Hm.. so wanna know what we have done for that 5 lovely days? Alright.. shall leak out our shopping MADNESS!! Lets start on the EVE of that very first day.
We went to have our dinner at Bishan Junction 8. After our delicious KUEY CHAP, we head to different pharmacy to get the best price for our Dettol Wipes, hand sanitizers and other important neccessities. Head home at 9 plus to start packing my luggage and darling was RUSHING me so that we can head back to his place earlier to have a good rest. Upon stepping into his house, his dad summon us to have the durian he bought. It was quite a lovely sight sitting together with his family members tasting those durians. My health freak baby then made me drink PI PA GAO after all those durians before we head for bed. Guess it was my excitement that I ended up having difficulties sleeping. It was only 2am that I finally had a wink.. and within moments.... it was 5.30am! TIME TO HEAD TO THE AIRPORT!!
First day:
His dad was really sweet to wake up early that morning to send us to the airport. The flight was at 7.15.. and we made it to the airport only at 6.30am. Wanted to have our breakfast.. but we could only take away kaya bread so that baby could enjoy his smoking break b4 the flight. The flight there was great.. Jetstar gave up free Sunsilk products for trail. We were happy that the person sitting beside us was a young chap who is heading to Changmai. Darling spoke to him.. and well.. basically.. the trip there was fine!!
What a lovely sight right? The clouds were so... beautifully taken by ME!
After putting down our luggage with the concierge, we headed directly straight to baiyoke wholesale mall which is just directly opposite our hotel. We walk ard the whole area to check out the locations till 2pm and then head back to our hotel to check in. After having our bath, we headed to the MBK and other shopping malls to WARM UP!! Didnt buy much that day cause I was still not used to the change of currency used yet.
Our lovely hotel room. I was pretty disapponted with the reviews I've read at first. With those reviews abt the MRT trACK, lousy toilet and etc... I was quite RELUCTANT to stay. BUT... thank god.. it was still.. ALRIGHT!! 50 bucks a night is definitely so WORTH IT. Its so near to so many fashion mall.. and with that 50 percent buffet dinner... WHAT'S NOT!! However, one thing I don't really like abt that hotel is definitely the room lightings.. TOO BRIGHT for a romantic night. We had to off all lights just to enjoy it.
There were so many group of students dancing ard. Guess it was their talent competition and they actually resort to dancing on the street and treating those windows as mirrors for the reflections. Quite wierd.. but.. DARING!!
Our most exp meal for the trip. Fuji Japanese Restaurant... Sigh.. it cost us only 30 over dollers for alot of food!! damn fattening... but its really NICE!! Why dun they have an outlet here in Spore? They even sell their green tea in supermarket there!!
After the very heavy dinner, we decided to have a good walk. We wasn't sure where we should head to next.. thus we had our mini discussion which ended us at SUAM LUM market! We took a train there.. and omg.. it is so much easier than taking those irritating TAXIs and Tut tut! From Siam Paragon -> Salah Deng -> LUMPINI aka SUAM LUM! There was another place called HUA LONG GONG... haha.. I find it rather funny to have such road. It was our first time taking their trains.. and I swear.. it is really much cheaper cause WE WERE CHEATED BY THE TAXI DRIVER of 250 BAHT from Suam Lum to our hotel. What happen was... the lady in charge of the taxi told us it was a METER CAB... thus we board it.. only to find out from that young gangster driver that it cost us 180 baht. DArling knew that the jam there will be horrendous thus we relented and said ALRIGHT... and that's when.. he said.. he will have problem heading back home and will only make do with 300 baht.. WTF RIGHT!! 300 baht.. is too much.. so I told him off and said NO.. LET US OFF NOW.. WE WANT METER CAB and that he bluffed us initially.. and bla bla bla.. thats when he said.. OKOK... 250 baht. Darling (being the usual self) told me.. to let it go.. since we are already in his cab and there's nothing we could do and that we are at the losing end since we are foreigners. I made my last remark that he better not increase anymore price and that's when we stop the arguement. ENDED UP.. the jam wasn't really THAT BAD lor... IDIOT!! I would have rather take a train back and walk all the way back to my hotel if not for my PRETTY NAILS!!
Speaking of my pretty nails. There's this particular stall at Suan Lum that Huifang and I spotted the other time when we were there. I found this stall again... and i didnt want to wait till the next time so out of impulsion, I went to do it! Only 250 baht for hands and legs. There isnt any cleaning of cuticles. Just Shaping and painting. Damn good right?
After all the shopping, we headed back to the hotel with heineken beer and chips. Ko-ed almost immediatly after our drinks. Zzzz!!
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