But well.. there is still a need for some RELAXATION during this very stress period.. and thank god to my PTBF..cum bodyguard.. I manage to RELAC abit!!

I had Mahjong.. at Gab's place where I got my first Shi San YAO!! I guess its Gab's top that brought me some luck and maybe those ARMY cadets face that inspired me for my shi san yao since I'm facing them during the 3 pok.

Then it was study session with Syl, Joyce and my dearest PTBF cum bodyguard!! Haha! Thanks for everything MR kervin goh! I know I know... you have been really sweet to bring me out to try all the delicious food... and ensure I reach my DOORSTEP everytime I head out.. and never fail to pick me up even though u stay at SEMBAWANG!! *tears fall* BUT... I also do something in return okie.. I accompany u to talk cock until 4am in THE MORNING even though I should be mugging at home!!
Sigh.. I'm feeling tired.. but NOPE... Not going to sleep! Shall find the correct SPOT to study Market research!! *yawns*
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