It was fun meeting Shaye. We gossip like nobody business and just like what we use to do... WE SHOPPED for his underwear. Wahhaa! Guess I'm seriously good with the brands already.. Byford, Levis, hush puppies, CK, RENOMA and armani. Woo HOO.. u name it and I have all of it in my head.
Met up with Lisa on Tuesday. OMG.. I havent seen her for like MTHS and yes.. I miss her awesomely much! We shop ard in town AGAIN.. and I broke my promise to myself again for not spending anymore money on clothes. Thank god that I got it at a discounted price else.. I think I'll probably feel guilty the whole night. Darling was a sweetie to meet us up for dinner at Sushi Tei. Lisa and him was like bickering since the start to the end of the dinner. they 2 really made my dinner filled with happiness. Dinner ended and we both parted. Darling and I went for our last shopping spree ard town and home sweet home to catch our remainging HK drama series. The ending was abit disappointing cause I expected more.
Probably you guys should see how we actually watch HK series. I felt that it was kinda waste of electricity to watch it in this manner and a little STUPID to have 2 screen operating at the same time. Since the master didnt complain anything then I guess I shall keep my mouth shut and enjoy my show.
RMIT enrolment was on WED and I was pretty fortunate to have baby tagging along with me to sch. Pretty sad that Vanessa enrolment isnt on the same day as me.. and well well.. VAN VAN.. u know I misses u so darn muchie.. where have u been? The enrolment took me just 10 mins and off we go to Thomson plaza to have our curry chicken which freaking Neh NEH delicious. IT IS SO DELICIOUS that It always finishes whenever I made a trip there JUST FOR THE CURRY CHICKEN. IN the end, we make do with LAKSA! I'll freaking head there at 9.30am the next time I'm going!
Baby wanted to chill at my place actually but we ended up heading to his place again to ZzzzzZZZzz! Woke up at 6 and off for dinner at 7! YES.. we are 2 very fatty little piglets! ALL thanks to my dearest little Lionel Lee Yong YEE.. who is never once FULL especially when is down with a flu! I love u!
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