My dearest buddy actually named his car after me. YEAP... MOPHEAD! It all started with him playing with my hair one day.. and he realised that I actually have a set of thick hair. I thought he was joking with me when he told me he is naming his car MOPHEAD. But look what he had done to his car. He actually BID this decal. On top of that, he even bought a tee shirt that had the word MOPHEAD on it! This silly friend of mine.. is none other than.. KERVIN GOH!
Good friends are indeed hard to find.. Buddy are even harder to get. I'm glad I found 1 soulmate who is willing to be there most of the time whenever I need someone to talk to! He is much better than a boyfriend I would say.. cause at least we don't strike a fight if there were disagreement.. and I can share almost EVERYTHING with him. With all these aspects of him.. HOW WOULD I NOT LOVE HIM DEEP DEEP! Do remember our 28 yr old promise k? Hehe!
Oh.. there's this really special ang bao this yr given by my sister. A 100 bucks VOUCHER from TAKA! WOo hoo... that's the best hong bao of the yr! ;)
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