I was glad on the first day of work to realise that heels isnt really a must at my workplace. I wore flats almost everyday on the first week of work until someone gave me a nickname of XIAO MEI MEI. That was then I realise.. being short/small in size does really make one look younger. Not many actually believe that I'm 24 yrs of age.
I was then summoned by my boss one day to meet a client. I was in a horrendous outfit since I wasn't TOLD initially. To be exact, I was in a tube dress + cardigan and a pair of pedder red ballerina flats. I felt rather wierd with the height difference compared to my colleague, boss and clients that I told myself I will start on my heels marathon very soon.
SO, this week came and I started putting on my sister's shoes since I don't really have many pairs of pretty heels. My sis is well-known for splurging moolahs on expensive shoes.. and I thought expensive shoes will be much more comfortable compared to cheaper shoes but I was SO SO SO wrong.
I wore a pair of GUESS shoe yesterday.. and it gave me 2 burst blisters and I even injured my toes by poking against other toe-nails.
I didnt give up for day 2.. as I wore a BCBG heels today which was even WORST compared to yesterday. My leg was so aching that I felt like THROWING THEM away (if not for its price-tag). It not only gave me blisters but it also caused me to lost my balance a couple of times and I felt as if I was doing the thing that ballerina always does when dancing. I tipped-toe all the way from ORCHARD to AMK!
Despite all these painful events, I'm still going to wear heels to work! It did gave me the level of confidence but well.. I think.. I really need to shop for a good pair of shoes right after the new year as I was told that buying of shoes during the CNY is not really good. *urgh*
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Hi peeps! I'm finally BLOGGING! Please pardon me for my absence! I AM REALLY BUSY! Hehe! But well... at least I'm happy at work!! :)
Anyway, chinese new year had been really awesome for ME even though I'm not going to much visitations! The reason so was because.. I'm finally being invited to the BF's family! :) AFTER 2 YEARS, I finally passed the STAGE!! So happy la! The family loves me.. I found a job.. and things are doing well!! OOO HOOO!!!
May everyone that is reading my blog... HUAT AH!
Anyway, chinese new year had been really awesome for ME even though I'm not going to much visitations! The reason so was because.. I'm finally being invited to the BF's family! :) AFTER 2 YEARS, I finally passed the STAGE!! So happy la! The family loves me.. I found a job.. and things are doing well!! OOO HOOO!!!
May everyone that is reading my blog... HUAT AH!
Friday, February 5, 2010
I'm finally getting my ass off to work.
Yeap.. you didn't hear me wrong! Yours truely is WORKING thanks to a primary school friend of mine. I'm starting work this Monday since they are very in need of help. I'm all ready for work on MONDAY! Well, I still do miss my bed actually.
Anyway, this will be the very last week of my freedom. Will be slogging all the way till I retire. Anyway, I was shock with what facebook had done. I have found most of my primary 1 friends. Though I couldn't remember much about what we have done.. but it definitely felt great knowing that everyone else had grew up to be someone successful. One had turned into Mypaper editor, majority had further their studies and some had went into events.
Here's a picture of my primary 1 class. :) YEa... that's ME!!
Anyway, this will be the very last week of my freedom. Will be slogging all the way till I retire. Anyway, I was shock with what facebook had done. I have found most of my primary 1 friends. Though I couldn't remember much about what we have done.. but it definitely felt great knowing that everyone else had grew up to be someone successful. One had turned into Mypaper editor, majority had further their studies and some had went into events.
Here's a picture of my primary 1 class. :) YEa... that's ME!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
I-weekly horoscope
While flipping through the I-Weekly mag left at baby's coffee table, I came across the I-Weekly horoscope page. I don't usually see myself reading horoscopes especially in a chinese mag.. but yesterday, I felt so bored that I tried my best to make out what my horoscope was trying to say.
What actually caught my attention for my horoscope(virgo) was that it was saying that I will be face with a CHALLENGE on THURSDAY! I was thinking what kind of challenge would they probably meant.. and got excited when I feel that it would probably meant that I will be faced with unexpected calls for job opp.
Then came 8pm, a sms arrived and I was called for an interview for a FnB co. I was contemplating hard if I should take up that job since Fashion is more to my interest.. I thought hard... and kept my mind awake till 5am in the morning.
This morning, I was being informed that I am being rejected in a fashion co which I had always wanted to work. HOW GREAT! What kinda challenge would THAT MAGAZINE mean seriously?
I feel so dejected and unmotivated now. No mood to even get myself prepared for my interview later. I think I am on the verge of giving up.
What actually caught my attention for my horoscope(virgo) was that it was saying that I will be face with a CHALLENGE on THURSDAY! I was thinking what kind of challenge would they probably meant.. and got excited when I feel that it would probably meant that I will be faced with unexpected calls for job opp.
Then came 8pm, a sms arrived and I was called for an interview for a FnB co. I was contemplating hard if I should take up that job since Fashion is more to my interest.. I thought hard... and kept my mind awake till 5am in the morning.
This morning, I was being informed that I am being rejected in a fashion co which I had always wanted to work. HOW GREAT! What kinda challenge would THAT MAGAZINE mean seriously?
I feel so dejected and unmotivated now. No mood to even get myself prepared for my interview later. I think I am on the verge of giving up.
Monday, February 1, 2010
The samples are here!!
Due to my extreme BOREDOM at home.. I went surfing around the web for lovely samples to try. WHERE ELSE in this W.W.W have better samples other than...
..... *drum roll*....

I was so bored that I went to read all the RAVES on all the products. Ok.. I admit that its not every single comments la.. but at least 2 - 5 pages of it. Then, something caught my attention. Something that says about SNORING issues.. and yeap.. that's the BREATH RIGHT product that they were talking about. I click on it and was surprise to find out that they were giving FREE BREATH RIGHT SAMPLES with FREE POSTAGE! Me being the kiasu girl(like always).. definitely won't miss this good chance to try out on the product lar.. especially when I actually do have a BF that snores (oops! I think I have leak out something!!). Well.. there's actually nothing much to hide about too.. most MAN snores especially one who studies/works too hard.. so if your man don't snores.. then that's something to worry about! So, I send them my details and shortly after that, I received an email saying that I'm being selected to get the free samples! WEE WOO WEET!
I realise that they are pretty efficient in sending their samples cause it arrive in my mailbox TODAY! I signed up on Thursday night! How I wish my shopping parcel can be delivered that fast too!

TATA!! The samples!
They gave me a total of 4 nasal strips for sample. It's a pity that I couldn't try it on myself (plus I don't SNORE since I had so much free time to sleep)! It comes in 2 different colour. They even had strips meant for children who have nose block problems. Oh man.. I simply can't wait to know if this product does really work. In order to have the best results... I will make sure the bf sleeps at 3am in the morning after a long day in sch.. Hiak Hiak Hiak!!!
Thanks Fr3b!!

I was so bored that I went to read all the RAVES on all the products. Ok.. I admit that its not every single comments la.. but at least 2 - 5 pages of it. Then, something caught my attention. Something that says about SNORING issues.. and yeap.. that's the BREATH RIGHT product that they were talking about. I click on it and was surprise to find out that they were giving FREE BREATH RIGHT SAMPLES with FREE POSTAGE! Me being the kiasu girl(like always).. definitely won't miss this good chance to try out on the product lar.. especially when I actually do have a BF that snores (oops! I think I have leak out something!!). Well.. there's actually nothing much to hide about too.. most MAN snores especially one who studies/works too hard.. so if your man don't snores.. then that's something to worry about! So, I send them my details and shortly after that, I received an email saying that I'm being selected to get the free samples! WEE WOO WEET!
I realise that they are pretty efficient in sending their samples cause it arrive in my mailbox TODAY! I signed up on Thursday night! How I wish my shopping parcel can be delivered that fast too!

They gave me a total of 4 nasal strips for sample. It's a pity that I couldn't try it on myself (plus I don't SNORE since I had so much free time to sleep)! It comes in 2 different colour. They even had strips meant for children who have nose block problems. Oh man.. I simply can't wait to know if this product does really work. In order to have the best results... I will make sure the bf sleeps at 3am in the morning after a long day in sch.. Hiak Hiak Hiak!!!
Thanks Fr3b!!
You know how funny it is when I thought back about the past and the current situation that I am in?
After graduating from POLY:
I felt glad that I'm finally over and done with IT systems in my head. A GPA of 2.9 was indeed the best thing I ever accomplished since IT isnt really what I wanna be. I felt happy and energetic that I went to look for jobs with high motivational spirits. Jobs then was flooded with MLM companies. Marketing Executives stated in the jobs website isn't really MARKETING EXECUTIVES.. and I was con to attending a few of it. Then I finally found a job in within a month doing... ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT for a Duty free import and export company. IT was as easy as a pea to find a job back then and I was lucky to find a good EMPLOYMENT agency who is willing to help. However, I chose the study path in the end.. and thus it resulted in me.. JOBLESS for 2 yrs!
After graduating from UNIVERSITY:
I feel so unmotivated now despite the fact that I'm already DONE with my STUDY path (unless money drop from sky and I can further my studies to a MASTER). I've more criteria and wants in the future job I want to get hold. Jobs available in the market are either not to my favour or they just simply don't want me. People tell me that it is NORMAL for a deg. holder to be jobless for 2-3 mths... but I seriously don't know what is the reason behind it? Why are people without a degree are getting jobs as easy as a pea? I have friends who are not done with their studies but yet got themselves a very good career! I'm totally sick and tired of slacking at home.
My routine for almost everyday is to WAKE UP - turn on the com for my job search - have my afternoon nap - read the papers/websites for any recruitment news - TV programs - SLEEP! I think I am turning into a lazy ass soon! Thank goodness that I'm not including EATING as part of my routine else I would be DARN fat! I'm glad that after a mth of staying home (which I totally DREAD).. I'm still maintaining a weight of less than 45kg! THANK GOODNESS! Trust me... I have saw a couple of people whom I know that have put on so much weight that I couldnt even recognize! Working really does make one put on weight very easily. The more stress you are... the more fat u becomes!! Heh heh heh!! Fifi's philosophy in life la! So in any time that you saw me putting on loads of weight... would also means that.. I'm TURNING INTO a STRESS WORKeR! HAHAHA!!! OK.. I'm off to clear my face mask! :)
After graduating from POLY:
I felt glad that I'm finally over and done with IT systems in my head. A GPA of 2.9 was indeed the best thing I ever accomplished since IT isnt really what I wanna be. I felt happy and energetic that I went to look for jobs with high motivational spirits. Jobs then was flooded with MLM companies. Marketing Executives stated in the jobs website isn't really MARKETING EXECUTIVES.. and I was con to attending a few of it. Then I finally found a job in within a month doing... ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT for a Duty free import and export company. IT was as easy as a pea to find a job back then and I was lucky to find a good EMPLOYMENT agency who is willing to help. However, I chose the study path in the end.. and thus it resulted in me.. JOBLESS for 2 yrs!
After graduating from UNIVERSITY:
I feel so unmotivated now despite the fact that I'm already DONE with my STUDY path (unless money drop from sky and I can further my studies to a MASTER). I've more criteria and wants in the future job I want to get hold. Jobs available in the market are either not to my favour or they just simply don't want me. People tell me that it is NORMAL for a deg. holder to be jobless for 2-3 mths... but I seriously don't know what is the reason behind it? Why are people without a degree are getting jobs as easy as a pea? I have friends who are not done with their studies but yet got themselves a very good career! I'm totally sick and tired of slacking at home.
My routine for almost everyday is to WAKE UP - turn on the com for my job search - have my afternoon nap - read the papers/websites for any recruitment news - TV programs - SLEEP! I think I am turning into a lazy ass soon! Thank goodness that I'm not including EATING as part of my routine else I would be DARN fat! I'm glad that after a mth of staying home (which I totally DREAD).. I'm still maintaining a weight of less than 45kg! THANK GOODNESS! Trust me... I have saw a couple of people whom I know that have put on so much weight that I couldnt even recognize! Working really does make one put on weight very easily. The more stress you are... the more fat u becomes!! Heh heh heh!! Fifi's philosophy in life la! So in any time that you saw me putting on loads of weight... would also means that.. I'm TURNING INTO a STRESS WORKeR! HAHAHA!!! OK.. I'm off to clear my face mask! :)
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