OK.. and so.. Baby rang me up like 10am in the morning yesterday to break out the news that he has to go for some courses. He was in a rush and so being the WORLD BESTEST GF.. I took the car and drove down to his camp ALL BY MYSELF. I was even NICER that I actually lend him the car to drive out and I nicely stayed at his room with all his brothers at home for a nice 6 hrs. I DIDNT EVEN STEP OUT OF THE ROOM.

And so.. when he got back, we went out for a nice dinner at BOTAK JONES. We chose to take away cause we wanted to have our own romantic time at my place only to find out that.. I FORGOTTEN TO BRING MY KEYS! Opps! So... we ended up having our meals at the poolside. It was my first time enjoying botak jones beside the pool.. pretty romantic except the fact that there's a black cat staring at us throughout our meal. No one was home and so we carried on with our PSP battle at my house VOID DECK for almost 2 hrs and thats when we saw an anGEL.. MY SIS!!!!!! Well... it was really a fantastic short night but a super LONG DAY! We were both so fatigue that we SLEPT at 11pm! Hahaha! But well.. it kinda bonded us even more this time with what actually happened today.

Oh.. and baby kept calling me a SILLY GF after he realise that I did not step out of his room for 6 hrs. AND he couldnt believe how I manage to hold my bladder. HAHAHA! Well.. I just dun wanna have that awkward look from his brothers lar.. WAT TO DO!!! SO.. baby.. I'm NOT UR SILLY GF ok!!!!

Oh! And I woke up early to meet up VAN VAN for our appealing session. We should be feeling sad about APPEALING for our results but we ended up laughing and having fun with writting our appeal on a bloody paper only to find out that... WE WASTED SO MUCH TIME and 9 pieces of paper cause we can actually EMAIL the coordinator. Grr! But still.. we concluded that we are both very sWAY girls. Hahaha!
Well.. we both made vows that we will work double hard for next semester and NOT PON anymore sessions. And then when I ask her if she's going for the ang mo lesson.. SHE SAID.. erm.. NO! Hahahaha! Still.. we are gonna be CLASSMATES for MAB. Haha.. please dun laugh at our STORIES ok!! We tried our best and therez a CRITERIA to appeal.. so thats why we BHB to tell them that theres an error. WE ARE FORCED TO!!!!
Ok.. Am gonna bath now to meet baby. Oooo hooo.. SEX AND THE CITY TOMORROW!!!
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