friday, September 5, 2008
how long do I have to wait..
Thursday, September 4, 2008
李圣杰- 擦肩而过
I don't know why but this song somehow hits me hard esp. the chorus!! I know i'm damn lag lar.. this song is like damn old liao.. but.. still its nice!!!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Cuppy cakes