I'm down with a flu, sore throat and a slight fever. My eyes were feeling warm and my bones are aching.. despite all that, I still went to sch. I have skip too many times and I thought I'm a superwomen.. ended up.. I WENT HOME 1 hr later after 30 mins of bus ride. I bought a 1.5 litre of mineral water to sch.. and everyone was looking at me.
I got home and I KOed right immediatly. I woke up an hr later and was feeling very drowsy but I just couldnt get myself to sleep anymore. Friends started calling in to check out how I m and I'm really so glad. I felt a tad much better after hearing someone's voice.

I didnt want to waste time doing nothing other than sleeping. I saw this book lying beside my bed and thus decided to read up on it. After reading a page or so about MOTIVATING YOUR PARTNERS.. I fell asleep once again. Its a pretty interesting book.. especially for pple like me who seriously DUN UNDERSTAND GUYS AT ALL with their super duper WIERD thoughts and behaviours. Hm.. this bk is good!
Alright.. gtg rest now! *YAWNS*
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