He did something special.. again!! Being a lovely and sweet gf of his, I had to THANK HIM over here and mark this special day over in my blog in CASE he doesnt do it anymore!! Hehehe!! Evil right?
Ok.. what happen was this. My bf had been wanting to get me a MP3 for damn long liao. His anxiety of getting me the ipod was even stronger when he entered Uni as he thinks he understands the boredom one would get when he/she is alone in the bus/mrt. To me, having an ipod isnt really a must.. but since he wants to pamper me.. I'm alright with him buying for me. As usual, he search HI n LOW for good deals and HINT me thousand and one times about the choice of colours.
He asked me a total of .. probably 100 times about the IPOD NANO GEN 4. So much so that I thought we are forgo-ing the idea of getting it already. Until Thursday, when we met up.
It was pouring CATs and DOGs that day. I was suppose to meet him after sch at his place.. but due to the weather.. my mood was dampen. I asked him to hail a cab from amk hub to pick me up.. but he rejected that suggestion. I was pissed of course.
He came down to my place tp pick me up after putting his bags down at home. I thought that was a stupid idea of course.. and reprimanded him for making me drench like a wet chicken just to save that few bucks.
We reached his place and he told me nonchalently that.. he gotten me some hello kitty glass from the bazzare. Wah liew.. I took his words cause what I saw in the red plastic bag was a box of wrapped newspapers. He even confirm with me that the lady had to wrap many many times cause its glass. VERY CUTE!!
I didnt want to open cause I thought the present must be from his mum and he doesnt likes it.. therefore pass to me. I just couldnt believe that he actually gotten me a "HELLO KITTY GLASS". He asked me if I wanna unwrapped it.. and I did.
The unwrapping process was tedious. CAUSE THERE WAS TOO MANY NEWSPAPERS! I was pissed with the unwrapping ( IPOD didnt cross my mind) and was 1cm close to ANGER.. cause I thought it was just a lame trick. There's even NOKIA n73 box in it which I thought he have won it somewhere! HAHAa.. then when i open it.. its a Agnes B paper wrapping. I was scolding KNN CCB at that time liao... until... I SAW......................
I was so happy of course.. that I happily drool at it... and left all the rubbish on the floor. YES.. thats the amount of newspaper that he had wrapped.
And.. the real reason that he had to go home first was because HE HAD TO WRAP THE NEWSPAPER to surprise me. Damn mean right? Haha... but well.. I still love him the most!! Muacks muacks!!