I'm not enjoying the slightest moment of being a Tai tai actually( I understand that I'm not fit to be one yet since there's no MOOLAHS!)even though I am spending money like water! I wore my new top today.. something which I myself thought I would never wear. I bought it at F21 on last friday when I'm out with JES again at 313! F21 at 313 totally rocks socks! My mum love my dressing for the day too.. sigh.. seems like I'm spending more effort on dressing up than finding a job! Oops!!

I bought another DRESS today.. GOODNESS MAMA!! SPend another $50 today on food and necessities! I've to be TRIFTY soon before I bombard my credit card and debit cards and ATM cards!! I NEED TO SAVE!!
I'm lucky enough though to have a dad that is pampering me still. :) Geex!
Passerby: Thanks for your advice. Well.. I might have to close my blog if I've found a job. I don't know why but I have got a feeling that I do know u.. :) Its great knowing a friend like u! :)
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