Well well... You should be glad that I'm posting a post on u Mr Sam cause I'm having a paper on Monday and yet I'm using the remaining time to blog about u! Ok! So heres the story on Princess Fifi and prince charming Sam!
It all started with him entering into our class one day to attend lesson with us cause he Chosed to study in BISHAN PARK SEC instead of some other seconday school. I didn't have any liking for him at first cause we hardly talk. He appeared to be rather aloof in class. My ah lian friend then told me one day that she finds him CUTE.. and I was like RATHER AH LIAN AT THAT TIME.. so I slap(lightly) at his face.. and said.. CUTE MEH!! SAM>.. she thinks that u're cute!!But he didnt bother abt me!
After a year of seconday 1, we proceeded to secondary 2! As days passed... I find that OMG... HE IS REALLY CUTE! He has firm muscles and a cute baby face and plus the fact that he TRAINS in gym.. this made him even cuter! We hardly talk still but 1 thing I found out about him is.. HE IS NOT SHY AND QUIET AT ALL.. and his jokes are really 100 percent funny. I started to have a mega crush on him.. and even force my friend to organise a PARTY to get us closer by having some GAMES that reguire us to be more intimate(silly idea)!! You know why silly?? One of the games required us to be stand in the newspaper which then will be cut into smaller pieces.. and then we will get to hug each other... WE DIDNT END UP HUGGING of course... we ended up.. HIAz... ME IN THE POOL because this guy here... CARRIED ME and dunk me into the pool!! Smarty Me.. drag him into the pool as well.. as so both of us .. got wet in the pool! BUT I SWEAR... I REALLY SWEAR... that was the happiest moment in my life! We took photos and then the day ended with me thinking about that moment.
1 year passed and nothing happen. He was very difficult to be contacted at that moment cause he doesnt have a hp nor a pager. All I could do was to stare at him in class and do silly actions to get his attention. He celebrated my bday with me along with other friends.. and we got our second photo taken. That was the best bday gift..
Finally we got into a deeper contact through IRC or something(cant remember).. We started talking on the phone.. and I was always as happy as a lark when my hp beeps with his home tel. We agreed on a date because he needed me to give him ideas on a bday gift. Our date started with a tour ard town and then movies! NOTHING HAPPEN even though I wished (hahaha!!).. and then we got onto a long bus ride on bus 54 and a neo print taking session to marks the end of the day! Sigh.. I wished there was 10000 hrs on that very day!!
Sigh.. but nothing happened in the end.. as he got attached with a girl by the name of CLEVER! I was sad of course.. but I still tried chasing after him till sec 4. Now.. we are still staying in contact via MSN. He changed into a rather DECENT guy... very different from the ah beng I used to know! He's seriously a very good catch.. so girls... what are u waiting for!! GO FOR HIM.. he's available! BUT.. well.. no ah lians please... I think that he have too many ah lian friends!! HAHA!
Mr Sammie... I'm really touched that u're still keeping that photo frame (which I had totally forgotten).. and like WTH... it takes u 6 yrs to find out that there is a msg behind that photo!! HAHA... how sweet!! Anyway, its really great HAVING A MEGA crush on u!! :)
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