SINCE Lisa hasn't seen me for abt 4 mths OR SO!! The moment she saw she was shouting(AS USUAL) how TAN am I! I was like.. !"£$%"£$^$%$£%!! SHe's the number 4th person who claims that I'm getting tanner and WORST... she's happy that she found someone who is More ORH LULU than her! GRrr... at that moment.. I seriously had that urge to dial baby's no. to screw him up for jioing me to swim and encourage me to put on that GOLD colour suntan lotion! But thank god.. that I remained CALM!!
I thought its probably LISA who hasn't seen me for a long time thinks that I'm tan cause of the long period that I hasn't seen her... but Rachel had to ADMIT that I'm really blackie now and its better to have my FAIR BACK! *knocks HEAD* It had been probably 3 weeks since I last tan.. and instead of getting fairer.. IT GOT WORST.. HOW!!!
Though I must admit that its a reddish tan that I m having.. which is quite a healthy colour.. but I still love it when I look like a fair chinese girl while taking photos. NOW.. I look like some SARONG PARTY GIRL trying to hook ANG MOs up!
Back to the main topic, so we went to Acid bar to have a chill out session. It was my idea of course, since I'm longing to have some alcohol entered into my stomach. I thought this plan wasn't going to work cause Lisa isnt a drinker and I never seen Rachel drinks b4. BUT BUT BUT... it seems like my idea was a terrific one when they both enjoyed themselves so much that we all made it a one month one time event(reminds me of Kooichi who made it a one week one time event but FAILED!). It's really nice to have some bf time off to chill out with the girls. Just 3 in a grp will do! Oh... and I even dedicated a song for them!!
I miss these girls!!
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